South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 1, [1869] - [1990], p. 61

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I s , . ' neocu, Williut'ildrthur, nus- band at the late Aileen Reach (Chisholm). died August 11. 1954. In the Saugeen Memorial Hospital In his 55th year. Lelt to mourn his pisslng are a daughter. Margaret. or Glenworth. ‘and her hus- band, Lloyd Green, and two sons, Allan. at LIstowel, and his wire. Lois, and WilIlarh. cl saugeen. and his wife, Marilyn. t, CLAZIE. .isct â€" The death i occurred in Windsor. on Novemb er 7. crack Clazt‘e He was born October 30. 1892, on Lot 11. Concession 5.5augeen,lheeldestollhe seven children Dt James _ sndMary(Leedsn Clazle.HE m-attend 5.5 it Saugesn and v Port Elgrn high school. upon graduation, he worked for the Busy Times, Port ,gEigin. and taught school in 3540rthern DntariD He Mr. Reach was the lovlng‘ : louehi overseas during The grandtalher ‘01 Allan Green. Glanwcrth. Laurie (Mrs. Trevor Carter). Glanwbrth. Lelgh (Mrs. Doug Jonsst, Lambsth. Lesley ers, Larry Henderson). Cambridge in). Lbrell Hench. Kltchener, and Mary Lauraleen nedch. Llslowel. He IS also remembered by step» grandchildren Alvln Mlskie. Toronto, David and Daniel Miskie. Dundalk. Bonnie Rands. Chcsiay. Jell Mlsltie. Thdrnbury. Deborah. Donald and Scott Mlskle at halhe. Great grandchildren Ari- thohy. Terry and Matthew Carter. Chad Green. Eddie and Danny Jones. Jeremy and Jessica Henderson and Carina and Chrisondra Hands also survived by one slster. Mrs. George lEtrlei Sutherland. ur Rlplsy. The late Mr. ReDEh was bdrn April 13. 1900. to James and Katherine (Alex- ehder) Reach in Syndenham Township In IQIU the [amt- $Irst World War as a mum Vbr at the 150th Bruce Eat~ cation Upun his return to Canada. he worked for the C.N.R ufltll his retirement > In 1926 he rnilrrlad Fran 1 1:25 May. who survives him. as do two children. John. at 'Vlclorle. B.C..and Msryorre : Fullerton. or Newark. N.J. Where Are SIX grandchildren and three great gran- *idchlldren. Also . surviving are twp sisters. Manna. Mrs. D.G MacDonald. at Auln~ court. and Margery. at ‘ Harrlstnn He was predeceased by brothers. I in. Grant and Jim and a sister. Pearl, Mrs Nelson , Rtbey t For r many years Jack '- sOlBZIB was a lalthtul and st;- tlve member at Central i United Church. In Wlndsnt‘ , Funeral services were can-t ; ducted lrom the Morris Funeral Hume. Windsor. on I; November 10. by the Rev. Nettie Hellman Interment Iy moved to Saugesn I was in Graenttlil Cemetery. Township. where the fâ€"filncsvilie. deceased received his\ » education at 5.5 NO, 4 A tanner. Mr Reach married hrs beloved vrile Aileen. on September 2. i925. ard together the couple tanned in Saugeen and Bruce Townships and were members oi Wesley Untied Church. In 1975 the couple celebrated their golden wedding at their name In Saugeen. Mr Reach was also predeceased by three riilain sorts. three bm‘hers, James. John and hoberi and by three SISIO’S. Janet Mahaily. Nellie Camnbell \figrntbarinn Ranch mime:- \- Fuiteral sen/ices were held Item the W Kent Mil . Funeral Home Port Eigin on August IA 1984 wl'h Rev Richard Holl- lhgsttro'th :lliclal‘ng Pallbcarels were Allar‘ Green Lcrell Reorh Trevbr Caner Doug Jones Larry Henderson uhd Dnnatd Mrshra FIL‘WefDEaICIS lh- Elude” Hairy schilbroih, dichsrd Fanlon. Pussell Smith Wailt Pollock and Jack Riley interment was in Sanctuary Dani PortELgIh ham‘ilton. ' wttllaTh â€" On April t9. 1590 at the Southampton THOMAS: Robert Harvey at his residence in Saugeen Township. on Monday. January 26. 1987. Hubert Harvey Thomas 0! RR. 5. Pslslsy. in his asih year Beloved brother at Catherine, Mrs. Harold Csssidy dI Bruce Township and Grace, Mrs. Colin Estate or Ingersoli. Sadly missed by several hleCBS and nephews. Fredeceesad by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thomas or Ssugeen Township. Funeral service was held on Wednesday. January 28. 1537. at 3.30 p.rri. item the Kent Mllroy Funeral Chapel. Port Eiglh, Pallbearers Included Wallace Hammond. Ernest Cluley, Steward Esplen. Irv- ing Keyss. JIm EelorE. and Hobart Leader Flower bearers Included Donald Cassidy. Atsx Slm. Andrew Cello. Kent Lamont. Tum delete and Charles Kelly. Spring interment, Sanc~ luary Park. Purl Elgln. Done trons to the Dlabetlc Association were up» ~-““‘ect as expressions 0' hy. Nursing Home William Hamilton. lorn erly DI Bruce lowhship. ln his 92nd year He is survived by brothers Hamid. Mel and Irwin and by several nieces. ncphnws. great-nieces and great nephews Mr Hamilton was Dredcceased by brothers George. Alvin and Royal and by SlSters Marie. violet and Donelda He was burr. rr. erucc Township. a sun to Lambert and Annie Hamilton member at the hoyal He was a Canadian Legion Branch and Pan Eiglr The branch held a mernurlal serv ce tor Mr Hamilton on Sunday Funeral sel wines were held April 23rd lro’“ lhe w Kent Mrlrov Funeral chapel with the hey Gordon Williams olllctallnu Pallbearers were can Atkinson. Jim Nelson. Wes cnappell. Bert erbwn .lack Frost and Tony Tonegussc Irl [E'me'tt was at Sanctuary Park. Fort Elglrl Donations ID the Canadian Drabe'es Assamatloh or the Ontari: Heart and Stroke Foundatan t. u‘d be azoreCIated ' s â€"__.._. ‘ clum_‘gw'<â€". .mamnlv .1 SMITH, Ethlt Ethel Jean.5m|th. the lure mar Ethel Juan Christie passed away at the age at 93 In the Stratrord Hospital on Saturday evening. Set} tember 1, 1984. She was the Jun. Mrs. daughter at Gilbert and Jeanle Chrlslle. at Saugsen Township, and was predeceased by her parents. tour bruthare and one sister. Mrs. Smith tralned tor a nurse In Strettord Hospital In 1923. She was marrled to James A. Smith In l928 and they termed In Downle wanshlp near Sebrlngvllle. when she also cirrled Dr! her nursing career In her home unlIl the retired In 1962 Mrs rrilth was predeceased by her husband in March, 1363. but remained in her home until she moved to Spruce Lodge Nursing Home In December. 1977. The tunetal ssrvlce we: held on Monday, September 3. from the Wayne Young Funeral Harms in Stratlnrd and Rev. MacNelll at Aven- tun Church oltlclsled. Mrs Smlth was a very conscientious nurse and an active member at Avontert McGlLLIVH‘V. Edward Ross at the age oi as. dled 7 it hls home ln Owen Sound h August is. 1957, earn an illarch 7. l922. in Saugesn uwnshlp to John ‘Mcciilirray and Ptuby 'Nichplscn. he was the iormer owner or Sunshine Laundromat in Port Eigin and later associated wlth Royal City heel Estate in Owen Sound. In the Carla dlan Armed Forces lrcim 1941 to 1945 and 1952 to 1972. he Ilvsd In such diverse Iccailens as North Bruce Onliia Victoria. B C. and Phoenlx. Arlzona. He Is survived by his mother. his wile Jane Kreutswelssr, a son Doug and hls wile Dale at Mesa, Arizona. daughters Jo Anne (Mrs Edward PIeI ile) 0t Btentwcad Bay. 3. C. and Barbara (Mrs Michael Deultl oi Oshawa. a sister Agnes Thompson oi Klncar~ dine and seven grand- children Lisa. Tr-sha and Michelle McGlIIIvray, Paula and Davld Fteltle and Shayne and Justin Dautt The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 340. Port Etgln. held a memorial service in the chapel uh Monday evening. August 17 Funeral services were held Tuesday, August ta at w. Kent Mrlroy Funeral Chapel. Port Elgih, with the Reverend Fred Jackson at the Southampton United Church cliictat rig Pallbearers were Bruce MCGIIIIvray. Donald Falconer. Donald .amont. Keith Thede. Murdock MthilChle and Joe Walk In- terment look place ai Sanctuary Pa'k Cemetery. Part Eigrn r‘ .AI. cvvsri Snund General arid Marine Nuspltll rm Salim dayi umber nth. WM in his 37nd year. Gem! Clullv pt Pun Elslh. Eltflvld husband at the runner Evelyn DeMIl-‘ Ier. Dear lather pt Ken DI Thornhill Ind Mary HarA :durt ct Kltchcher. Dear srandtilhzr at Judl and Krista Harcourt. Brdthlr 0t Hertth (Mrs. Jlm Mass) or Part Etnlht Preddceased by three sisters and an: Kilom- er Frlelttts may (all at the W4 KIM MIINV Flirt Elvin Chanfllr 5W Mill street. Fdi’t ElsIn alter 2-rttrprn sundav. Funeral ssrvrce tfl lh! that» e! Mendstr at bottom. tritsr- merit Sanctuary Park Ce melery. Part Elglll. anl tldns to theort Memo lat BI DIES would be IFPrecl ted i5 ewressiens dt sympathy Sum-n Marie: 01 Pat Elgln. suddenly on Mdnda' January 25, 1968 In her Mr year. The termer Mar Brunton, beloved wlte at it late Donald Seaman. De. molherpt Audrey (Mrs Darn Laybnurnd) at Don Mills, EFT ' rile at London, Cllttord at Port Elgln. Mark at Pert Elgin and Donna(Mrs. Barry Whlte) ol WatarIDo. Surviv- ed also by nine grand- children. one great- randdhlld and two sisters A eulah Munro or Tlvartnn and Eva tMrs. Bill Elaksly) On February 13. Villa at the Grey Britta Regional Health Csrltra. OWE" Sound, LEtlie Winnttrsd nlbsy or Port EIgIrt In her 90th year Deal mother of Kenneth and ram. Mrs, Rlbey Is also surr vtved by a sister Blanche (Mrs. WIII Williams) 01 Port Elgln. ten grandchlidten and eight great grand children. She W35 predeceased by her hus band Stanley and a son Alan Mrs Rlbey was born tin August 18. lead in Amabal Township She was a member at the F'an Elgln United Church and that church‘s UCW. Funeral ser- vices were held February 16 erm the W. Kent Milroy Funeral hapsi. Port Elgin with the REV. Williams at- tictatlng. Pallbearers were John Rushlon, Edgar Thede. Floss Williams, Jack Fttday. Murray filbey and George Hibey. Intermenl Wlll be ai Sanctuary Park. Part Eigln. tiiacnoriald. Mrs. Elizabeth “B. . On October 30. 1937 at tho Grey aruca hsgldnal health Centre. Owen Sound. Elizabeth MacDonald at Southampton In her 83rd or Lareor “W” year. Pradscsased by her Pradecefsej‘gvhnl 5:: husband Angus. a slsler Bruce ri Arm Cuttle. and brothers brothers All! and Jtm Brunv tun. Funeral sarvlce was held at the Tclmle Memorial Presbyterian Church. Inter- ment Sanctuary Park Cemetery. Memorial done- tlons to the Saugeen Memorial Hospital. the Tclmie Memorlsl Church Organ Fund or the Fort Ergtn Arena Fund would I): a restated as expressmn olgympathy, 2erp Wleck Floyd. a mayor. reeve and councillor termar Ross and Jim Currls. Mrs. MacDonald Is survived by several nieces and nephews. She was born In Bruce Township on October 14. 1905, a daughter to the now deceased Den Currie and Sarah Ross. She was a member at St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian Church In Southampton, and was very actlve In the Ladle: Ald and Evening Auxlllary at that church. Funeral services were held November 2 Item the W. Kent Mllroy Funeral Chapel. Port Elgin wtth the Rev. Douglas Gordan ot- rl'atlng. Pallbearers were in Klncardlne. died Sunday. 3 Bill Cowllnnr chli Wattl- FspJB. He wasln his 88th , worth. Dr. Murray Flock, year. Mr. Wiectt Is survived ‘ Jack Otto. Charlie Kelly, by wile Reta. sister Della , and Ralph Brubacher, and niece Ccnnie Trellard 3 Flowerbaareis were Peter. and iamliv. Floyd and his y Paul andJlm arubachsrand wile Reta moved to Klncar ’ Clndy nushton Intermant dine In the early 19205 and I was a. sancmary pram PM never latt He worked at the , Elgln Coleman Facklng Company ,, untiiit leitlown and then he 3) Anthea, Maila' N. worked at the Malcolm Fur» ;_ on October 22. 1957 at the ntlur tactory lot 30 years. D gauges" Memorial He retired 19 years ago. Mr. _ Hospital, Southampton Wleck has always been 36» S Marla Anihss of Pan Elgln “V5 "l "‘9 “mini-WW “9 ‘- In her 87th year Predeceas- 599'“ 2° V93" 0" “3W” " ed by her husband Frank council»slxasacouriciilor, ‘s Shame“ Anmes Dear 'we as mayor and nln'e as Jr mm“ 0, Hubs” 0. mg. 19.93;”,23 weigh. 3‘ shrimp... ii... in... “swam and We, m m 7 is also survived by siszers United Church.Nobie Grand E Hilda (Mrs haiold in the Ktncardlns Ddd- h Suthortandl oi For! Elsln laiisws Lodgeandamstnct y a’ld Gladys er5. Albert Deputy Grand Master Alter g Hayccck or Owen Sound. he rel red trom politics. he h and by grandchildren Honln hecame involved in the l. and Michael Anthes ct Mew Kin Club arm served r Southampton She was as president lpr seven g predeceased by brothers were In his younger years, Mr Wreck was active as a call umpire In an in'fierew a year 390. Mr Wreck sald. -thu Iuwri's been gcpd lo Howard and Stpwart and a sister Teresa I‘VIrs Heather Hnbsrisnnl M15 AhthES was horn on March 18,1901 in Saugeen Township. a no it it wasn't l wouldn't i daughter in the now 'iave scent 20 years on l r. 45 mum” , he am, Rm > deceased Cha as N: on Celebralcd their 5th mad- :lng anniversary on Feb 72 The tuneral Selvl38 lnr Ml tuber was helr‘. Wed. March 2. at 2 pm. at the Damy Linklaier =uneral Ho’l’le an: Mary Cassle M'fr Ah the; was a nurse by plates slun She was a merrbet oi the Llrtited Church oI Canada. ire UCW. and the lawn bnwltng Club Funeral services wele held October 25th [tom the W Kent Miirby Funeral Chapel. Port Elgin With the Rev Goran-i Willldnls otliCIatlng Inter ment was at Sanrlltary .i r .. Howe. G. leobotl On March 29. 1953 at the Seugeert Memorial r Hospital. Southampton. C.‘ lsobelt Howe oi Perl Elgln In her 84th year. Dear wlte ‘ at the late Wesley Hows. Beloved mother at daughter Gwendolyn (Mrs Robert Wllson) at Port ‘Elgln Mrs Howalsalsasur- vlvsd by grahdchlldreh Col- leen Meybetry land hEl hum band Franki Dl Klnciirdlno. Darren Howe or Kincsrdlns, Murray Wilson (and wltu Cindy) or Port Elglh. Ailrt Wilson at Port Elgln. dynr thla Wilson at Toronto. Susan Ferguson (and hue and Steven) cl Edmonlerir Sandra Hibsy (and husband Robert) ot Bruce Township. and by sight grcstgrand- chlldmn. She Is also surviv- ed by a brother Chambers MacKtrtnon (and his wits Lllllenl and a sIsterArchettn Brecklshank land her hue- 7 band Stantayi. Mrs Huwe buns predeceased by a sun veeslle. She was born on Slime 2. 1904. In Bmce Clcwrtshlp. She tanned In ttiruce Township wlth tier "husband untIl retiring in 090" Etgln in 1979. She was la member or the Wesley Tend Perl Etgln United enur- Vcnes. and was a tile member or the United eGI'lurch Women. She was a acharter member or the chuth saugeen Women's Ih- cstiluts and was honored In visas let her many years at tservicetbthatdrganizstion. tShe had also been active as re AH leader In many clubs. (Funeral services were held [April 1 truth the W. Kant (Mllroy Funeral chapel. Fort tEIgln with the Rev. Gordon rwtttiams olriclattng, .Pallbsarers were Bruce McGtittvray. Jack nlbsy. Ken Rlbey. Murray Rlbey. Don McCulloch. and Arlle Virtue Interment will be at Sanctuary Park. Fort Elglri.

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