South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 1, [1869] - [1990], p. 65

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‘ or the Port Elgin Curling Club. Possessed vi a very creative mind, he invented the Mscready lee Brush, the patent for which was eventually purchased by the St evens-Helmet Co Ltd. Mr. Mc- ready was a Salesman tor the company for many years l ‘EARL L. MACREADY lPASSES AFTER SHORT ' unless Following an illness of shun duration, Earl Lee Macready ul ‘ Port Elgin, passed away in the Savgeen Ni’emo’ ” ospital, Southamoton. on August 15th. 197D.-, s 75 years of age. Bdrn‘ oulh Bend, Indiana gn Novemhé‘r 26, 1594, Mr. Mc- resdv came,[to Canada in 1930 “and mid his home in the Port Elgln area. In earlier and healthier days. he was very active in sports and curling, and was a past president He is survived by his wife, Catherine, and one daug icr, Helene, Mrs. Eugene Mann, North Bruce. two grandchildren and was predeceased by one brother, OI iver, ln former years, Mr Mcready restded at Nurth Bruce and or:- arated the‘E‘lbovvilnn restaurant. The fungal was held from the Davey Funeral Chapel on Mon‘ day, August 17. ram, with Rev. Ross Cumming ottleiating. Pall hearers wererolgilriends; Ah. Doll, James Cluley, Jamie George. Basil Ehy, Roy Light» tour and Emmerson Smith. Park,?un Elam- interment was in Sanctuary HOWARD NELSON SUCCUMBS IN 66th YEAR Funeral services for Howard Nel- son, 65, who dled Monday, Feb- ruary 22nd, 1971 in the Saugeen Memorial Hospital, Southampr tori, were held Thursday after noon, rchruary 25in, train the Davey Funeral Home, Port El gin, Mr Nelson was born on the 2nd Concession of Saugaan Town- ship, March 5th, i905, the son of the late Charles Nelson and Mary Cassidy Nelson. He farmed on the 2nd Concession ot Saugeen unrrl 1948, when he moved to the 6th Concession of Bruce Township, retiring to Port Elgin in 1961. He was predeceased by his wire, the farmer Florence Teasdale, five years ago. Surviving are a son, Orland. ol Winnipeg: two daughters, Lucille, Mrs Robert Lawrie nl Elmira: Sharon, Mrs. Allan McDonald 0' Teeswater; three_sisters, Maria, Mrs. Frank Anthes, Port Elgln, Hilda, Mrs, Harold Sutherland, Fmt Eltjln and Gladys, Mrs. AI- llelt Lachck ul Alllldn, and SIX grandchildren r A lll'nrher, Stuart, and a sister, Tcrcssa, Mrs. chthcr Rohcrtson predeceased him. i The service was conducted by Rev. Ross Cumming oi the For! .r‘ Elgin United Church. Pallbearers were Gilbert McClin run, Reg. Avis, Russell Eby, Ew- art McKinnon, Henderson Leq- r get and Donald Machay. Burial was in Sanctuary Parkt . + 0an it’s DONALD M. LAMONT, Prominent Saugeen Towns ship Native, Passes at Brucelea Haven, Walkerton The many friends of the La- mont family were grieved to learn of the death of Donald [Dan] Mo Tavish Lamont, 82, a highly res spected and well-known descend ant at a pioneer Saugeen Town- ship family. MI. Lamont died suddenly, Tuesday morning, February 'lEllh, 1971. in Bmcelea Haven, Walkers ton, where he liar] 'esided (or the past year He was born in Saugeen Town ship, December 23rd, 1888, the son of the late Alexander and Florence lMcTavish) Lamont Married ill Toronto in 1916 to Florence Webster oi Tivcrion, they made their home or the 2nd Concession ul SaugeEn Town- ShID, Mrs, Lamont passed away in L958. Mr, Lamont served as Treasun er or Saugeen Township lot 20 years, and as Reeve tor 8 years. In 1956 he wds elected Warden of Bruce County He was a pay Presidenth the Port Eigin Agll cultural Society, a riiernbei oi the Part Elgln Branch 340, Royal Canadian Legion. at which he was made a Lle Member last (all. A lnrmer member of [hE Port Elgin Rotary Club, he was also active :n the War Ellorts Society during the Second World War. Mr. Lamont was very Interested in polltlcs, and was a staunch Liberal all his life. For many years he served on the Session oi Queen Hill Presbv~ lerlan Church, and was later a member oi Tolrnre Memorial Pres oyterian Church, Port E‘gin. He went 'Dveiseas with the 150th Bruce Battalion during the l:lrst World War, and later trans ferred to the Calgary Unit, Fort Garry Horse, and saw action in France and Belgium. Mr, Lamont is survived by luur sorts, Donald, Brampton‘ Kent and Reeve Alex Lamont ol Saug ecn Township and Frasel of Bruce Tornwhln, also two daughters, Marian, Mrs Clarence McGilllvray or Bruce Township and Janena, Mrs Earl Williamson of Hamilton. He 45 also survived by 23 grand» children: a brother, Alex, Lamnnl, of Regina, Sask.. and a sister, Elizabeth, Mrs. Horace Clark, of Greenock Township, and Florida. He was predeceased by four sisters, Janet; Margaret, Mrs. John McAndrew, Calildrnia,‘ Agnes, Mrs. George Hood, Arran Township: and Mary, Mrs. Arthur Camphell, Saugeerl Township. A Memorial Servlce was con- ducted on Wednesday evening, February 17th, by the Porr Elgin Branch, Royal Canadian Legion The funeral service was held on Thursday, February 18th, from the Davey Funeral Chapel at 2:30 pm with Rev. Maurice D McNabb DHimatillg. Burial was In Sanctuary Park Pallbearers were Harold Sulh» erland, Russell Eby, Arthur Fle- OBITUARIES -’rL'-Wu’ ‘h: 5‘ some; MALCOLM] BkLL PASSFS AFTER SHORT lLLhESS A popular Fort El . man, Malcolm l. Bell, died Thursdal, Decelnbcl .l_ 1910, or the cm: still and Mann: Hosplulv cyan Sound, after a short illness He was 59. (47/ Mr. Bel: was bor ii-i Saugci-m Tcknsh r, h‘arch El), 1911, the son 0? the late Mr. and Mrs. Archn rbald Bell. He was e'nplnyed as a stationary engineer at Stevans' Hepner Co.Ltd.,Pnrt F.le (or 4: years. He has a member of Tolmle Memorla: Presbyterian church. luteresled 111 sports and the yuulh of the town. r\ i'. Sell had coached minor hockey teams. Surviving arc his r..le. the former Evel}: Duiiel .hnrn he ma'rled llu‘lC did. 194% in Port Elgln; [\so sous. Wayne and Ron» ald cl Pun klgln: rvc brozhcrs. lulu] of Sanlia and Donald :l Deficit am. 3 slstctflorcnce. also oi Demfl‘, ‘lhc bod} rested .1th Dave} Futuei Hn'lle until Saturdav nhere Revs. Maurice Maul» CollJus red the largel) attended runeral service at me P.M. auml uas in Sanctuary Park. Pall hearts were Donald Mac- Arthur. Norman Locking,PElEl' Duugeun, ncdrye MacLenn and nephews. Donalu Bell antl Kei- _ncrri Nathl. qrâ€"fi . x. _ (1“ " SAUGEE “still-,an PASSES SUDDENLY Wlllla'n B. McKechnll: died suddenly at MS rcslccnce on the rit‘l Concession of Saugeen Town~ Elli? on Tuescay, Dec.l, 1970 Lr, his 70th year. He was a [lie- lcng :esldenr oi Saupeeri Town- ship. Surviving arc his wife, the former Flululce SmJLh, thrte sons. Kenneth Di Woodstock. i\vllL,£I‘ at hull c and Bruce at the _ i erslgt ol To enro; three daugnrcr Rche :ilrs. Jr hr Schllerh Di. llstnhal, :vlflf‘y'. nurserlnrrramtng, General and Marine Hospltal, Giver Sould. Betty at home and {cur grand- child. ii. He is also survlved in two sisters, Marymirs. Stanley VDler. Heplml’th. Margaret. Mrs.bpence McLean, Saugzm Township and two brothers. Davids. oil’sace Rita, Alberta and Liz. ct Saug- eeri Township. llic tunersl service was held on TlnusLla)‘,DeC43 from the Davey Funeral HomeJ‘orr Elgln, Rev. M. D. McNahb conducted the service. Pallbmlexs hare. Rnhcrr Bier, Ross McLean. To-n Bryceruchlc , Bryce, Percy Srydges and Stcwart ‘ lcarclier. ‘ Burial was in Sanctuary Parlt, Port Elgln. och, Bill Jeffrey, George éiiycr‘ ‘ and Donald McKinnon of Paisley. onli NATIVE 0F swam Township Fame! in Her 74th Year - Whales (I 7] Mm Laun M_cK.llluon a! Port Elgiii did Monday, Decath 6th at Gateway Haven.Wlmun. She is as in ha rad: you. Berri Ln saugean Townshlp. she was rhe daughter at the late Mr. and Mrs. Allan McKlunon. For many years she might dot-nutter)! wool, the latter years Ln this Port Elam Publkl School and lulled In 1951. Survlvtng is one listtlrJanat. two nieces and {our nephew. The funeral and wmmltul service: were conducted by luv. Rog Cumming at the Davey Funeral c hapel on Dec. am. Burial was in sanctuary Park Cemetery In Fort Elgln.

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