South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 1, [1869] - [1990], p. 72

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Momma. . James J. Currie CURRIE: James J. kneuu native or gauge”, ship. James John Currie 3W3." at Gateway Haven. Wiar. ton, Ian Apr. mi“ 1975’ Following a heart seizure sul. feted tllrcr: weslis previous. He was it! his 78th my. M" CW5: Was a sun or the IatC‘DunaId and Sarah lRossi Currie and was engaged in arming Ill SnugEt" TOWD‘h; unlit moving in p0 1937 Where he w Stevens-Henna, his retirement. I" ‘95” he was married to tho hum" M"lnrlc Leggott, wt", predeceased him in 1929. its attended the United Church. Mr. Currie lived in Smith- “mPtun for [our years. and Eva \E McEWING. Lt Col. John Lt Col John McEwlhg. USAF lFtaI‘d). ' died in Spokane, Washington. September 20. 1980 In his 74th year Ho was the youngest son at the late James and Janet (Sutherland) McEwlng He was predeceased by his wile, the tormer Belle Molntyra in tees and a brother. James, in January 1980. Surviving are a sister Margaret, London, lhreo brothers Daniel. Bruce Township. Andrew Port Elgln, Archie, tendon. and several nleCES and nephews Funeral services were held September :3. i960 erm the w Kent Mllroy FunerJl Homo Port Etgin. nuv Dougias Black Knox Presbyterian Cnucn, Trvarlon. oi liclallnu immediately rolinwinn service ti‘ ma rhorrsi, as the orocossinn tort Plrror James MacGritivray nl 'anrmt.‘ p‘Ayerl The Lord Is My Shepherd and Amazing Grace The cortaoo to Sanci..ary Pa'k C»rrroiary escorlcd by members :i' tho Port Eigiri Lou‘m‘t Pas eahd tna casknt. ZHDEJ thh lht: Canad an and Amarrcan ilaos was corner: by nephews wayha aria Dougras Town» P rt Elgirl in as employed iii Co. Ltd. until avdS M’Fwni). Alon Maconuoatr Harold Suitrurlrtiid ohm-ii MacGi av :rrid :rltvwr Methl‘lvrav Earl-m ng romnrn « marl thrr lal the Cellti. ‘1le in“ yr by Warns M rvrng .rriil Lamahr grid: t.- D\ P MatGlllvrdt H wasicmcd Pips le'ld In a ililril "r-It’lf'tl \itlrh” (tr iron Prim . Ilia Wu“. J Mgbu r tinrgrnas helJTiiesqa, morning A we, .r..r .. NW “3 hr»: 'Nljrifllilgr‘r .rsi .1. ., u, ri (\lgllil rr a, has, swam“, McCLILLDCH. ROBERT A iE-rtl' 7. rr min December fllrlueizgrla Pjiklarii‘l Manor atrium tirraris 'JDu" a ,Eui’ mail m-hquosojd Tame;ij r 'l "hrsithmi no l. s ’lrr ‘ sauon rs .snry i.-..r rra‘nc ‘Jib‘i‘ eight rirsal :J‘t‘. illilrrj‘ it‘d lrii‘ r‘rrrrrurs Ar,‘ .l non E‘:iri .r< l. a 1i Ma'hdale he 3 by l’i t Arie .i. it are s-sier Fuite'd set an Saturoa. hr at Flinn». hr. . rui: ictih Ouch Alberâ€" nac v LL Lil lied passed â€" .2 well llrc w Kn," Htirrru. Stanley Goritlc alficlaling Dtlugall. James l.- Leroy LL‘ggL'll Prltciianl. Park Conlclcn'. years ago became a resident 0 Gateway Haven, Wirirton. wherel he made many friends. Surviving is a sitar Elizabeth [BL-55). Mrs. Angus MacDonald :I‘ Southampton. He was pm- ct'cascd b\ a sis r hriilllcr llrrss. (er. Anne and Funrral service was held on rut-stray. Ant-ll son, 1975 from Milrot’ Funeral Perl ElglII. with Rev. r Pallbearers were Alex Mat:- McEwing. Rab- Kcnneth Kelly. and Howard rr Tinnitus. lnrurrncnt was in Sanctuary Poi-i [Sigh M" II ruder Funeral services were held Sept. 5 tot Saugaen township native, Alexander R. Brurilon, who passed away Sept. 2 at Saiigean Memorial Hospital He was 54. Mr. Btunton, who tarmad all his his in this area, was born May 2|, ‘927. He attended lhe Presbyterian Church. He is survived by Ethelwyr‘r Sums" and ‘pl sun Jellry. ThlsE sisters also survive Mario i'Mrs. Dun Seamani ct Pol‘l Elijrrt, Eva [Mrs Bill Bldkelyloi Lalon Fla. and Beulah iMrs crili MLllrolOl Til/anon Th0 tuners! service waG con- nuciod by Has Null McCcimDIfi at the W Keri! Mllroy Funeral Chapel intern-rant was at Int) Sanctuary Parv ComPtaty. Port Elnin Pallbearers were Air; Lamont, Jlm Clnzta, Keri McLean. Jack McAnqus, Br‘l Dunlap and Dori Su'herland Fiowerbeii’ars we'E Ll. ~ Girl! and Mark Seari'iari, Murray and Larry Munroe and has.” and Gig" Elu'lliirn H er. Viola WIIiIhI: Funeral sgwices were held July 26. 1982 item the W, Kent Mlltoy Funeral Home In Port Elgln lor Viola Willina Holtz oi Purl Elgln Mrs Hallz died on July 2:]. ram. at the Saugaan Memorial HOSDIlEl. Soulhamplen She was in her 56th year at the time ordeatn she was the daughter or the law Mi and Mrs George M:Ittr lee Shv was predeceased by her husband, Ermo Surviving are a sch Emerson OI Port Elgin, daughters Mrs Marielle neutron el Ouoonaviiia. ar‘d Mrs Eye yt'l Elel’eil at Port Elgih, l2 gran dchitorbn, 16 great orardcmidisn, a brother Ellery Mclnres 0‘ Port Etgrh, and sisters Mrs Pansy Heanl'y nl Wyanoatte Michigan Mrs Ar» ueiia Garvenlnflr. Mrs Matgarel Scan. and Mrs Ora Slimpton. all otporrEIgin Funeral services were co tiutlorl bv the Rev Nell m. Cnmrru F'ailtit‘amrs at We Set» vrtt‘ were Ma: F<oli>n Don 3 PL ierr Fred Slel‘erl 5:131 Rel} Sch Kevin Recdo" and Michael Der more Fionerbearsts were 9‘: i3. canon an ce Dar Pro-a his HA ri. anti flair: hiell‘ir‘ irrarwni has at :arictudiy *art PrivlFi’ “ 'p a r ,, CLULEY, Malildo Lou Funeral services were conducted liDm the Milroy Funeral chapel, Port Elgin. on November 25 tor Matilda Louise Clulay oi Port Elgin who passed away on November 22. 1962 at the Saugeen Memorial Hospital. ShE was 9‘ at the time 0' death Born in the Township or Bruce on March 22. [891. she was the daughler ol the late William Christmann and the lormer Philpena Durst. Sh! is survived Dy her hus- band, James. sons Austin ol Port Elgin and Eric oi Durham. and a daughter Reba (Mrs, Howard Collins). She was predeceased by brothers Henry and Arthur, and by sisters Mlllia isalliari). Katherine (Scott) and Melinda (Kolbiv Mle. Cluley was a member at the United Church, and a Illa member or the South saugaan W I. Funeral sarvicss.wera cal» ductau by the Rev, Jim neat.“ Pall bearers were Wayne Col- lins. Don Sutherland, Garry Cluiav, Lindsay Busch, Ernie Cluioy and Steven Paul. interment was at sanctuary Park, Fort Elglri WEBB Mr. Walter 5. Watt. BE, son or the late George 5. Webb and Christine Sutherland. passed away in the Calgary General Hospital. September 17m. 1982, He was predeceased by his wlie Winnllred Johnston In toeo. as well as a sister, Margaret (Mrs. Hugh MaoKeri- zlui. Port Eiglh, Ontario, and a brother Arthur Webb 01 Pontiac. Michigan. He is survlved by two sisters, Hazel, (Mrs. AW. Tye) and Nellie (Mrs. J. Ross Gear) both OI Chilham, Ontario, I niece Jean. (Mrs. Murdo Macfiltohiel oi Klrllaralne. Ona (alto, two nieces and a nephew In Michigan. Mr. Webb spent 52 years leaching school In Alberta. 47 0' them in Calgary. Services took place In Calgary at the Leyden Chapel at Remembrance Tuesday, Sep- tsmbar 2ist with the Rev A. orlrciotlng with Intel- View 2ND: Everett Morrison Cremation iollowad men! In Mountain Cemetery. Calgary How .,Arttlur any, Funeral serr vices were held rrorn the Milroy Funeral Chapai Porv E!qln, on May 24 ror Arthur Roy Howe oi Dori Ergin. who passEd away at Uta O'Jaefl sound General and Marine HOSDlIal on May 21, 1952 He was 75 at the lime or death anrn on November in. race in SaquPn Township ho was We SQ" Ol [he laIE William HC-Ve and View .Jai'ta Goodman we was :i larl'ier in Saugseh Township ior moat oi his Ille ha‘rrre moving to Parr Elgiri He is sur-rrvur: by his wile the tar met Marguerite Sirdlners. sons arranoiarr-rsh Cniunrora Lynr or Bill 5h :lumbia Michael oi Or-reri Snap: «an or ant Elgin, a to F .r . igrn :airghters Ka'brui as and Mary H - "‘Efilr at Port pa-i d b. Sam gas were ode ‘ mm- TURNEULL. Rnhorl Blllty: Funeral services were held trom (ha Mllroy Funeral Chapel. Port ‘ Elgin. on November 4th, tor Robert Bully Turnbull. at Pnrt ' Elgin, who passed away at . Saugeen Memorial Hospital on November 1, 1982. ‘ Mr. Turnbull was In Me 76m 1 year at the time at death. Born In Wallace Township, Penn County. on November 15. 1905, he was the son ml the late Jamss Turnbull and the larmer Florence Realty. He is survived by his wile. ida May (Tanner), daughters. Batty Lamont 0! Don Mllls. Rulh (Mrs, Harold) Brough oi Amherstburg, and Claire (Mrs. John) Darrech oi Ayimer: brother Louis Turn- bult at Port Elgin: elaters Mrs Hlidred Nelson at Hanover and Mrs Cora McDonald nl â€"â€"~_ Lucknow. and SIX grandchildren. Mr. Turnbull lirrned ll| Bruce and saugean Townshlbsr lor many years belore retiring to Port Etgin in 197:) He trained race horses lot a hobby as well as enlqying lawn bawllng ,i Funeral services were con- ‘v'ducteu by the Hay. Gordon Williams Fall bearers were John ._ MacDarmId, Bill Tanner, Dunsld MaoDermid, Clem Galbraith, gal” McDonald. and John Turn- U l. Flower bearers were his srx grandchildren. Interment was at Sanctuary Park, Fort Elaln, KISSAcmF Marieâ€"5r Chusisy passed away at Untvei slty Hospital, London, alter a lengthy illness Saturday November 20th, 1932 Survived by her husband Charles, one daughter. Mona ers Kenneth McLean ot the sixth concession ol Bruce Township]. two grandchildren. Christane. a student at a London university. Bruce and wile Mary Lynn oi Underwood. Also survived by sister Mary (Mrs. Laurie Liarso at Cheslay). brothers. Norman Schlldmlh at Port Elan,‘ Wm Schlldroth cl Sangeeh Township and George Schlidroth or H R King. Ontario Pradecsasea by brothers Louis and Clarence, and an iniant son Annie and her husband Charles Krssacli lived on rzrn concession oi Bruce township [or 35 years where Annie was a nrurncer oi Paisley Women's in slilue Moving to cussloy in was where lhey irveu on 2rd Avarve us She and her "ius band we’E active members or the Chasrev Lawn Eiovrirnq C‘ub ant: cnosiev Semur citizens ciub The lure/Al service wflfl 0l’ Ircialed by the Rev Walter King in the Emir: McFadden Funeral Chanel November 23 at a p m Pairoaarers nare Orville Porter Ne‘soh Home Erll Krtiner Car Puiahl Elmer Mink and Elmer chc-in Flnwnr :earars wars Sieve tiersrr more MrLoah Mary tynn McLPai- and C"il3innfi Mrlearr lnrgitri-Bl'll in Cvrrrnran, Paisley Stark-lint: X _ WRIGHT-JAMES Fosnssrsnl‘t ‘5 ‘ stern-a Forrester Wright et Slugan Township pass-d Iwey April 12"! ill "1’50 9.!“' at General and Marine Hoapltll In, Owen Sound. In his 73rd your. A native oi Ssugeen Tot-mi stile, Wright Ind hie wlie Margaret resided an the lamlly l m on the lllth concession. couple hnd two Iona. John James and Glen Alvin. betn currently msldlnq in the town- ship-swell. A public luneral was held (tom the w. Ker-it Millroy tuner-l home with Internmdnt II the ' on EIgInComItlry. WNHM; M“ We would title to thank our relatives, illends and height bours let their kindness shown us during our recent bereavement In the passing or a dear husband, James and lather ol John and Glen. Als l leards. llbral lrl a 0’ m. in charitable organizations and load sent In. Special thanks to i w, Kent Mltroy Funeral Home, S23 Elglré. Rhev. Peter Wallord- s an t e ladies t lovely lunch. or m. Mug-rel ergnt. .‘ Jellrund ale REOCH, John Orly: Funeral sot» vlces ware held Monday. April 5th.1982 at 2 pm. at tho Blnkiey Funeral Home, Sheuhavon, Sash, tor John Gray Hench. Mr. moon was born February 21, law In sydenham Township. In late. he and his iamin moved to Saugeen annehlp. As a young man. Mr Reach moved west to teach school, In i925, he married Myrtle Blanche Smllh, who survived. H: is survived by two eons. Hugh and James oi Regina. and one daughter. Joan (Mrs. aarry wntttinghaml at Edmonton. On. brother. Arthur. or Saugeun Townshlp Ind one sister, Ellie (Mrs, George Sutherland) ol Ripley, also ain- vive Mr Reach was predeceased by brothers James and Robert. and by slelere thel (Joan) Mts Chas Johnson, and later Mrs N, Mahully. and Nellie (Mrs DE Campbell ELACN Funeral services were held June l5 lml'n the Mllroy Fynclui Home, Part Elgln, lor Frances Helen (Grieve) Black oi Port Etoin who passed away Julie 13 at the Southampton Ni ising Hunt-s Mr: Black was 96 at the lime oldeath Born in Saugaen rnwnahlp on March 27 lBBI, she was the daughter at the late George Guava and the runner Elizabeth Bail Mrs Bldin was predeceased by Viral husband, Melvin. The czrrrrin had iarrrrm lri Saugaen Tawh'flip IN (.1059 in, 60 years, beiore irinvinq to Part Elalfi Sre was a member oi the Port Elriir unrrmi Church, inc rhrrrm A. urtw qroup, lne N'iltr' Schui'rl Women 5 In- 3titute inn Purl Eltirr Senior zr- zerr‘s ijruup, .«itl was a lila- riornbnr o llle S'Jlllh Saugean NI :lrrt .“ilv‘ril by El r-rih , t .i irirrrryirrr, and gaunt-«r, Jridl »l Prirt Eiqlrr artil Ha iMr. 'ilit . MLIIIIDSN ..l 9:” Fiiliri o by a iii Ubllri" ii’l uurrrv, V/(r'l'J War iii a on. till' ir.rnr .sllil‘rllle .Marv rii'rual iir)’. ard Ll't'l, w. isnmn r. i‘ bdri 'irarl ’i l?

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