_ __-‘--.-.A WALDEMAR “’1. DUFFERIN SOUTH DISTRICT mmrhcr: mud? u mluij/iil quill for tho NH! Duï¬l'i'in Cen- mimm' Lt’l'U/ll'llHHH. Mew/1611' prrimi'l)’ pining 1H'(' x'hmllmy ill Um. Ou'm li'lrmu ll‘l Mn. Marin dh‘Pliurum. Am‘cliuy ill .ll'n. Lum .llleu‘ miu‘ Mm. J. (1 SUN. llyuum'r ulllll‘ {flllll Planiagenel W.l. Mrs Anna Delaney welcomed quillers to her home Here she proudly displays the ï¬nished quill. Two hundred and lhiny years of quilting expertise is shared by L-r Dora Stephenson, Lily Skene and Stella Hutchison‘ Mrs. Bernard Brooks displaying lhe Cenlennial quill made by members ul the Prince Edward Cuunly Wov men‘s lnsliluie. Each blank was designed Ia vepremn! an hislurizal building ur scene 1n that area.