South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 8, [2009] - [2011], p. 10

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tYouth seriOus about water DON CROSBY Sttn TIIUPS rorrespondent lt‘tt VL'Jl) rlllL‘l’ the \Valkerttjn \\'tllt‘l tllxln. many restdt-nts at the cttttttttttntrv. ll do not trust tnutttt'timl drtttktng water and tn.tttt people are poorly tnl’t‘trmt-rl about where their \\r1lt'r tomes lrum, avouth group luulttl in J ~urvev. the \\t~lherlmt-areu turtrtter- rrt Clltlllgf group has, over the 11;“! war rexmnlted and collected Ililtllllldllllll ubuut lucetl i’ESl- rtr-rrrs' pcrrt‘ptions rrt WrilLt. lmt s drinking watcr. They con- tittt‘ted tttlvrtnttl intervic M held 4 utter themed movie ntght txtllt LllNthkxltlll\ :tttl interacted til‘lt rht‘ I m. rtrtttttng water villlrff tvtttet ptulefuon commit- ltL’ lllL't ttlstt t ttttdttt’ted 4 com- tttuttttt “all. will] lncnl high wit: it] Vtttdents tJtttt [unwed nn tint-r rultttx‘d .t‘rpt‘t‘H in [ht- tumlntttttl), tht- gmup also dis» 'I’tltttletj tttu ‘ltptek nt ; \un‘fly t]llt'\llttltll£lllf' l. ~l ttr-el lht' gtotth helped tItl,rllll.!I' it thnrlttfl); tdll‘i’l’ ltiir lvtr lttgh xtllttttl truth-m» .rtrrm GHW'HHHL‘ tit \\‘.tll\t¢rtnn [list-tint \vtttttdmt \t‘ltuul llg'sltlt'xtl» rre tussttrnatc .thrrrrt ttmr r“... hit! a «haulâ€"tr t.tltlEl’tI1tt Itttludltltl t-nrtth, art) \Illllulh’ \rl‘rliiiltl'mEll .tbuttt pm» it‘t tttttt. tttâ€"nttttt-ttt [Iltlte‘VNL‘S Ur cvctt ll‘t \uuttt-s ul \tnllt:ttunrtrrrrttm; uttlt‘t. the group lttuntl Atrrrrm .tll \ttttttl’ ttwpttrtdenla rc-lttwtl tly llt‘l'd llll mun- edttr r. t ttrr .ttttrut trrrttetttng drttthttg \\'Jl('f it] tltttsc \ur\'L’\Ed. l‘l‘lr Iveltru' hultlttt watt-t is a hillL‘l’ (liltlt r Iltitn lit) rmter rind l-l"t't rJt-n‘t Ltttm tvlttth is safer. llexi» tum. hr. 1 .t< tltttuglt they sltuttld tr.» .tltlt‘ ltt strongly [rust tap t\.ttur Itttt \llll. ttt yuar: filler titt- \\'.rlkerttttt \thlvl’ crists. many rltt llttl \l'c rtlt’ relytttt; till tlllllfllll’ Coffee Club for'Men Supplied photo From left are Dagna Pielaszkiewicz of the Toronto group Youth 4 Water. Kalena Metcalfe, Walkertnn: Barry Randall.Walkertnn: Taylor Reid. Walkerton' Braden Wellz. \Valkerlon: Katie Schaefier, Walkman: Ryan Jae Hung Kim. Youth 4 Water, and tecltttnlugy to make Ilte \vttler sttic but that's not source Witter protection. When we trslt people in town where their wztter t't)m€< from, espectullv the kids theysztyit comm lrrtm the mp. . ttl’ before that a water tower and lit-lure that (I water lrl‘rtlmenl Wanna, It actually comes from the ground." 'd Harry Randall one of die group's: ctiurdlrtalnrs. ‘Whttt people don't [run IS the trrtter tr. we have In spend mil- lttttts and mtllittttt of dullars clcdntttg the wntu that wt: have actual] haw PDlllllEd with our wwagc.’ One Wulkerlon resident rt'portetl ttt the survey the need lttt residents- 10 he hetll'r Editâ€" c:ttt2d on the Impact Din-hut Lhey pttt dtttvtt t|.eir drains. ur throw nut I.h« back door has (In the tltetrwutersuurccs. Those survede tdurrtrrteu ttttrgttes, E. coli, chlorine and cul- tlttrm its pnwhte Wrtlt’l‘ mtttnmt- nttnts. Landfill tunull. leaching [ruttt sturage tattlts and agricul- tural runoff were considered to be the [op three sources or these contaminants. Although residents are aware or those t-ttntamtttants, there ts little knowledge til how to deal with the issue Hippies oi Chung” one at five yuth advisory committees that make up Ripple Eflcct Ontario. It was launched in March 2009 by the United Natinns Association in Canada to engage youth tn water locused iniliutives under a ttztlittnal umbrella. "Our gruup was created as a result ttlthe Clean Water Act and gives area youth a voice for this important environmental topic which has directly affected ll'tP \Vailterwn community. and a grind part at the Western world through the Walkerton water tragedy plZDpD," said Braden Weltz, a spokesperson for the \Valkl‘rlun group. Hreljac.faunder of Ryan's Well Foundation. Ameera McIntosh, Voutlt 4 Water; Shire Btandi. Youth 4 Water: Members of the group pantct» pared in developing the Youthl Statement on Conserving and‘ Protecting Ontario Witter 7 till. eight-point declaration that highlights the vision of Ontario; youth in protecttng water as an essential resource. It was pre sented to members of the provinctal cabtnet and a copy was given to Premier Dalton McUutnty Welt7 was ctr years rtlrl when l the Walkertnn water rrtsts hit and although he wasn't affected by it directly, he recalls that a nelgltour's child was verystck. The experience helped direct ‘ his interest to the issues sur- rounding watet. “Maybe not corrsrtuusty but subconsc‘iausly I definitely thought it was tmportant, espe- cially since we are youth from l \Valkcrton and to especially get our voice out on wetter issuesi” l said Weltz. Discussing Imporuut issues of the day (top photo, L to R) Gard Becker, Brian Smith. Brian Beech, 8‘ Jim Hood. In lower photo art: Jack Riley and Bill Karclter 'ltttto Paisley firefighters retire . ‘ Two retiring members ut’ the Paisley r and District Fire Department were recog- nized lat their years of service at an Arran Elderslie council meeting last Monday. J Dave Cormack has served 38 years and ‘ Wayne Littlejnhn has been a vulumeer , firefighter for 22year5. Both were praised by council for their combined on years of service and pre- settled with gifts of appreciation by mayor Ron Oswald. t Tuesdallr AUQUE .W- ‘ If“ that new flags the its north wall. Printed with photographs from the 1900's. the flags mark Stuntfioant moments in the community’s his- tory. Tne flags display teams. businesses and spectal assets offlte town such as Part Eluin hockey, the brass band. vacationing sums Ilkel Gobletsfittwa and lGngs Bus line. i

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