South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 1, [1869] - [1990], p. 42

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9‘ //,,M,,,,. Irwin-Scott [547 The United Brelmren in Christ. Chum. Nurtlh Bruce was the set- ting an Saturday. November 15. when Lynda Mae Scott became the bride at William Steven (Steve) inwin. The bride is the daughter at Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Scott. RR. '1, Port Elgin. and the groom is the son at and Mrs. Harvey Lrwm,, RR 2 Paisley. tin-y cm at rpearls held her four- tier shoulder-length veil and she carried red roses with While streamers. 'Miss Marilyn McCulloch was Maid bl‘ Honour. Miss Freida Scott. sister at the bride and Miss irene Irwin. sister of Ilhe gmam. were llirii'lcsrl'lalrls. They ware identical floarllengfll gowns of yellow satin with silk ell-irran sleeves. The culls and Peter Pan cellars were traced with white me. The mature waist was circled with white satin ribbon. tied in a bow with llorvg flowing :wlhl’te satin bows and pink los- es marked the guest pews, white yellow dhrysanllhemums. and while candrlalbra adorned the altar i'ar lihe l12:00 Mn. service. Rev. Martin Magnus ofificiated. Miss Marilyn Smith was organist and the snlaist Miss Judy Heinlz, sang “The Lord's rPrayer" ali’ter the wedding vows and "0 Prater! Dove” during the signing of the register. The bride given in marriage by 'her tamer wore : titted gown at satin Chantilly tlace bodice. bvcr- skirt and long sleeves. Her lung detachable train was also adorned ‘wiuh mabdhinlg lane. Sequins trime lined neckline, hem, and train. A streamers in front They carried nosegays at mauve and white baby mums. ’l'lhe groamsman was Brian Gil- dilrlst and bhe ushers were Ross Scott and RVydUl'I lnwin, brothers at llhe bride and lgmmn respective- iyi The reception was held in the ehuruh basement with REV. Martin Magnus acting as Master of Ceres monies. 'For a wedding tl-‘rp to Niagara 'Falls the bride chose a coal at brown poplin with hquunise trim, turquoise dress with contrasting «print ti: and 17mm auremories. Guests were present 1mm Slan- lmeriand. B.C,, LNclrl'h Tuwanmlnda. N.Y.. Sir-mold, mmton. Port Ell-gin, stwensnllle. Ayr.‘mâ€" ough, Owen Sound and Paisley. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER HELD FOR BRIDE-ELECT A Semember bride-elect, Miss Marian McCarrel, was guest ci honour at In miscellaneous shower last Friday evening given by Mrs. Austin Ollile'y, Ms. Duan slum- erlnnd and Wills. Alex lament, at Mlle home of Mrs. hammit. About thirty guests presented lovely and useful gifts to one bride-tom. l ContesLs were enjoyed and a bride's book was made. Best wish- es were amended aver delllcious‘ refreshments. ,q ‘7 - A‘-â€"~â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"g"£-.-â€"â€" Mr. and Mrs. William R. M:- Caslin wish to announce the engagement of their eldest dau- ghrer, Lynda Kathleen to Ken. herh Charles Kelly, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Kelly, R. R. 5, Paisley. The wedding will take place on September l2. 1370 in Park Avenue Church, Burlington M4130 p.m. ’4']0,. az‘pr h ’ t RANSOMEâ€"McCARREL EXCHANGE VOWS LAST SATURDAY 17; 1 Miss Marian Llean McCallâ€"eh RR 1. Port Elgin became the bride of Bruce Kenneth Fansvmel II. R. 1', Port Eligin in tile Port Elgin United Church, at three o’clock in tlhe afternoon, Saturday, lSE'Pl-En'lber 20. REV. Ross Dum- l l l l I l l l ming heard the marriage wws. Mrs. George Olule'y was organist and Mrs. Kcillh‘We’lsh sang. Baskets of pink and White glad- islus decorated the church. The bride is the daughter at Mr, and Mrs. 'rmn McCarre'l, R. R. J. Port Elgin and the groom is bile son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ran- some. it XL 1. Port Elgin, The bride. given in marriage by flier father, wore a skimmer wedA ding gown alt organza over nastiella twth lily point sleeves and a well neckline. She wore a iourAiered veil with scalloped edging. She carried a bridal bouquet of deep rpink roses and mite porn poms. Miss Patricia McCarrel. sister of like 'bride. mas maid of honour and Miss Joan McCarrel. Port Elan, sister of the bride. and Miss Grace Hayes of Mulrdale were brides- maids. “my were drest alike in Calpl'l peau de Po‘wet floor-length EUWns, with short sleeves The dresses featured stallde collars and inverted pleats lat the brick with altadhed hows. 'ilhoy wore carnations and Wm pains in their hair and carried bouquets at car- nations and while poms. Eric Rename. lbroilller bf hhe groom, was fireman. Ushers were Allen McOurrel, cousin of the bride, and Stewalwrt fiance, R. R. 4, Pulsley. A reception was held at the ran [11ng United Church ll 5 o‘clock. The bride's lrno'Jher received the guests wearing n blue war and dress ensemble and a Corsage of pink carnal-lens, The mum's mollher assisted wearing la [Mu-r mace slit ln lpmwck 'blue poly. ester crilm-pdlelle, She Ware a cor. sage of ~pin'k mrnarlons. lithe bride's going-away costume was a mmlece wool sun in green with u while blouse and black ar- Ccssories. She wore a cor-sage of unit roses. The llflippry couple Mn-ll lwc on Ihe groom's firm at R. R. 1. Port Elgln. taunts were fPrMnl liriyml Mark dulc. Owen Sound, llelpvworth, To wlllu. Ayi', London and Durham. I? F 0 Marilyn Elizabeth Elly. daughter oer. and Mrs. Russell Eby or ens, Paisley, became the bride LlilDi'In D'Arnico, son oer. and Mrs. Domenico D'Amico, Thorold, in Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Church, Thomid on December 1‘3, l370 a: three o'clock in [he alter-loom. Failltr Plllllippe labelle heard the marriage vows. The slide chose a lung sleeved gown wuh a velvet bodice and‘chulal shirt at A Velvet cape oval dress with chapel [min enhanced the dress. The cape and dress were trimmed wiEl'I Mule illaribou tell and elbow length will tell from 2 rd! uilliIlIeJ bonnet. Sh: carrizd a Wl’lllE Bible with we white gardenlas. wile. Mrs. Dana Brown. cousin of [he brid:, was manon of honour and bridesmaids were Mrs. lLdi Hacly‘ctt and Kathy n'nlullu, cousin of me gmcm. They wore identical floor length dresses of he. pinll velvet with with long sleeves, high halsrltnai and trimmed with matching marlbou lul. Th 'wore caps of pink velvet trimmed with fur. Heather Guthrie, niece of the bride and Lisa D'Amlcc. nlere fil me 3mm vale HOWE!- girls. They wore floor length while thvcl dresses and hot pins VElVel capes wllh matchlng fur [rimmed nui‘liets. All [he brlde‘s attundants rattled 1056’ gaysuf aluk carnatlons. Mam D'A nlcn, brother of the gloom. has best nan anel ushers were Small Ebl. brother at [‘lC bride and lm. Ruggl. cousin of (ll: grown. A recepâ€" [mil tollallml lr l'lé pamh hell. Mr. and Mrs MENIl’l Sumpmn at R R 6,J’ais|ey, are happy to announce the forthcoming marr nage of their daughter, Edith Carol to Nonis Lalrd ann son at Mr and Mrs. Maurlce Wyatt of London The marriage will take place an June 2661,19774 ut1‘00 pm. ln the Letter Day Saints Giurchl Port Elgin. 24in réâ€"g Mr and Mrs Joseph Thompson wish (0 announce the engagement at thcll daughter, Diane Joan, lo Kenneth Boyd, son of Mr and Mrs. Dunaltt nnyd nt Meatord. lhe wedding will take place on Salurday, July 24th, l97l at l 00 p.m. m Tolnue Memorial Presbyterian Chulcll, Pull Elnin 7fl-n w. and Mrs. Harold Sulherlzntl wish to announce the torthcumlny marrisga of then daughter, Sandra Jane la Raymond Pryce Roberts, sun of MI and Mrs E, Roberts 0t Glamolgen. Wales The wed dlng It) take plate. September 11th at 12 o’clock neon un Port Eluin Umled Church 32F EBY-D ’AMICO WEDDING The. bride's mozher received the guests wearing a turquoise and nlver long-sleeved dress wlzh silver accessories and a yellow rose camp. The grocm's molhcrchose a green enul clepe dress with gold and green brocade coal and gold hat and accessanes. She wore a Corsage of yellow loses, For a wedding nip :0 Nlagala fails and Philadelphia, the bride ' ' changed lu a pantsuil With a turquoise slacks and yangaled - [ringed {0}). She wore a purple orchid cursage. 7- The couple will reside at Val Caron. Ontario '\~ ANNOUNCEMENT ‘â€" ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs. Russell Eby vvlsh to announce the torthcom- my marriage at their daughter Menlyn Ellzaceln to ML John‘ D Amica, son of Mr. and Mrs, D.D'Amicu, Thuvald, Ontario. The wedding vvlll take place an Saturday, December Ich at Thorold. Onlario. 'asc ”\ V E VGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs. Howard Chabpell wish to announce the engagement of their eldest dauqh‘ier, Suzanne Margaret to Douglas Robert Cut- ting, son of Ml and Mrs Robert Calling. R. Fl 1, wlarmn. The marrlage will take place on Bar llrday, May 15m, 197! at the Port Elgln Unlted thurch at 3 no um. ~! 7 / WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT: Mr. and Mrs. Huston Juhnsion, R R 3, Llsmwel, Ontario an" nounce the marriage of their only daughter Edllh Lois ta Allan Arthur Fieoch, son at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reach, Port Etgin. The marriage took place Thurs day evening, July 1st, at 7:00 o'clock in the Trinity United Church, Llstowel. Rev. William Bell officiated. Mr. and MI). Athur Reuch and William James mended the sending of their son and blather Allan Reach [C Lois Bridge in Trinity Unitad Church. Listowel. Allan ls a teacher in Lislowel High Scnucl. ENGAG EMENTS ‘ _â€" MK and Mrs Thomas Mchrr I rell are cleased l0 announce the engagement at lhmr daughter, Pnnuia May in shah Georael l Chapman, Still at Mr and Mrs Gcolge Chapman llt Smlthamn' tun The wednl g wll take place My 27th ll 3 n l Incl. n (he Untied Chullll, Pull Flg n WP ‘=â€"_â€"

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