South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 8, [2009] - [2011], p. 6

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AGRICULTURE TODAY APRIL, 2009 N F U, OFA on the deadstock dilemma . National Farmers Union A brain dead decision There are things some in power don‘t like people to say out loud or in heat. but it seems like it IS time (or a little blunt and straighl lurwurd talk about deadstock in Dalton McGunrty's Ontario. There was a time when the brainiacs in government, business and academia advised farmers quite strongly that they feed ground- up cattle back to cattle in the form of a pellet. They told farmers it was perfectly safe. effluent and a very good idea. Farmers and others who questioned the Wisdom of turning a gnrss eating animal into a cannibal were ridiculed. called old fashioned and no doubt called antiiprosperity too. Then of course the entirely prediclnble happened. mistakes were made, and nature showed it is always way smarter than people as Bovrne spongtform encephalopathy (BSE) entered the Canadian herd. it entered the Alllerican licrll as well. despite their pretence, but that‘s another story. Let's be clear ~ government played a fundamental and culpable role in the Increased costs assocrnted With the removal of specified risk materials (SRM) associated with 355. By not examining this practice more carefully, and in fact encouraging it. government shares a significant portion of the blame for what happened. Ari one thing that happcncd was Xiflnifiranc ......... 7 ON THE By Grant Robertson NFU board member Even if you have never owned farm livestock, if you have owned a pet you know this. For farm animals one of the most vulnerable times is when giving birth. On our fanil this year we lost two cows, an unusual nccurrence for us. due to complications from caving. lt is a fact of farming. Where is this all leading you might ask? Well the Ontario government recently removed a subsidy that was helping the deadstock industry keep its cost down to farmers. That subsidy has heen removed with anticipated large Let’s be clear increases in the cost of deadstock removal for farmers. Cow-calf farmers in a struggling beef industry will be particularly hard hit. it is anticipated that costs may rise as much as 300 per cent. Farmers have no wa to ass this l cost on to end usyers list their Wlth products like other businesses, so they Will end up bearing the entire cost of the loss of the deadstock industry subsidy This will be on top of the costs already associated with ESE that farmers played a fundamental and costs associated with the removal of specified risk materials (SRM) associated Bruce Fewer giveshack Bi Piikll h BALI-is The ltlllnh annual Bruce Power Spirit of (‘l \lllll dinner sau' iiZOlLOOO dlinzrted to two lllclttlll'll) wnnhy causes. lhc dinner is [he L'le inv‘s yearly fund- rill~L’l’ lt>r llit' Easter Stas Sllciety. Featur- ilig ll \llcni auction and live entertainment. llit' dlnllcr ‘lhls year. twice the size of prcvi. Ull\ )L‘Hn \hnWt‘d those in attendance hUW :l group of liirrelllhlr- rliszlhletl young people rcmme the "dis" from the equation. RHILL‘ Putter president and chiefcxecutivc till‘lr‘t" lt‘lini Ulrnl-lrn Hawthorne served as winter tor the evening Early in the evening hr- still] during his L’AIL'L‘I’ he has met a gietil llr'ill tll Iniptirlanl llnli lnnllentizil people. [he «or. whucxport in he rr‘x‘pr‘t‘lell Brit the (TD and he llllt‘\ ntil nt‘t‘csuu‘lly huy inln \tll‘l’l logic "still r'mllt’ across pmpir in ynllr life who trill raspecl rind imit- Ll general tcgnrll rm." in \ald. hclore Spccllit‘ully pointing ulll Port tlgm s Juli Preston. Hunover'e Nalalie Mc- Dltnflld and internrrlronal recording anlst Justin Hint-x. \thn were all on hand for the dinner. Nettrly llSUUJll)“ has been raised at Lh|.~ cicnl zrlonc SINCE its zoos inception. suit! Carol Lloyd, president and Chief executive oihcer of buster Seals Ontario. Combined with [he event Bruce Power co-ordinatcs in Toronto, $1.2 million has been raised so lur. mytill \ _... . ~ , W, L 2 4 Preston spoke of his love of the Port Elgin â€"= community. and how it was an inclusrve. sup 3, portch area. a “Growing up. I never felt I has disabled." E he said. Mchnuld talked ahoul her experiences at summer camp. something she could not have done Will'lflul the financial support from Ens» lcr Seals. . While at camp this year. she and other panicipants took part in lhe contest to de- l sign Haivjhorne‘s official Christmas card. Hawthorne insisted there was no favount- ism or prersclcctinn, but he in fact randomly selected the mini McDonald submitted, and presented her with the pinnllc rnrnrnemurnl. l mg her accomplishment at the dinner times was the featured performer of the night. following a remarkable performance by lentir Peter McCutchcoii earlier in the err-rung. Hln€\ is known hy many for his appezlrlrnre in :i recent Ontario tourism ad- vertisement, The audience was in awe of the ‘ powerlul voi coming out of Hines. who pcrfurilred fiv rigs mainly from hiscurrent album Chasing Silver. including a solid cover of Pelcr Gabnt‘lK "Solsbury Hill." Hquiomc was .su taken by Hines. and was certain everyone in attendance would be as well. he proudcd tnr everyone to receive a Hines cd of Lheir choice as they left the din net. i Si i- “ACCESSIBLE” Null [7 0 Years of Success l‘ha I l Smiths’ Apples Celebrates 1 tradition hy g Smiths‘ Apples and Farm This full. start all till| tnrl Pick some Market in Port Elg apples. chnnsc :l t'rt bzt‘ explore Fan Eu c .a ‘3 2 E i llL‘ \ rs Steve Celebrating t- hcsl i-ou people in the industry need to adapt to that new envrronment." I _ ‘ These regulations being talked about Will do little, if anything, to actually bring the costs down for farmers or the deadstock industry. Yet government is knowrngly abandoning its moral responsibility for a situation they helped to create, a situation that faces all livestock farmers whether they ever had a lick of commercial feed on their property or nor. The chance is high that someone facing unmanageable costs might make a bad decision in dealing with a dead animal. Something that would cost government much more, Just in enforcement alone you would have to expect. Where I come from, what the government is doing around deadstock removal costs is called cutting their nose off to spite their face and just dumping down costs on those who can't do anything to stop them. Conservative Ay‘iculturc critic Ernie Hardemau is once again showing leadership by (airing on this issue. Those of us who care about food. the environment and health need to give him our suppon. â€" government culpable role in the increased BSE. ! apple from his tree Tuesday The new Sept. 4 when Smiths Apples and Farm Market picks a Zestar its debut opens for business u hcrc‘ Pick Gala. Gold, these are your own Gilt Mr ll(‘\ll. Ru_ Above. Steve Smi variety Will make > .m A: 7 scasnun _ c you?“ EEâ€"vunzucl _ â€" F w_ 3 uflfl'ifl';. 5 55 56 1 UicgUyfinl : -o mag” Egg, E_=l a 39b5~135 ZAAEEigfl :-= : g ._..Li_~;, â€" .I,_,â€"O:3 e :i: LE: 55‘; ’5,,E= o, no .â€"‘ a“ §s§c2.5_z ‘3» Effigtnér ;, ~wog;m: Eu. 9.. ‘ _,,_§gh:=c2¢ EExHO>E§ UmccE '5E 71-0 E E "â€".EO"‘:~‘1_-'<= “an” :35 =56;£E*“E'§ 33E£Z¢“O ='O:Eu’4nfip Pu‘u_’u u} .- Ea u no ‘3 mains . = u can gel as assfihss QEEE‘ % , u C I: v‘ “ ‘ 0.54;» ._.,â€"v.lâ€". "’ ‘9=€E°.>o>.x.E'I-°L‘“i'§gc Sagas: EmmEaEr'QUBENUU gssaégégEEEE<§3§55~5 afikamoxniccg EEUEUEE

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