South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 1, [1869] - [1990], p. 69

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MRS. cusmn SMITH A long-time resideni cf ssug. een Township. Mrs. R. Cushrnan Smith passed away in Saugeen Merrmrlai Hospital. Southampton on Sunday. March 7th. 1976. She was in her 3621: year. ' She wss a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jamrs Fisher. and was lmrn in London. England. Corning lo Canada wiih her lamin when nnlya child. Jam.- lBeil) Sum. He larmcri l' 22 grantrgrandchiidren. , ‘ Funeral service was held on Wednesday. March loll! from (he w. Kenl Milrny Funeral Hume. onnnuelcd by Rev. culyin sunny. nsslslcd bv REV. Keilh Nicholson. Pallburers wcrc George Waik~ . ' ' S d-llmrn . She was marl-led in l LI my Bm Jcflmy‘ Arley Vmuc‘ ' Junc I914 in K. SEMI whu predcccased Wilmer lrwin. Woodrow Schell and herin [966. ‘ ' th Leila. '7 I I V Surviving are three daughiers. Flnrcncc. Mrs. Wm. McKechnie. Saugeen Twp.. Eileen. Mrs. Gordon McConnell. Kllsyrh. Mar- I ion. Mrs. Sandy Lawrie. Bruce Twp; three sons. Francis. Eden Mills. Anhur. Waterloo and James of Saugeen: 21 grandchildren and .. Funcrnl icrvicz- was held horn Pallbearers n-ere Wilrre’d Schnliss. Murray McGillivray. Andrew McEw'lng. Heb Wll’k, llnmld Snider and Lloyd Tlrcdc l inicrmenl follnn ed in Sancluary i l‘zirk. , ‘ WILLIAM Hr OSBORNE lhe dcalli uccurrcd in Siluchrl Memorial Hospiiii on June 20. 1070 nl Williniir Henrv Chbornc HL-wmstll. h inn cil rm- late Mr. and Mrs. Albun Osborne. he was barn in Greenm'l. run-nslnp. lurer moving llio 2nd or u'illl his launili lo snugccn. in was he married Surflli Schwass. al ll“: Unlicd Missinnnry Cliulcll rriJnsL'. hid nil-y ful'llltd on rho Lskorlinrc llnnd. moving lo Purl Elgln in i056. Fnr mosr oi' lhu past Two years. 1 Public lunar-I services wnru held on August l! train "in Kohl Mllruy Funeral Home in Parr Elain lor Neil Cissldy W filed on August ll in the S nun Memorial Hnsplicl. Soulhsmp lan. He was In his 76in your. lime. Ialcr mnving lo Purl Elgin where he wusfiiployed with lhr Stevenerepnci' Cu. (or 33 ycars. reliring in 1972. ; Mr. Scull w a mumbcr ul ihc l’uri Eigin Ilniled Church - a former sleward and choir member. in I936 he was married aI .Arkwrighl in Alice Palmer. who 7/ survives. wiih a son, willard and 2 3‘03" 5‘30" mWoWgranddaughtz-rs. He was prede- A “We of Swine" To“??? ceased by a daughicr. Linda Jane. . and resiflem n7 Port Elgin for "ll-pl lhree sisters and one brother. years. John Scott passed away m Also su lnu arc lwo sistcrs. Saugeen Memorial Hospital. on Beairice. Mr . Jack McKay. Mandi lllh. 1976. He was 71 and anonln and Elizabulh. Rexdaie. had bzen ill four weeks. and a twin brother. William of Purl A son of the lure William} and Elgin. ihc W Kuilr Milmy Funeral Hnl-rr: on March IJIh. conducted by Rcv. Peter Wall'nldrllavis. I'allheiircn‘ wtre Rabcrl J. Bell. Bob Boll. Clarence Dawson. Lavergne Baker. Bob Alkirlson and Frank Bell. lnlermenl was in Sanctuary Park. Purl Eigin. Mr. Osllurnc lllld llcun reVidElll in lli.» ‘imllllr’lmplrm Nursing Home. A member hf lhe Uniled Missilinnrl‘ Church. hi2 sliw scrviizc Llillll'lN Wllrlil errl “'llll (III: lLlOIll Erlii'l~ nilllfllllln. Hu ih wrvivcd by his will; a sislcr. Mrs. Juan Boyd and 'rl brillllul'GL-ulgc. bulll of Pan Elgiil Film-Hi] wrillu- “as lll‘ld [rum Born In Bmca my. he lived meal cl his Ilia In For! Eluln. He W as a brewery lepraauniallvc covering ins Iron allelchinc from Aykun lo Yubermory. He is survived by hls wile Pearl. Frencaensing him wan I Molnar Paler. and sisters Rober- Ia. Mable. Mnymc. and C h r I a i i n a . ‘ Funurll services ware ccn- ‘ duciod by inn Rev. Niel MU‘ Combs wiih Inisrmani al Slnc- . TI Rac.Mar.kdalc. “77‘; lniermenl was in Sancluary Park. Pallbearers wure Tom Feni- on. Howard McCarrrl. Colin Bird, 'l‘orn huin. Murray McCarrel nnd [riilcs Cyr Flowerbenrers wcrc RAY T. McCARREL Funeral service was held "Monday a! 2 pm. for Ray Thomas McCarrcl. 20. who was killed earlv Salurday mnrning. ' Rev. Peter Waifurd-Davis of Pan Eigin Uniiea Church conduci- ed the service from the W. Kcni Milroy Funeral Home. Pon Elgin THOMAS Thursday Tliuiiids e ' lriil :liil Bum \‘Jll' sl. \llml' .riinlii.ilno - iliMiluPlLl William 1 Oil M. mi l. . .:iris i l [l lliii iii. i isssell r. 4 i l” l} {it Chalizi ‘r l‘ i r Mr. McCarrel lS rurviyod hr his parenl). Mr. and Mrs Thus. Mchrrel nl Saugccn Tuirnship. ihree Sislers. Miiriun Mrs. Bwuc Rzusumu. Saugeen. Mrs. Brian Chapman. Suuihampron and Joan lit hcmc. paternal grandparents. Mr and Mrs. Dan MCCarrel and @| .l mnlernal grandmolhcr. Mrs. Ray / ' ' CECIL NELSON McCLlN'I'ON Allen McCarrel. Giun Rae. Dale Chappcll. Darrel Rae unrl Douglas wi arlnun. Funelal SElVlCeS were ncid last lor James OBITUARV SCHWASS. SARAH ANNA 53!)“ Anna Schwzss wile oi ihe laln wiillam Osborne passed away Cecil Ntlson MrClinInn. 70. died Thursdzv in his Couniy or Bruce Geneml Hospital at Wallr cl’tnn. Born in Saugecn Township he i J ne 4 1977 si ihe _ a Elam}... How”, was inc son oi the isle william Soulnampianinncrdsih year “"d 1”“ HG“? Mf'Clmton- A ‘ A ilislnng resrden- oi “MM” M'i McClmwn farmud ; .irnr .hi. ii lii,)<[ a: .Jl‘J illul n 3 mil: oi 1 lliriei A Sauqeen Township she and her [ale husban: came: on lhe Sho'c Head, Ssugesn lzier lellllng ln Forl Elgln She is sun red by mowers Hell'y ol Wanniun o: snakesnoare an: Arihur oi Pun Elgln and was predecefised by one sisler Annie Mrs M warclupl ..l Pan Elgln and one brother Dari cl Paisley ThE lunelal SENICE was CO” dueird by Rev c Berger el lhe Unneu MlssionaryChu/LI’ The rl'erl'lorla‘ seruice H35 ’lellj .une 'i‘lh lrom ire nenl Mi ioi Funelai heme Pull Elglrl lnierrren- i'l Sancluary Park. pailsigin min 23 llf on concession 4 unlil retiring ‘0 Palsloy in 1073. Mr. McCIinron was a lurmer dirocior or Pen Elgin CryOperar Iivt and served :IS .1 cmmcillnr an Sziuguen Tunnship council from 1950l01958. He was an adherenl oi l‘on Flgin Uniled Church. Surviving are onu hrolher. Glll’ltri Paisley. 3 nicte. Barbara. Mrs ‘lum llch Paislc: nnrl two nouhuws. John. Solllhsmpion and Allen. Penclangulslicnt‘. - Rcv. c MrClennghsn mudur- ir-ri lire 5m in: mi ihe James Hupr: Funeral Harrie. Paisley on Sat. [icl 15 1W7. lllitrllltnl in Sancman Park CemurCrv. Purl Elgin. Pall Bchcrh here Granl (‘luir‘ Kern Lamnm. Bob LcE- der. Jim Wrighl. Herold Snyder and Garcnce L'pshnii. all old neighhmus iln w. KL‘nI Miiroy Fllncrill Home. “my Park.PorIE|9ln- 2-3-33- rundlriud by Re». H .l. Ruuhuri ui‘ RAIEL.WALLV « " Pziile'l‘ Unirrd Mis. on [V Churcll. Alvin Boctlger The camrnuniiy was saddened ai inc passing cl Alvin Eoellucr uI Purl Elgln on Fahrnary am. 1977 :i Snuueen Memorial Maspllll in Suulhamplnn. Mr aoellger succumbed Io cancer aliar n all monih Illness in his 64in year. He was born in Paisley onlarin De! 18. ‘3‘3 and was laier employed al the Bruce Gencrallnu siailon as a mlilwrinm. He Illended lhe Yolrnle Memorial Presbyterian cnurcn In Pan Elglri and , l was a member cl ins Porl Elaln Curling Club and Pan Elglh Flying Club. He served as regimental SqLMaloI in world War II. Ha was pradecensad by his wile Enid whom he married in formula in 1942. He is survived by a son John A. a! Toronto and a daughiar Mrs. Dan: Brown or souihampinn. Also survived by hroihers Bill, Farr Elgln; Clarence, Tuscan Arlzuna. Alhhn. Calgary Alberia; Harry. Barrie Onirsrlo and slsiers Nellie. Mrs Rohen Mania. Hanover. Marg. Mrs. Ausiln Ciuiey. Parr ! Eigln; llane, Mrs. Russel Eby, Paisley; winnlired. _ Mrs. Austin McTear. Paisley; Florence. Mrs. Charlie Kelly, Paisley; and Agnes. Mrs. Alieil rl El in :lfii‘:ll;l':;’vlcegwlll be conduclad Irom ihe Kenl Mliroy Funeral Hume on February 10 ai 11:00 am v D MacDonald. ::I?:aarers will he Bill Boeiigsr. Russel Eby. I William Cox. Doug Scplt. Bub Marlin. and Arley irme . llnlel‘rnam will ha in SancluaryEALW I 'i \77‘7 Mr Carl Glng'lch passed away Mrs. Flg'gaflfiigfibggsg, 9'“) in me am year on March when » Huron rem“ medme The Saugeen Memorial Hdsnilal Passed away on Monday soulhamplon Dumber 29. I960 all her home Mr Gingrich was a resideni oi Jail?“ P‘s" 1393:9933 Township Purl Eigin and s memher oi lne daugme‘m, mega” mg: umlea Church He was born in William Kurcher at Furl 5,9... Saugeen Township. November She received her educalinn in "" "395 PD" 99‘"- 3'"! 0" Sememoo- a. Carl Gingrich was l928. she mainoo IhL‘ Iaie Ross predeceased by bolh parenls. flan???“ .m p°" Elgln- 0M Norman Gingrich and Minnie “22...: :5:?:::,°V"“:”‘59%" Cuillelord his wile Sadie OIIVE She was devoied lri gnu” McCulloch. and his hrolher Roy worli Lell lo mourn are 4 suslers G‘"9“C" end one hioinei 7Hazel M's E Mr Gingrich is suwiyed by his Eassécearlandlaena. Elma Mrs son woman Mccunoch Dowdy A”: ‘M Egglnsok‘pgg'r Gingrich slsler Laurens cums Eiglri, Helen Karrhar tam. O‘Gueluhiand Drolners Reuben bridae. an: Slewa’l km... :1 Pnri Figln and Liuyu ui Nan. Paisley. and Slsler in...NV lcn Aloerla “WW W‘”"5"D€’Q oi A public serv .e was held fnzel'ufilg‘lescg’a March 19m. ai ll am lrcm me me was held Sallrrday. January “f” Wm "WM Hum WI'" 3 irom ll-e Llnhialer Funeisi l‘“ Pele' Wallmd-Oaws olv Home wllh Hey, Gerald Paul oi ‘w'w lampcra'y lnlelmenl iicralinq Burlai mil he in Km. 1:0» place al Sancluary Park n carainECemsleryil-maaprlng pong.” r V ’ nuir.allurporiElgln. “Till ,__..-._.â€". r,

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