South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 1, [1869] - [1990], p. 79

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‘ ‘ANNIE E.wArioit0P Passes In Sauoéen Memorial Hmong; , Annie Elinbeth Wardrap, the ‘ limiter Annie Schwiss. widow of d'lh lite Illiglcolm Wardrop paged away In the Saupeen Mem- orial HospitaL Southampton on January zettr, 1972. ,l .t She was born on tho 2nd Cén. of Sauoeen Township in 1890, q the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. .lmb Schwass. In March 1926, she married Mal- colrnWardrop and they farmed on the 4th Concession of Saue- eenTownship for 19 years, be rare retiring to Port Elgin, 23 years ago. ~ A lifelong member of the form- er Evangelical United Brethren, Church, she recently attended the Port Elgin Baptlst Church. Left to mourn her passmg are one daughter, Kathleen, Mrs Lloyd Theda of Port Elgin and three grandchildren; three bro- thers. Henry of Walkertun, Ezra of Shakespeare and Arthur oi Sauaeen Township; a sister, Sarah, Mrs. William Osborne of Port Elgin. She was predeceased by one brother, Daniel, of Pais- ley. Memorial Rrvice was conducted by Rev, A. c. Hill of the Port Elain Baptist Church on Monday, January 31 st, 19721rom the Davey Funeral Chapel. Inter- ment was in Sanctuary Park, Port Elgin. LIFETIME RESIDENT, MRS. WILLIéfi/lthTHCMAS ses in her year . firm 7W. 9.93:4 Mrs, William Thomas, the tormer Pansy Gibbons, passed away in Saugaen Memorial Hospital, Soutrlr 1 ampton, on May 13th, I972. A daughter of George and the late Fannie Gibbons, she was a lifetime resident of Port Elgln. She had'l‘ieen ill tor the last eight months. 7 Surviving are her husband; two sons, Victor and Douglas of Port Elgin; two daughters, Gayle, Mrs. Flay Morrell or Walkerton and Nancy Lee at home. a brother, Harry of Wiartonavrd a sister, Dorothy, Mrs. Frank Low. Sauble Beach. Six grandchildren also survive, Mrs. Thomas attended the United Church and also was a member of the Royal Canadian Ladies Auxiliary She was mars tied in Port Elgin in 1931 Mrs. Thomas had a long associ man with the business ME or Port Elgin, and will long be re- membered for her kindness and personal attention extended to all who needed her help in any way. Funeral Services were conducted erm the Davey Funeral Chapel on Tuesday, May isth, i972 by the Flew. Ross OJl'Tlrtlirlg Pails bearers were Jack Bell, Ron Andrews, Arthur Dadswell,_ Dave Chappell and Rod Avts lntermerit was In Sanctuary Park. Wmmwrmwmmuwumwue» ate-ts» «one! OBITUARIES ANDREW B.‘MUIR r- «teats» mmkut-Sv: «some» maan «one» «one»: «or. Directors for 25 years. Mr, Muir was also a charter member 0‘ A well known and highlll respect- the Brtfce Central Credit Union r ed former resident of th.-. area, Andrew E. Muir, passed away at Bruoelea Haven . Waikerton on , Saturday, February 23rd, 1974 aged 91 years. He was born on Lot 3, Cone. 12 in Bruce Township on August 25m, 1332, the youngest child of the late William Muir and Sarah vath Muir. He assisted his parents farming until they retired late in 1907. when he Went to British Colum- bis, and later to Montana. r,’ in December 1915, he returned to Port Elgln to take care of his aged parents icir the remainder of their lives. in 1924 he was married to Mrs. Belle Mcivor Morrow, and in ‘ March 1925 he purchased his brother Jas. BMuir's farm on Concession 4, Saugeen Town- ship, where they lived until re- tiring to Port Elgin in 1947. He was interested in community aliairs, haulng been a School Trr ustee for 16 years, and a mem- ber of Saugeen Council for 5 years. He was a member of the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Board fur15 years, and the Port Elgin (Io-Operative Board of MRS. DUNCAN CAMPBELL A resident of Port Elgln for the past tuctltyJour years. Mrs. Duncan Campbell passed away in Saugcun Memorial Hospital. Sniithamplon on Jul, zctir, mu following all illrrcss at several mantlrt. strc itas in hchan year. Bum in Stdcrriiirm Township. Mrs, tanipbtll was the Former Nellie Reoch. and crime with her HENRY ivris Mrnnre (Bakel‘r Henry. beloved vvite at lhe lala Clillard Henry (ti Durham and daughter ol the lale Mr and Mrs John Rahe' ul Inc l-ouilh oi Saugeen passed away ln the Owen Sounc General and Mallne Hospllal or rnursaav. March elh 1979 in he: tuvanrvsacand year she was predeceased by he: ltly amine: Verne Halter stir living are IWO daughters Mrs Juvce Guldsmllll at Dulham and Mrs June Gllson ol oeurgelcwn. ail: Ilve qranddaughlers Irie illrll‘lai luUK place Mar :ll rilrr iror'l inc \icCullann FrinerathaDElIn Durham - prcilct' parcnts the late Mr. and Mrs Ias, Rcuclr to reside in Saugccn Township ii an early age. In WIS she was nrirr-iud Iu Duncan E. (ampbcll and llisy trrrrrcd ii. Suugcer. Tle. until retiringrrri-rmr 'rirriqsz. Mrs, Campbell was a rllrtnihe‘r ui'Pun Eluirr United Church. the u, L‘ w rirdihc Pun Elgrnwrrmen's Institute. Sur\l\lng are three daughters. Militlicl. Mrs Delbert wrisan. Riplcy: Gladys, Mrs ltuucrt WL‘ngt‘t. Liatuwci and Anne Mrs l-irrrrr Schiidrbm. Purl Elgrrr. iwt-rnvrirrcc grandthildrun and sit grcnlsgrundt‘hildren. Also srrnrv. i g arr: three brothers, Robcn at Michigan. Jatl of snnunrluon, sash.Artirurnlsaugecrrrrrrrnsnip and a tisier, Effie. Mrs ccnrgc Sulhcrlulitl .rr Riplcr, She was lit-d h) htl husband. 3 Kenneth, .l bmlht‘r Jarrrm M‘fl ‘L‘ »7 and a sister, Jean, Mrs. Norman Mallarrv. Funeral service was held from the w. Kent Milrny Funeral Home. Pun Elgin. conducted in Rev, I'ettr W'aifurd«DaVis. on July glint, Palibcarcrs wcre Allan Reoth. Lisiouel, Bill Reach, Alert Heard. erhard Fcntun and Russell Smith, iii nll‘orl E|_ rind Wally Pollock nleplcy. irrtt-rrnarri ms in sirncitrary I’ul'lt. Pnrr Elgin MORFIOW V Mr lvur William Morrow passer: away ln his 63rd year, on Fecruary27 In, rare, M» Morrow was born ln Arran Township He became a member or ourcomrrunrry .n i970, whcn he irrsi mover! lo Porl Elgin and onened his slore. Morrbw's, on ma rr-airsiraer Mr Morrow was alsoa member or the Perl Elgirl United Cnurcn He was predeceased by hls lather, Wllllarrl Morrow and malhel,Belle Mclvor M Morrow is aurvrved by his beloved wile Audrey Klrbv, three sons erlram 0! Georgetown nuberi or Aurora Ronald Di rdron Ioanalr‘reegranflchlldren. Public lurrerai scrvrces were held at ine w Kenl Mllluy Funeral Home wrin nev Peter Wal‘cid Davrs alricrarrnd Temporary rn Ierl’rterli look class at the Son cluary Park Cemete'lr and was'Arsessor of Saugeen Township for 14 years and Tax Collector for 10 years. He was a‘member oi the Port El- 'gin United Church. and had served as a member oi Session feminine years. His wile predeceased him in ' August 1966 and he continued to reside In Port Eluln until Oct- ober 1569 when he went ‘0 Br- ucelea Haven in Walkerton. Mr. Muir was predeceased by three brothers and tour sisters. He is survived by one daughter, Isabel. Mrs. Peter Merklinaer of Kitchener and one stepson Ivor Morrow of Port Elgin.‘Also sur- Vlvirig are three step grandsons and one step great glanddaugh- tar. Funeral services were conduct- aa Item the w. Kent Milroy Funeral Chapel, Port Elain, on Tuesday, February 26th by Rev. Ross Cumming. Pallbearers were Messrs. Jim Mc- Gillivray, Kent Lamont, Wlllis Spencer, Allan McKenzie, Austs in Clulev and William Kali. Interment took place ln Sanct» uary Park, Port Elgin. Annetla Ruthven Jamieson r 2‘? 76 Annciia Jamlesun, 71, or Furl Elglii dicd ln the County of Bruce Hospital, Walkerltln UH Wed- nesdav April 25Ih, diicr a lengthy illiit-ss. Mrs. Janllelrilli “us burn in Elderslir~ inilnshrp. .rnrl ninrrrcd Gut-rue Milfixiii inillit-strrl ilil Dctcmhur 12‘. W30. lll Rtgrna sistditlrtnarr Slrt- .iiicnduil lill’ PU’I Elgiir Unith ('llurt‘ll ulld .ius .r ll't'nlht'rirl llIL’ sirrrrlr barman wrinrt-nt lrrtrrriir.» .rm'. rlrt- Urruutl (‘lrurch Wrrnrur- sh.» l\ rrrirlr-u-dsrrl hl liil' purcrris Mr .lrllr .’\ll\ IlJull lirhilllll‘t.‘ .irrri ll; Iiusilriittt (It'llqu Millinll i..lIIIl\llIl Sullllln: ix lllll. \rvn tii-rtli-rl. Rim Pilll i,iulll lm- rI.ruulrl.-n rcsldcrrt for the past-nine gears tht: A.R,Goudic Eventide H4 passed away at the Kitcheq e Wnrcriuc Hospital on Friday. M ' 23m, 1975. She was ao.‘ Corr, 4. Saugcen. She attended 5.5.5. and upon graduation from High School in Purl Elgin attended Model School ln Mcafnrd. tie-chin for J years in South Grey. Following graduation from Nul'n'i l‘" . went to Toronto and was a stir ' member at the Chas. G. Fra's‘ Public School for 35 years. During. this time she was also very active in the illt-iiibership ui Knox Presby- r ‘ rerlnn Church and upon movingt "’ Port Elgin to live. received 4! citation from Knox Church appreciation at her valued mntr huiion lo the work oi the congregation, While resident ill Fort Elgi Miss Clark took :i keen interest in community affairs and ably fulfilled the many requests she: received for r, lrcr services. Among other things. *‘ - she will be remembered For her gift tn the lawn or decorative Centenn- - inl lights across rlrc main street, ‘ Funeral service was conducted ill thL‘ Rnlz<BecIitcl Funcrli Home. l Kitchener on Monday. May Jlsl. . l'oiimred by committal in Sanctuary ‘ Park Chapel, Port Elgiir. conducted , by Rev. R D.M:icDori:iId, Tolrilie i Mcniorial Prcsbyicrian Church r where Miss Clark was :l member. The large attendance attcsiad to the cslccm in which she was held. V She llas the last surviving member uI lit-r immediate family, being predeceased by Iwn sisters and 1 four brothers. Surlriviiig are scvarui mains in Grey County and ir twists and nephews, resident in the U.S./\, I J . l Margaret, Mrs. Keith Murraii of : biucvale and Luis, Mrs. Russell chulc oi Rim Paisley. and two i sislcrs Hatri. Mrs, Glenn Shaver ‘ ut Lus Angoles. Caliiuriiia and i Mlilnn tit-lit. Mrs. Gilhcrl Kerley .ri sirilr cirrcni. SJsknlrllcnalI. Til: l‘urrcral serl‘lcc inux placu trrr Fl'liirn Aillli Milli. 2 pJ’ll. M “W W Kclll Muiriw Fulll‘lali IItrmt‘. Purl Elem. llcr Perm wilrrrir. Dalts tnmiutlt-l lilL' \L‘l‘lIlL‘ llIliI burial in sin-ruin Purl. Critic- li.'|l l'tll'l le‘llI. Ptrlllltnrtls \tt’l’t' Ruwtii Ell). Bill» \‘Vrlblln. Ait'\ Llnlitul, it'd llalisilmt’, Hirri Srliiltlriltll irrrl Hul‘illd Sulilcliuld Tili‘ I'lim‘t‘rr \Vlii .\ilt‘\ VirilJt‘ ind Bill lll‘lliff't lit-rt- .lliil Cllt/IL‘. ll iii-.illi ll).

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