South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 8, [2009] - [2011], p. 18

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.t’P/D I BRUCE: Wind power development, need for housing. and oi stimulus money among issues for upcoming year Bruce County council returns Smith as warden its citizens nott and provides th lorry Ktaemt-t on the second ballot, tossi'ully run in; Will'an 'l'll do the best 1 tun [at the Ctrlllii’v “ -Cuunty has been a leader In I . . . t (in. he n-nnr ooucrrosnv the“:th developing poiicics that unions {or future oppnminitle 5:3;lgfif1gfi1igdvgjé “inc huh “gm “‘5 mm my My M A” 1 can "U m m sea mmmmmm‘ “Wmmmmmmmmsm [Muhammnmmnimnmmwm Saugeen Shores Mayor Mike Smith was re-elected warden of Bruce County for zoii at the Inaugural session at courtly council Thursday. in his inaugural address, Smith noted the importance of moving forward‘next year without the financial help of stimu- lus and infrastructure funding from the federal and provincial governments and relying on the cooperation With tradiâ€" tional partners such as the municipali- ties in facing new challenges. "1 lirmly believe this is not so much a threat going forward as a challenge; one that Bruce County will accept, adjust to and continue with building the commu- nity we want; Smith said. A growtng challenge is the wind energy industryand its dlvisiveness. “The question of wind energy has become loo controversial. it is splitting our communities. Too often the debate I has been framed as those in support and those opposed â€"- you must take a side because there appears to be no middle ground," said Smith. think we musr again have meaningful local input to this issue We neett to work with the provincial government so that we can achieve the objectives oi the prtmnce and satisiy the legitimate (.Utr cents ofour citizens.” he added. Smith stressed the importance of a long-term county housing straregy to meet a growing need (or aflordable houstng. He's hoping to involve other levels of government and the prIVaIP SEC‘OL There are plans to complete the Grey Bruce Line and the intersecrion at Scone in the coming year. The Warden is optimistic about enhancing the county's relationship with the two First Nations communioes in Bruce. ‘ "i believe we have an opportunity to advance that work with Chief (Ralph) Aldwenzie and Chief [RaridalD Kahgee and develop a protocol that addresses the interest oi both Bruce County and the First Nations conununitjes, because I believe we seek a common goal â€" community that addresses LhE needs of Smith edged out Kinczrrtiine Mayor ' Tuesday. July 13,2010 Murdoch Soon Dunn uMiAgency Popular ztnd outspoken MP? Bill Murdoch is Ieavtnti provincial politics at the next eletiion, "Bognor" Bill Murdut‘h. who built his political success with his populist message, has railt‘d against Queen's Park hilludur trails, the Niagara Escarpment Commission and what he views as a meddling and out- olvtouch "Toronto mentality," to name fl'u'EL‘ at his regular targets. He's wont ihe label of maverick proudly and has said he believes politicians first job is to represent those who elected them. even when conoarv to flu" party line "i ll‘tiriL l‘ve done what] could do at Queen‘s Park." Murdoch said Mondiiv at his constituency office in Owen Sound, among friends and famfly who gathered for the announcement. "i've sat as a third party, sat as opposi- tion. sat as government and even as an independent,” he said “Been asked to leave the house and left the house. Been asked to leave and didn't leave." "80 there’s not a lot or things left to do, And they know where Owen bound and l retiring at end of term (ire inrl Rriire is now." i Iuitiuch Will have SL‘l’VL’d £1 tours as MPP i'or whirl is now hriitg-LireyOtven Sound ttpun h retirement He spent 12 your: in murri rpal politics beforu thn Tho Es-veai-uiu heel farmer s it he could point out successes such {I5 Owt‘n Sound‘s courthouse, though he noted unresolved court security costs dog it, and repaw ng Hwy. 26 halhvay iU Meaford. "But when you help somebody that has a hard time getting through the bureaur rracy, which one or the biggest dotvni'alls oi donitirraty is the bureaucracy . i . i think that's the biggest accomplishment. 'iyou can actually go away saying \VE‘ did help somebody." lie mid he's in good hertiui and it was simply time lot hint iu leavt' politit‘iil other. “it comes it time. Everybody knows, they have jobs. and it comes a unit-l [lulth thtit itjustis." '1'“ still have my [arm to run, I'll still belong to the local service clubs, and PM still be outspoken. I Just won't be going to Queen's Park anymore" he said. He‘s staying (in until the Oct. 6, 201 1, election but by announcing now. he hopes it} encourage candidates to step forward to replace him, he said. "We'll Si‘i‘ n0\\‘ Tl‘lt' game begins. Who wancs tho iob? llopritilly there's some limit." Murdoch togrt‘ts the longevity of tho Niagar ' arpmenr Commission, which he t'le'\ us unnecessary," as he does the province's Grut‘nbell protections, which made tlw siniatinn "worse." lie sairl he favours protecting the escarp- them but considers both land-use pro~ tooiiun zones "itittiwlemocrattc" mainly because Int 21] pt'tiplc and governments inst their say about local developments. He also said oiien dictators are elected democratically. The premier picks the minâ€" isters, their associates and Chairs of coni- mittees, which he thirds caucus should do. He suggested people should elect candi- dates \vhn vow to do what the voters want not what the premier tells them to. He opposed former Progressive Conservative Leader inhn Tory's support for the wider unpopular funding of pri- vtrte religious ot‘huols, then suggesreri Tory needed to find a new job. He was kicked out oi caucus for it in 2008. yet Murdoch says he likes Tory. PC leader Tim Hudak, who called an hour before Murdoch made his retirement announcement official, has also felt the 3-5.0 n â€"r-., 4 ‘,_ :7 q, 5H m 5;. mog< no as game, 115 ‘<mm n N u. e .. 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