South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 1, [1869] - [1990], p. 46

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Wedding vows were exdlangeq between Linda Lea, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson. Kin~ éardine and Donald Arlelv, sun ‘0‘ at Mr. and Mrs. Arley VirtlJe of R. R. 1, Port Elain ata6:30 pm, candlelight service at the North ' r Bruce Unihed Brethren Church, ‘ on Saturday, September 2nd, 1972 ' Rev. Calvin Sturdy officiated at fire double ring ceremony, The wedding music was played by Mrs James McEwingr ' Pink and whim gladiolas adorned; the front or the church. The bride, given in marriage by , her father was lovely in a white Ir “I ,r I: a deep ruffled skirt, high neck- canMlll-Mccmil rm waist, llounce and neckline. Her one piece veil and train were held 3 ' VIRTUE e WILSON Wedding of Interest {‘1‘71 Congatulatim to Mr. and Mn. Fred Aahwell, newly ,r warn. ‘(nee Edna McDonald) who were married last week- Mr. Larry Blythe oI Sauble aid . 1 Beach was groomsman and Messn _~ Doug Virtue. R. R. 5. Paisley, brother of the groom and Lynn Cthon, Kincardlne were ush ers. . A reception followed at the Kin- > cardine Curling Club which was .5 tastefully decorated with wedd- . inu'hells and streamers. The mother of the bride wore a floor length red, white and new gown complemented With a corsage of red baby roses and the arqu's mother chose a ‘lloor length gown of mauve and white, with mauve feathered Carnations. For a wedding trlp to New York State, Lake Champlain and Monâ€" , treal, the bride chose a mauve Patricia Mccanel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom ' McCarrel, Port Elgln and Brian Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Chap- man of Southampton were lolned in marriage in the For: Elgin United Church on May 27111. at 2 p.m. Rev. Ron Cumming officiated the cuemony with Mrs. G. Steevel organist and M: Elli Uhrlg sellst. The church ANNOUNCEMENT â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" rne marriage of Edna Elizaâ€" ‘ both McDermid and Fred Ash- well took place at the Presby- terian mans: Pon Elgég,a Frgay in . Ma 41h. 1 . EV. 33min Jificlated. Their attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Weishuhn. 231) MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT A’.â€"â€"â€"'â€" romeaos â€" MacAhnEL Mr. and Mrs. George McCarreI, R. R. 1, Port Elgjn, are happv_to announce the marriage or their ‘ daughter, Audrey Mae, to Niel-i» olas Tombros of Fort Elnlnr The ‘ marriage took place m Owen Sound on May 17m, 1973. 1'1 announcements _â€" WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Mr and Mrs, James E. Cook 0' RR. lll. Soulnampton are pleased to announce the lorlhcomlnq marrlaga ol than eldesl daughler Catharine LUCIIIE {0 Murray M, McDermld. son OI Mr and Mrs. Fred Ashwell DI Purl Elgln and mo late Nell McDermld The weddlng will lake place on July 7. 1979 in Si. Andrew’s Presbylorlan Church. Southampton at 7 pm 24.: MARRIAGE a was attradvely decorated with candelabras, yellow and many: gladiolua, mums and baby's breath. Given in marriage by hr: father. the bride chose a gown of polyester organza. styled in a Vicmflan trend with stand up collar and Aâ€" line skin. A luxury border of Aloucon lace trimmed fans from the shoulder oyet the bosom and down over the skirt. Lace around the lower skirt extended to the lull train. The bishop sleeves were cuffed with lace with matchll‘lg satin ribbon. The bride‘s headpiece was a pretty lace etched wedding ring and it held a circular finger rip veil or nylon iLlLlsiGn bordered with narrow lace. She carried a cascade of colonial pink roses. white stepilanorls with white rrream ‘ gs and trailing ivy. The matron of honour. Miss Joan McCarrel and brides: maids. Audrey McCarrel and Kimberley Clrapman were gowned alike in swiis cotton patterened with tiny .wolipaperflocklng. Empire waistlines trimmed with matching ribbon and stand up collar were enchanceo by a wide finance that rlnltl-rad rile three quarter sleeves and the skirt hem. The dresses were in shade: or posy pink, canary yellow and urclrld. They wore deep crown hat: with floppy hrlms in matching colours. and carried white b'skets of white Chrysanth- mumr and colours to match rhulr dresses. Attending the groom were, Wayne Chapman. best man and acting as ushers were Harry Gllmour. and Ray McCarteI. The bride chose u two piece nautical suit ul Illint green for their nor-eymuon in Ottawa. in place by a ring shaped eep, also .trimmed with pink ribbon. She carried red roses, pink carnation: and white status with white stream ers accented with red rose petals. Mrs. Marlene Clayton, Kincerdr ine, attended her sister as mat-. run of honor. Miss Linda Virtue Toronto, sister of the groom and Mrs Connie Harris, Toronto were bridesmaids. They were similarly downed in multilcol- ored madras plaid peasant dress- es and wore crownless wide brimmed white hats trimmed with long hot pink streamers. They carried white and gold baskets of daisies, feathered pink cars nations and white status. 7 a. Mr. and Mrs. Arley Virtue, R R l, Port Elgin, announce the en: gagemenl at their daughter, ‘L'lnda Georgina, to Edward Roi aflu-‘lason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frontenac Nason ol Wllluwdale. foranrnarriage will take place on llrrray 12th, 197:! In the I‘lcrtn Bruce Unlted Brethren Lhurch On Saturday evening Aunt: and cousins of Linda a ms at the home or Mrs. Alvin 30mg“. Mr. and Mrs Arlrlur Reed are pm 5151,, and a shower w“ pleased lo announce in: P‘ again presented to her in honor engagement 0! their anl, ‘ a; he, mama“ A very am daughter, Sandra Jean lo Kenneln “1 ’7 able Hams why, “my, sewed Nell Mcoermld son of Mr. and Mrs hy the hasten. was alloyed, A On Friday evarlng, friends in U neighbors gathered in the Uni rm Brfiti‘lm Churdr parIDr, to honor .Vlixs Linda Virtue, a brideâ€"to/be. Linda was presen- tad with gills and a pleasant evening was alloyed. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs Keith McKinnnll RR. 5, leislr‘), nnh in m lIllll IIlL' Cngrlgcrnenl l‘I lIlL‘II rlntlglltt‘l. Culleen Ann lr- Frnn. ta (icurgc. sun hr M. and Mrs. I-r.ll\|, Marlin“. Furl I'lglll l'llu murmur 1n lake plnr-r .ll l-llll n “L. m Knnl UllllL'iI ('Illtl‘ill. l'.<|\Il*} nn Slllllrtlllv, Anni 13m, I‘I"5 |.l ptl and white chick suit with white access . Upon their return they WIII reside in Toronto. _\. â€"I:N Mr. and Mrs Earl Wilson, Kin- sardine, are pleased to announce the engagement or their daughter, Linda Lea to Mr. Donald Arley Virtue, son of Mr and Mrs. Arley Vlrtue, R Fl. I, Port Elgln. The marriage will take plaoe Satur- day, September the second at 8:30 o'clock at the United Bre- thren in Christ Church, North Bruce. , al-n Engagem enls ‘ Mr and M _ . olGorrie, ’5 Lawrence L'"‘°" are pleased to » nounce the engagement or half: Sister, Mary Elaine Bruce, daugh- ter of the late Sandy Bruce 0' Tlvenon, to Floss Eric Ransome son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted H ’ some of H. H. 1, Fort El 'an. wedding will take place 52:52? urdey, June 9th l973 a ' I r I 3 - clock in the United Bred-ire: in Christ flo- Church, North Bruce, Ont- prllZE, 1930a! lam ln lhe Knox nlled Church, Paisley, Onl 141) “ iaembcr 15th. me at ' bride-reels: Fred Ashwell and the late Nerl “'h McDermld ul Port Elgin the Wed-1 7 dlllg Wlll take place on Saturday, Mr. and Mn. Alex “man! are pleased to announce the engage ment of their only daughter. Doria Elizabeth to Franklin Gor- don Eagleson, eldeal son or Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eagleaon of 7 snarl-rainy“. The marriage in: ta 2 Race Auguat 24th 1975 a: 6 p in 't'olmle 3 Memorial Pres enau ch ureh. P0“ 5181“. Ontario. E2»: “fiâ€"gfiTl‘J ronrncoumolunnmog Mr. and Mrs. Arley Virtue wish ‘ to announce the fa hooming ~ ‘ [marriage of their all lighter, ’ anlce Arlene, to Harve ‘ McArthur. .0. MM. shill?” Murray McArthur or ILR; #l. ‘ Holstein. The marrragewill ' take place Saturday, August 15th. 1.973 at [even o'clock 1n the Tolmle Memorial Presby- terian Church, Part Elgln. I 29-; ngagemenls Mr. and Mr]. Lincoln Rohfn'ssch of Mitchell, Ontario, will! to announce the engagement of their daughter. Sharon Eliza- beth, to Stuart Russell Ehy, aan oer. and Mn. Rune“ Eby. rt. R. 5, Paisley. The marriage to take place on Saturday. Sept- emher 22nd, 1973 at 4 o'clock in Grace Lutheran Church. Mlt- ‘ chair. r .RS-n Engng em enls Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Martin of Southampton are pleased to announce the engagement or their daughter, Joan Marie to Paul Norman Schildroth. son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schli- drorn. R.R. 5, Paisley. The wedding to take place Sept- 4 p. m. in St. Patricio Roman Catho’iic Church, Southampton. "nuptial shower 5 home of Mrs, Onour or Sham has held at Charles new. n Rnlllntrcl. ' l lThe engagement lr allmllnced rDeera, daughrrr or Mrs. Lnlt tanagram or rrlrr higl‘ll and he lat: Gerrlu Cascagllett: in Gordon Lollltlllt, Sl‘ll m Mr. allJ Mrs. Kt‘lll M. Lnnll‘llr, R.ll_5 Pa 51;}, Tile rut-drum hill nit piJLE SJHJlLll. nth-ml > Mr lst, 19.3 in Tolllllt- iltnmrrrr‘ "ros- bj'l’r‘lljll Cllllh‘l , Port Li a or cell. ‘ Ji Kn . E r;

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