South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 1, [1869] - [1990], p. 62

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Former Bruce Twp. pastor writes book Bruce and Saugean Townsnrp resIdents oi the perrnd 1940 to 1960 may recall arr Eplsade lnvotvlhg Ftsv Glen Betterly. pastor or the United Brethren Church and his great -Iarl or '59' Iron an apple tree The lrrclderrt. at the time, was one or great concern lot all. because the annular preacher had crushed a vertebrae in hrs spine In the tart lrorn the apple tree art! was rendered lntrrtdbrte by a body cast tor many months. That tall had greater undertones. though. ror it gave Rev. Betterry the ocporturttty to study and wrrtc during hle canvalescence and now, some twenty years later, the tormar area mrrrrstar has published hrs Irrsr hank entltlsd Accrdents. rncldents. Sto'res Siudres. Medrtarrons, Many or the chapters In the book recall hrs trme preachrng In Bruce annshlp and his years or teachrng religious instruction in all the pthiC schools In Bruce Townshrp and 55 No. 4 In Saugeen Rev Betterry ts currently thing in Hun- ttflgior‘. lrlutand. U.S.A.. with hrs daughter. But on the publication 01‘ hrs llrsl book In- lnrmed his bruther-In-taw. Part Etgln's Baslt Ehy sr.. or his work. Hopes are in make CODIES Dt the book availahie ‘n the area, no doubt to the pleasure Ol marry Dl hi5 lorrrrer rriends. oungregatron and students Rev Betterly and his wile. thttar‘. moved Into the whtte brrcP. house. at what was then krtcrw as 'The Elbow‘. at North Bruce In the summer Cl tQAO They remarneu 'allhtu sar- Vant: and residents Ol the minimum"; tor twenty years tmttt ha lOOK up the pastorate l (\l the Sllverthcrne Church In Toronto. The rt couple lemmed to ‘The Elbaw In 1965. I though. and rsmalhsd there ror many years. Rev Batterty retrred Item the mlhtstry rn l969 Mrs. Batterly r1 d in 1571 and two IRWIN - Steven’fi’uwtl'wu- cenry at Sangean Tnvtnship on Thursday. August IEih. 1958 lm his 39th year Steve lrwrrt or Saugaen Townshrp Belovec husband or the rormsr Charlenne Walls Dear lalhar at Vickr. Cried, Dunrel and Atar‘a all at home. Survived also by h‘s mother Dorothy lrwtn or Saugeeh Towhsmp. his maternal grandmother Em» rna Brrtchan and hrorher or Ray at London, Tam or Bruce Townshrp. Murray or Moose Jaw East. Paul or Sdugeert Townshrp. Ircer [Nrs Jae McCarthrl or St Thomas ShrrteyWrrrrams c-i Vancuuter Israhd and Helen or Vancouver he s predeceased ry hrs lather Harvey rryttn an: by a srsrs-r Sharla There was a prtvdte Iamrty 'unerat sertvrcu Mutt Gav. Aunust 72 at the w Kent Mrlrdy Chanel Part Elgrn Mcrnorrat dsnauons to We Lanauran Cancer Societv or the Sauoeew Memarral Hosprtnr r'mutc he appre‘raied as morass one at strmhatht IllinlltlLL. Ransomu. Murtal Audml - On December 17. 1988 at Owen Sound. Mrs Murtel Audraa Hansome ol RR] Port Etgtn In her 55th year Dear with OI Ted Hansome. Beloved mother or sorts Bruce 0! ‘iFtt PD?! Elgln and Eric of Hfid Parsley. She IS also survived by a brother Orville Gingrich Dl Ayr She was predeceased by an tn [am Sun, Alan Mrs. Rana same was born on February ii. ‘924 In Amabal annslrip. a daughter to the now deceased Dtryer and Bertha Grhgrrch She shared tar'n duties on the Iamrty tarr'r and was a school bus artyer Icrr rd years She was a member or the Country Srszers cruc nr can Etgrrr Funeral services were held December 20 Irom the W Kant Mrtroy Chapel Pcrr Etgtr‘ .vrt’l the Rev Paul Haumhach our: atrn; Pallbearers .vere George McCartet JIrâ€"r Smrtt'r er Settlert Eratg Keava Arlre Vtriua and Butt Rsoch t'rter- mertt wrll be at Sanctuary Park, Port Etgrrr Glen and Lillian Bettcrly. 1953 Former Bruce Pastor writes book Continued from Peg: 1A years later. the Rev. moved to huntlhgdon. tt was durtno his months of rorceu con valascenca |n 1959 that inspired ihlS new book. Because or the body cast he was In he couldn‘t srr comrortably on a regular :hatr. soatrtend rrgged ups btcyctesent â€" SD his cast could drop bahlnd the seal â€"â€" wtlh a desk welded on where "W handlebars shuutd hava been, FrO’TI that seat. he studied and wrote a variety or sermurrs madltatlorrsand weakly bullotths that he us- ed whrle pastorth In Toronto trom rest In 1966. It Is these sermons. medltatlons anu recollections that are reprinted tn hts new book, The 1490396. sollacoyered hook ts crtnted try Hill Crest erhographlng or Hun ttngton. and contains such dryerse thoughts as adultery. growtng up. revenge. sobbtng ohetr grrte. reaptng what we rtrd not ‘aow. and much. much more Fiev Eerterty Includes a number or stories orr camping on the rurh ct Bruce. Occastcfls rondty remembered no doubt. by young and old attke Arr Example ts t‘rls Drlet Cl'apter erlr tltled Campfire Time 7 "Camp'rre 4rd dreamrly watchtng the names as they u“ loldad Ir’t layers Cl wnnd releasing all that Storeflup heat that the sun had cut Ihe'e many years berure those chlldrcn were com Thougr the sun that had warmed our camp that day was now gone Irom new new thrs wood was glvrng us the same ththgs that the sun lolrg ago had cercrully store: there hear a’td llght As we sat there tn the evantr‘g by the rrrerr;hr we telked ol rat-away thtrrgs 7 the moon. the stars at therr o aces rn the Sky‘ our hurres tor rlr'ure years and our prCSLnt ("imam-s and hrpes As the rtrrterrhg llamas tur'rez r. grnryrng coals the marshmallows were hrc-runr rut and toasted to a gorsen nronrr 'Ppi Ire urrEs hat Ietr rrrn lhe lrre [\t thr ~d rarrre Evert rrg praysr and "‘en to st ru Mart armtlmr dav‘ Osborn George Want. at Southamptcr Nursrng name on Sunday. vapmber 27. 1988, trr hrs rorat year Gaarge Osbo'rre. ‘ormerry or Port Etgr'r «some at the rate Myr-re Robrnson Osuorrre art: the rate the, Kerry Osborne Dear rather or trans and Bit Itarpnr or Tha’hhttt Dear grand‘alher or rour grahdc'rrld'art arr. Margarcl. and Robert Harper Also surrryrng are rye areal granuchrdre‘r Ja'rah hrtrrrr and Vrkta'r'r Hanna and wrrrram and Amanda harm-Jr Predcieas- H1 by one :aLgrtlEr. era. n I945 I-urrcrar SSW as were conducred r the :r KErr' Mrrrrrt Chanel Pen Erern ctr-4r ‘crr- tr. rarnrmr Sanrruar. Part4 Carrpte'r r- iElgrr‘ Mr. and Mrs Dennis Berner l ‘ . were marrl ti V Memonhi Presbyterian Church, Part El E m Talm'e July 16, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. 198]. The hride I! the farm flerneroi rm met fi‘ x454 /7'85 r ‘ db”... r Pt‘rOtD 3v Preltre F‘nrt'arts Mr and Mr: Ron James Underwood were rnarrreu Satrrrd‘y August goth rrr the Ch Llr at Jesus crrsl ul Latter Day itsrnls F’rJ't .Lrgrn the mar; rs. the terr' er Mar r. rrrtttrfiarrer rlfiIrr‘J‘iN :rr rrrr :l'rrl t1 Luawqu McCarrcr r'r l-lrrr: Bu; .2 The gr nms nte are M aan r/: James Una-a shut n Prrrr Ellr'r -rn râ€"orl 'irgrn gin on Salurdny. J et Jean Clfllie, ‘ antes Clazte at San Township. The groom’s parents If! Mr. and Mrs. E's: ‘7 lâ€"l ._. am 'umnr Mr. and Mrs. James crazre. RR 5. Pa lay. FORVHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. George McCarreI and Mr. and Mrs James Under» wood. or Part Etgtrr, are happy to announce the ianhcomlng marrlage er thoIr chtrdren, Marilyn and Ronald. The wed- dtng vown thr be spoken on Saturday. August 20. ‘583 at 3:30 p.rn. at the Reorganized Church 0' Jesus Chrlal oi Latter Day Saints. Port Etgtn. Ohl.2b299 ____.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"' __â€"_,â€"â€"’â€" Ontarro wrsh to announce the engagemhnt‘or their daughter Jean to Mr Dennrs Barrier. son at Mr. and Mrs. Ted Earner. North Bruce. Ontario The marrrage will take place on July tel". 1983 at the Totmta Memorral Presbyter- ran Church. Port Elgin. Ontario at 7 pm.

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