South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 1, [1869] - [1990], p. 94

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lqifiâ€" Mr. 8. Mrs. Jus. Cluley Observe 60th Anniversary A delightful hmlly dinner party ei rha Huron Rsrauranr, Parr Elgin. marked the 30m Wedding Anniversary all Mr. and Mrs. James Cluley. Pan Elgin Twenry seven guests were present. Thali son, Eric, e1 Llurliam, was Maxrar of Ceremonies luv "18 occasion Mr. George Cluley ol Porr Ellin conveyed congraru laiions. and men qranddauther Linda Cluley, sang the Lord's Prayer. The couple were presean with a coluurad television set by members oi iheir lamin Mr 'i'n.. r H inklilvx in. rh. - l ‘durl a .- snrgr-r-n \xcn' mi... l- \Iiriirln‘ lsisl ileum-“Ln inning ninn s i'l-u n&lulll"~'|.lr\ d s|llrl Mrs sllHl .\lr lurn. “x ruilpul in l n Mr I in. surmrrrr-s .ri \ir \lm Lin l-n .ll rrn.r *irlr .rnrnlrmn .\ sir ..l .-r ~rn k'llir‘ncil nrrii rln- rn \lJrliig nilnl- inn. pn‘u'illiill rillr .n r zil in; nrrlr halal . l“. .isnuv l. Min» muih um. nnrnl l\‘: rln- l .ippi nuiiill; in lirJ cl...“ - urn .i. and Mn Fred Zimmerman and Mr and Mrs. John Miller 0! Toronto. Among (he many qreerinos re carved were messages 0! congrar. ulalinns lrom Prime Minister Trudeau, Opposilion Leader Ruben Sianlield‘ Premier William Davis oi Oniarlo, Mr Robert Nnun, MP P , Mrnoss Whicher. MP and Mr Eddre Saigeni‘ M. P P Mr and Mrs Cluley were married on May 29m, 1912 a! rhe Evan gelical Parsonage, Parr Elgin by the Rev ascksr, When fEmlnlS-tlrlg a little‘ Mr. Clulev remarked (he! me day had been very war and coin. io which his wife added, "ll surst was. lhad ro wear my mum coax " ‘Tire Clulevs rarmed rdr many years in Bruce and Saugeen Town- ships, and in l954 builr a new home ar Narrh Bruce. where they resldpd unlil 1967‘ when [My moved {0 their preseni home an Brisker and Mill Siraets, Port Elain Thelr family all two sons, Ausrln al Porr Elqrn. Eric or Durham and s daughler, Reba, Mrs. How am Collins of Perl Elgin an: all well known in (hi: area There are 10 grandchildren and 8 area! waudchlldran. Mr. and Mrs. Clulay Enjoy good healrh, and are at ease in any age group Mr. Cluley is an avid hDCREY and baseball lari, having always been interesred in spans. They presently errand the Perl Elgiri Uniled Church bur lui many years were acrlvely associar red with rhe Nurrh Bruce Uniied Bremren Church. Mrs Cluley always lack an act ivc parr in community He, She has served as Presldenr oi the Norrh Bruce U. B. Ladles’ Aid arid the W.M.A., also as President oi ihe South Saueeen w I , and still retains a keen inreresi ln several hnbbles. She baked [he anniversary cake for [his occa- SlOn and [his winier added the arr ul weavan to her acrnm pl‘lshiviems A goodly number 0' rrlends called ax merr home on Monday Ol [his week [0 Wish them can lirluirr.‘ gnud heelrh and happrnes f‘r'l/ ' l local couple observe 60th wedding 'Mr and Mrs Dan Mccsrrsl, Wu? honoured gueer 3! ii lamllv din ner halt: al ills Norm Bruce Uni red Br‘ernrsn Church‘ in celebrate the occasion or me smile!" Wed ding Anniversary They were married cm December 20m, '9” by {he Rev Mr Soulh‘ al me home or me bride's par- entsl Mr. and Mrs Thomas Clu lev, nl Norm Bruce. Firry members or me family sat down no a deilcraus rurkey din her on December 13m 31 7 o - clock. The head lable was cents red with a gold and whire three- Township for many years View Mm wedding anniversary on December 20in. "dam |n Souihampien Nursin Kinny gel logallicr held Ihere. She and her husband We! reLipitnts nr girls (rum risen lami Wedding Anniversary Mr Jud Mn Dim Mr(.irrl-| L'hrdlcd min sun mm mm] . .L .irniu'run. quiulll uni. inn Imilll r lin anullmmplllii Nlrrslnn Hr-lru \urlil:i_‘., in. in l‘i‘h In“ llu Ell lll, rrnrs .r n IllllllrL’n ? Barnax. Daisy Rebecca- Oii May It), l99l ul Saugeun \Iumorial Snuihampmli. Daisy ,- mr Ufilm \un .and ncphcws Prcdcccascd lilr. arrl- riiArril-il .rr \rlrlh llrrlr imrcd waddan r‘nhn ilnnkee wiin candles and red roses ‘ The dlning room was KaSlelllllV ilecoraied Wilh wedding bells. summers and Chrislmiis duL‘ur» alluns Following me dinner. Open House was held er rhc church] where irienris and neighbours were re‘ calved, Mr. and Mrs. McCarrel have seven children, ninelzen grandchildren and seven Qrcal'irandchilflren. Relrarives were present lram London, Walerluo, Fergus. Pori Elqin and surroundini area. Sui-seen arrel. well known residents _ Mr. Md Mrs‘ D“ Mcc honoured on (he owuion 01 their Mrs. McCan‘el is 3 Home and was able ID enjoy s c the / ’f 7 4 " «1* r -r Mail. Mrs mil Chzippcll .riill lal.ii1\\. Mrs ,luhll FL lull, rr...l...l in l'llrl Izlullirir 3Jdir. Mix Slllslll \iriilli lil ( alhiim .rnrl l-lxis. Mrs inln. aim-s ni liiilllliil Iiillliirl mrrnn‘lwp , nnri ll-nr mi 4 .mnnr- .ll Sauuccn lwp. liiL-w .Hr‘ \m‘rnluuii Winn. lliililr n rm: is grl'ui urilrrdLliil .l r. lhe Hospllal, Rchccca Barnes of Pan Elgin iri llL‘r 90m Duar \iil’c ml Fred Hanna. d by several nichx hr rd broihers Ray and How Pollock Mrs Barnes was a naich ul‘ Saugecn Township bur spent mini or her life in Pori Elgin . \vhurc Khe was an operaior for ill: 4 Bruce \1Jl1lLIpal Telephone ‘ \‘jxsicm She was a member (if Si. John's Anglican Church and lhc , , (Junin srslrn Club Funeral \c'r Mr. and )In. Haney Reid celebrated their Sllih mdd \Mg MR Md Ma) mm {mm W anniwrsarw on February 23- 1991' “11" a limousine Ti xi Kcnl \lilim Funeral Home. supper and a part» at the Perl Elixin Lr‘giun. Ma F, ,, Elm ,"l, BMHJD James ' 'n ' - u \sarlrn Oll slullm lrllcrmcrll wax manb ‘0 mu” farm” for a mfim m remfimmr :il, Sanciuarl l‘all. Pn’i Elgin. ‘ .\lcm .al ‘Ll'llllP 1U ill: Sriizgmin \rls'l'n rim ilmplrnl mid be spprr. r

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