South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 1, [1869] - [1990], p. 73

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srArrgtpiAlrrlls wrNs » ourrN’s PLATE rwo YEARS RUNNING; ‘ fiftflenniol Horrorifor Porl Whe Royal Chooolare, born and raised at Stalford Farms‘ at the edge ol town on the 5th of San» geen won the Queen's Plate last year, we thought many times how rllCE it would have been to happen a year later, ln the Port Elgin Centennial Year or 1974. , Little did we think ll could occur again. Amber Herod, also , born and rarsed nere did just that by winning the 115m runnlng of thl's classrc racel Both cults are by our stallion Amber Morn, Royal Chocolate, now a fourryear-old, is out ol rur good mare Rocket Shot. while the Tlm Tarn mare, Rov- al Herod, produced rhis year's winner, Amber Herod, Jur farnlly were very honored to meet Queen Ellzaberh, The \ Queen Mother, when she pre- senred the Trophy on Saturdav allernoon.We recalled how el‘ aled we were las! year when Her Maiesty Queen Ell'zabetn 7, M) Prlncc Philhp were at Wood ine to make the presentation Mclnlao, Ellery Georg. Mlller on December 6.1986 at the Sauueen Mamorlal Hospltal. Southampton. Ellery George Miller Molnlee ol For! Elglrr rn ms BEIh year Beloved husband 0| Pearl Vlolet Ines MucLaan]. Dear lather ol‘ sons 5. Jamos Gray ol Sooke. B c and Thoma: Ellery Mclnlee ol Mlsslssauoa. Mr Mclnlse ls also survived by slslers Mrs Ora Summon ol Port Elgln. M's Ardella Gowanlnck of Saugeen Townshlp, and Mrs. Pansy Henry DlL ncolrr Park, Mlcnlgan Born on Ju- ly 5, 1898 In Saugeen Townsnlp, ha was a son l0 lhe late George Thomas Mclnlae and the late Bar- bare Klalnschruln Mr Mclnles was a 'llacnlnlsl by trans He was a mamzer ul lhe Ang‘lcan Churoll and the Royal Canadian Lagrorr He served wlln the Royal Flymg Corp durlng rre wa' Funeral servlces were held December 9 from Um W Kent Mllluy Funeral Home. Poll Elgln wllhlhe Flay Wm Cook Dlllclalrng Pallbearers were Glen Kalrl Don Fowler, Mac Slewarl, Leo Srraus, Deter Branl’llck and Gowns Morgan Inter- menl wlll be a! Sanctuary , Park, Porl E‘Qll‘ l,,, ,, _M.,,,\,\.,L ,,,,, mm, ,,,,,,,_‘,.,,.,l ,N,, r.,,,,, l-ln w. rm Wannur H. rum l'l ., tr." Nut Mn- N, ,.,,..,. gunglulllowllllxl ttmlmu mm m ltl lllL-ll .mrrrrt ..r tn.» rmrr ‘lrrntrl Mr lllrr _' thrrr rlrrrmd ltl~ r u.“ Llllrllu W,llt‘ll_ ., \n., m, nun r s It, rm mt MI |J|l rmrw ll .r M rm r“rm”FIN,un “I”... H, Ml ,rnl \rrrm'n ..l \er .nsr, ll llnt ,l Alllntllllllllll rm. llrrll» ‘l', murmur; b S l l l by Florence Stafjura ob tu ry CLAZIE Ma/gilaz Clazre passed away Frlday. September rs. al Sauguan Memurlal Hosprrar, Saulhamplon. She was In her BBlh year She was born on L01 H, Concession 5. Seugeen Township. on the larm taken lrorn the Crown by granolalher. Jonrl Clazle. It is presently occupled by her nephew. John Clalis. She was Il’lE last Survivlng member or lhe lamin 0! James Clazie and Mary Ellzabetrr Leader and was predeceased by slsters. Pearl, Mrs. Nelson Rlbey. and Martha. Mrs, Dave Mar:- Donald; and brothers. Jack. Ed, Gram ind Jlm. She ls survlved by slsters-ln-law Mrs, Jack Clazle, Wlndsnr; Mrst Ed Clazla, PIncher Creek, Alberta: Mrs, Grant Glazle. Pon Elgln, and Mrs. James Clazla. Hudson _Helghls‘ Quebec. as wrrll as nlaces and nephews Mlss Clazle recalved her earlé education at 5.5. Not Saugaan and Port Elql High School, belore enter lng nurse's tralnlng al Toronto. Sun was a member or the 1923 graduallng class 0| 'l’oronlu Wesmrn Hospital and nursed for many years In roronrd She always look great prlda In her pmlesalon. ln recent months Mlss Clazla had been resldlng In Soulhamp- Ion Funeral servlces were Com ducwd by Reverend Hull- Ingsworln lrom the Kent Milmy Funeral Chapel on Monday, Saptamnar 22. In orrnant was m Prospect Cemetery. Toronto. Pallbearers were Jack Fllbev. Jack Underwood, Charles Kelly. Jlm Clazla, David MacDonald and Roberl Wl‘lgl‘ll. She wlll be remembered allacllonataly ror her sense ol humour.

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