South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 1, [1869] - [1990], p. 71

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«$5 O b ltu a ry THOMAS A. McCARREL Thomas Amhihald McCarrcl passed away in Saugcun ran... ship on Wednesday. October its. 1978 as the result iii an accident. ‘ in his dStl-i year. Born in Snugccn Township. he was the son of Daniel amt the late ‘ FlnrcnchCluieyi McCarrei. in loan he married Mildred Rae of Hartaway. n-ln. survitrs Also surviving are three dauah. ' . IBIS. Marlin. Mrs. Bruce Ran. some. Saugecn T\\p.; Fatnr . l Mrs. urian Chapman. Southamp- tuii; Juan. Mrs. Earl Nicrortli. Port Elgin. Ha nas predeceased by our aim. RIAV. In 1976. He is also survived byrtwo grandchild rcn. Kenny and Melissa ha... same: his father. Daniel McCarrel l of Southampton: two brothers. l Jack. Arrim Twp.. Gemgr. Saugccn Twp.: four sisters7 Mary. Mrs Cecil Chuppcll. ‘ Snugch Twp. Mrs. Sild’i: Smith. .(‘I-lnthnm, Gladys. Mrs. Jack ' Fenian. Saugren Tnp; and Elsie. Mrs. Jaet Cairns. Lundu... Funeral scrvtces were held tron. tilt: w. Kcnl Milrrly Funcral Home on Saturday. Oct. 2i. with Rev Fctcr Waiforeravis and Rev. Knith Nir'hnlsnn amaianng. Pallbearers were Bill Reucll. Arlie Virtue. Austin Cluley. Alex Lamont. Woodrow Sci-tell and Arnold Church. Flower bearers wcrc Eric Ciulcy. Ernie Cluley. Hurry Srhildruth. Norman Srhlld- roth. Ted Ransame. Verne iteintiari. lntcrrm'nt \\'a) in Sanctuary Park Cemetery. Pon Eigin. Mchlnunn Archibald Czrdweli ItMacl A private iuneral service was held Monday, January is. 1979 in! Archibald CardwElI (Mac) MacKtnnon Barn in Fatsley. 0n- tario. son or the late Mr. and Mrs Pater McKinnon. predeceased by brother Gordon, and slsier Mar- |urle Theda. Altar IIIE war he star. ted a printing business He was well known in the Graphic Arts, MacKInnen MDi‘lcul Ltd He was a member at the Humhel Valley United Church an ardent goiter, he was a member Ior many years at st. George's Soil and Country Club, as well as the Chippewa Gall and Country Cluu in Scuthamptor He Is survived by his Wlle Flulh. daughter Rulhann sonrl’irlavv Flooort Chaddai and grandchildren Christopher and Meiriilee inter merit al Pun Elgin. Oliiarlo ML .rt Re sun-r. Mr< r‘rrn- Sinhalaml .inil liar nanuricr E irlL' anil wuiu l‘ttillrtk tittt‘ndctl .ln- Iunerul tr ii... turnirr's nrmhrr M. huh... izt-ntl. ni‘ Dttriur. sininarh. is ititntlatl u. this tltcribtrs ut iih». lanai. tannit ..i .lnsiimu all I I’ll ~."W x ing Hume tor the past two ’ Cemetery. Port Elgln. DANIEL McCARREL Daniel Mchrrel. native at ' Saugeen runiishlp passed away on January 31. 1979 iii Sturgch Memorial Hospital lniinwing an Illness uI' scveml mnnlhs. He was in his 87m year. Mr McFarn-i “as a sun ur the latc- Art'hibald anti Mary (Bolt'ie) Mchrrrl and spent must at his IIIC In [hr Nnrtlt Brute ZIiCfl Ht Farmed in earlier vears. and litter was cmplnycd at the Port blgln Cu-Opi-ratiye sture until his retirement. Mu Amyâ€"er mciiiinr oi North Bruce Unltcd Brethren Church and leak an dctlvu part in the lite and wart at the mngrcgatlon. serving lnr many yanrs as Treasurer and as a daard member. In NH hf marl-led Flttrcnue Cluluy who predeceased him in March ms, rihth had been resrdents ni Stitltliarnpton Nurs~ ttrs. Surviving art: iii-n inns. .lack. Arm“ Tchaiship :ind George. Snuucen Township; four daugh- ters. Mary. M.s. Cecil Chappell. Saugtcn; Sadit: siniih. Chathanl: Gladys. Mrs. Jack Fenton. Shugcen and Fisie Cairns. Lu... don. i7 grandchildren and it) -- great grandchildren. He was at predeceased l‘ly mm sun. Turn and ‘ ihree grandchildren. Funeral scrvlce has held from the w. Kent Milruy Funeral Harm: u.. February 2. With Rev. 0 c. Hnllmnn officiating inter. ment has in Sancruary Fart MRS. CHRISTINA RUSHTON .\ .iull inunu Pent Elgin resi- riuni. Mrs. Christina Rushtoi-i EBY, RUSSELL L Funeral services were held "Om the Kent Mliroy Funeral Home In PorI Elgln on February llth ID! Russell Louis Ehy DI Fifi. 5. Paisley. who passed away sud- danly at his home on Friday, February 3. Born In Sauaaen Township and a Iarmar on the 2nd Concession oi sandals" most at his lite, Mr Eby was in ' his 65m year. He was this sun oi the Ian: Louis stay and Margaret Finnle. MI'. Eby Is sumvad by his wile at w yaars. Irena Elizabeth (Boettger) two sons. Stan Ol KI"- sardine and Stuart 0' Aylrner; and by two daughters. Murlet (Mrs. Peter Guthrie) at London. and Marilyn (Mrs. John D'Arnlco) 0| Cambridge, Mr Elly was a member of the TDImiE Memorial Presbyterian church. and had served on Saugaen Township council. The Rev. Dr. F. D. Macr Donald oilicialed at the SENICS . Pallbeaifirs were Alex Damnnd, Juninr McAl’ti‘lurJum Bryce Stan sewchuch. Ken dunes, and Ernie Clulay Floweruoaicrs wam Jim Bell and John Bryce. GM‘IT CLAZIE Grant Clazie, §'Iife»long I resident of gaugeen TOE: a . asse away on . le‘IIOEIlJ. aI his home. He was in IIIS 77th year. He died on the farm where IiL‘ was burn: Lot 11. “Concession 5. Sanger-n ilicd June I]. mu at Southamp-.Tm\.njhip This iiind was Itill Nursing Home at the agc or 7%. Burn Ot‘luhcr I. 189‘} in Sunni-iii Tuniuliip. slip \\'4\ a httuscn‘llt‘ and [he vudmv til lht‘ iiilc nnics Albiin Rushlnn \vhn dunllsirv in Purl Elgn. thr niuni )t‘ars. lhv) “Ute nidrritdin i'il‘i. Thu IJIIL‘ VIN. RUNIIIUH it.“ J ml‘mlvt‘l‘ (\I' Inc United ('hurL‘h and tin in'lit’l‘ :IntI InICrC>ICLI itiirkt‘r I'l Illt' Iiltul Chapter ul II'IL‘ lniptruil Order Diiiighicri in the l mp...» >|lu .l\ lIiL' lIaillLlIiIt‘l rtl' tItt’ Linn-s (.I'nlfl‘. JI’HI MM. Illtli‘lii\ttt‘l.tia~id \Ilt ls ~urtlvuil iii «till Iattk iII IlllliiIH .Hlii [\\tt il..iiunlt't~. titliit i\Ii'~ Htrt. \ ~l| tum. \rninil .....l Burn... iMrs lev Ililll lI’itrI Ilr ii .tlti. sur- .n iiu Ill ll n .iiililn IH'I’I and Lu. .l iiItIIlIIIitl .i lillllil I’t'rl i v... \Iir .i ».»ll Ilm .i ilit‘ il\r \. il (.issi. t ul s with...” ii 'ririll l iiil ..i._ lIIrL‘l ~i\ILl‘ l'uldn lIiiit’riiI nthi luin I «lit 5. .h. u l\trll M m». Hill a ll. Roi hilly. lill ‘l‘n lft' an» liiiiii .lI iltvnit‘ D \ Itrttlun ..i ailiiih» tilklllt; llit Iiiltiiiii i nnsir. l..iii.iii.irv I'Alk \l'f\ltt ntt'fi‘rfiri'rntn it! - lilkt‘n Irtlin tIiC Crown by his grandfather. John Cla- zio. and 'hits been in lllt‘ CIaAIf‘ name ever hint? Hr was the VIII of mm. children ham to lziiiios iiiitl Mary (Ll‘edk‘r) titanic. ti...» sister Pearl. (Mint Nelson Rtheyl :Ii'id Iwn brollicrs. Jamt‘s rind Faiwiirrl, preiIt-nrusetl him. A Itl'tlthtrr .Iat' til Wind- .itr. sisters Marilld (M':. Li. (1. Mitt-Drillald) ol Agili- I’Uur' :tlltI Margery 0|- Hilrr~ istoii, nilrvivc. In Nlh't'l‘l'IIiHi', 1931. II? wtl- unilt-tl in marriage tr) .It'all [mask lii Cruenilt‘lx inhinslnp. in addithm ii. iii: itliliiw. lit Il'EH‘i‘rv In iiltilli'n urin IIfllll-ZIIH‘T Im- It'll“ (I\ 's _IttItn UlltIl-rr tumult. it will J.titit-~. .intI ‘iil gixirllIt-iillllrt'n. Filiit mi a. i'\i IT, t'Hli' Iwil Ii\ ‘iim ri-iul Pi-lnr \ nun. l..-l.l ili-lii IIII' \\ Ki‘ill \Iilrili I‘iiin-iai Iltlinl‘ IIII TIIIII'" int li..ii.i'~. l \‘IIII iii" III ill n fiiiii-liinr) l’.ll’lt. in... I'i1.ii I’.li|Iitt.irwi- W F‘ If: lil |..illl -l, \I'iIiil‘ \[ii iiiiritigi \Il't \iiDilli Juli Ilti .‘ \lII'tII‘I' Cliirr .illi .Itllt in. in :..ll ltr ..III POLLOCK George Pollock. a Ille~iung resident at Saugeon Yownshlp died In Bruce Cuunly Hnspitai. Walkerton on March Elsi. 1379 loltdwing a ianglhy illness. He was in tils 66“! year. The Iunarai and committal service was held In the Hope Funeral Chapel. Paisley. Services were conducted by Rev. c. H. Mcr Clenagnan OI KI’IOX United church. Paisley. Spring Iniarment in San- ctuary Park Cemelery, Fort Elgln. HE was the son OI the late Roberi Pollack and Margaret iPace) Pollack Ell Turners. He attended school in $5. No. 6. Saugean In 1936 he married the lurmar Muriel Irwin oi saugeen Township and iarmed an the Pollack century iarm on Con. A. Saugeen Town- snlp. Sumving are his wile, Muriel. suns Hunald oi Saugeen.'Murray of Erampicn. and three gran- ddaughters, a sister (Rachel). Mrs. Ross Currie. Port Eigln. He was predacaased by a brother. Elmer. He was a member oi the Knox Unlted Church. Paisley, served as a member OI the Baird OI Truslees oi Knox Church. was a member at the Aluworth Masonic Lodge. Paisley. He served the Township oi Sauaeen 35 a councillor and reevcloianumuerutyeais THANKVOU Jini, Leanna and I, sincerely them. our irlands. neighbours and relatives ior their autumn. and many acts at kindness er. the passing at am father and husband. We appraclate tha allur- is al the Assessment Personnel and me Owen Sotirld Hospital Mndical SInlI at the time OI John's suddan Illnsss. For his comiontng massage and word: or an- couiugemoiit. we gmlelully thank the Reverend Peter wallordflavla and Mr Kent MIIrDy and his ma" ‘ lur their klndnass and assistance. We also apnmclale. so much. the help OI the United Church Women. Unit 5 and Inn South Saugaen Women's Institute. who served lunch rollcwlnp the servlcs. N MLJIIII IL nlIOSIllhIrl SCHELL, LEVI January 25th runeral San/Ices were hard Ior Levi (Buster) Schell or Part Eigln. whu passed away January 23rd aI the Saupeon Memorlai Hospital, Southampton. Barn in Saugeen Township in l904.Mr.5cnellsnentallolhis 75 years In [ha Port Elgin area. He was a mechanical engineer at the Keystone Brush Factory Ior a number Oi yaars Mr Scheli was a mamtaar oi the Oddldilaw Lodge. and Ihe Masonlc Order He Is sur- vlved oy his wile Jean. 3 brolher Cllllord at Toronto and a mist Cnrlsilna (Hawkins) oi Lake City. Florida Ha was predeceased by a Sister. Salish. and two brothers. Lawrence and Will Pailueaiurs at the servlce cnnduLtEU by HOV WaIIord-Davls ircm Ina KP"! Mllroy Funeral Home were Mr A Halcourl. Mr T Ralnary. M! L Miler. Mr E Schwass Mr IN Black Jr.. and Mr G Black McEWING. JAMES James McEwlng, a native dl saugeen Township. and resident at Port Elgln, passad away and- denly on Sunday. January 6. 1960 In his 80th year. Mrt McEwlng was a son at the late James and Janet. (Sutherland) Meaning and was a: third generation tanner on the oldi homestead. tn mo. iii: marital:X Dummy Hanson, Iurmdrly all Saskatchewan. who survives, wlth‘ 5 son Douglas. daughter-litile Sharon and granchlldran Elizabeth and John, also surviving are a sister, Margaret, DI London and tour brnthers. Dart (Bruce rwp.l;‘. Andrew, (Fort Elgln); Archie (Lon- don); and John (Spokane, i Wash.) Mr. McEwlng was a rnlrn- ‘ tier oi Tolrnie Memorial i Presbyterian Church, Fort Elgln. 1 Funeral services were conducted ‘ rrom the w. Kent Mliroy Funarill I Home on Wednesday. January 9. In the absence of Rev. Dr. Mac~ Donald oi Talmle Memorial chm-l ch, Rev. Douglas Black oI Knox, Presbyterian Church, Tlverton. a Ilclatad Pallbearers were Messr Murdu Macfiltchle. Karol Sutherland. Jack MacGIlllvray, Robert Guilloll. Alex MacDngalll and Alex Bruntcn. Interment was In Sanctuary Park Camelery. y .l SUTHERLAND, JOHN A. Funeral services wara’flfa d January 23rd. Irum the Kent Mllruy Funaral Home In Flatt Elgln tor John Andrew Sutherland. who passed away January 21 st In Owen sound. Mrt Sutherland was in his 6131 year. Born In Sauqaen TWIISI’IID In IBlB. "B was the sun al the latn Andrew Sutherland and his wile Olive (nae Bennett). Mr. Sutherland continued to Iarm and live In Saugeen annshlp all DI his illa. He is survived by his wile or 29 years. Helen (nee Rlbey). a sort Jim or Saugesn Township, u dauahtdr. Leanne oi Oshawa, a brother Harold, and a sister LlIIIAn. Mi. Sutherland was a momtaai or the Part Elgln United Church. Pallbearers at It'la service were Glide" MCCIIntUn, Norman Schiidrolt‘l. AIBK Lamont, Harry Schlidrolh. Ewart McKinnon. and Charles Kelly. Fiowerbaarors wars BIII Schlldlolh. Archie McCuiIoch. Arthur Schwass. and H0605! Brurllon, The service was conduc~ ted by the Rev. wallord Davis. Irl- tarmenl will be at Sanctuary Park. _â€" McCULLOCH, ELSIE C. Funeral servicas ware held Mona day, January 28in trom the United Church in Rimuey. Athena. lar Elsie Catherine Muir, wile oi Rodan (Eoni McCulloch. Mis. Mc. Culloch. 2nd daughter or the late Mr and Mrs. J. E. Muir, attondad school at 5.5 No. 4 Saugesn. ant) al Port Elgtn High School. In 1926 she married Robsrl McCulluch. aldest son or the late Mr. and Mrs. Andiew McCulloch. They tarmac on the Iourth concession or saugaen Twp until 1932 when may moved to leoay. Alberta. where sha tiled suddenly Fri , Jan 25th sped 77 She is survived by her husband But, 3 sons. 5 daughters, 24 grandchildran and E sleet u'andchlidron. Elsie is also survived by tom stators - Joan McGlllluav oi Palsley. Dnt.. Mary Woodcock, Nollie and Margaret Mnlr.allclPorIEialn [{yifigl _._-â€"o'.-â€"u~

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