South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 1, [1869] - [1990], p. 22

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an anvil participating hhlsld Saugcvn Tllun- mas a hit at gnmllna nml groaning in the Bob Fletcher's ori "mm. Sniurdn}. Chamber Cnnlmml-e arranged a tug of vim llclhecn liic Dmeian- ‘llltilrn s-t-s trt-m Purl fin: departments nnrl limit hr-t tmnship. amt Saulil’en lrulcs of the mnlcsl slipulnied \lml three men mnnnr lhr (‘harnlmr tlrlpe- to Wills ur. in; hi it,“ in .illnujl (tliltlll'i Elgin, Paisley pl ' r a a s 75 years ago (From the Advocate tyles of Decembern. ‘90!) A provincial referendum on the question at prohibition was slated tor Thursday. Dec. 4. and The Advocate reported "the last shots at the campaign" fired at a mass meeting cil prahibitionisls in Knox Church on Wednesday evening. [An interesting sidelight an the referendum’ campaign came in this story lrom Niagara Falls, but involving a former Paisley minister anda farmer Walkerlnn woman‘) Quite a sensation was caused at Niagara Fatis last week by the distributianofa llttlL‘ pamphlet in the town, headed "Whiskey sold privately by the Ladies‘ Aid Society of the Methodist Church, in aid of organ tund” Rev. Thos, Coiling, tormeriy of Paisley, is pastor at the Niagara churchjt present. and were this sen» satiunal charge true, it no doubt would causea shock to his former lriends and lullnwers in Paisley, Mr. Calling was interviewed on the subiect, and was astounded upan readin'g the charge In the pamphlet, as he knew nothing of sueh business being transacted by the Ladies’ Ald. it was then learned that the blissful Ignorance at a young lady was accountable for the whole business, Mrs. J. E, Stephens, a lprmer resident of Walkerton, is president at the Ladies‘ Aid. and her daughter, Miss Carrie Stephens, was acting secretary of the society, This latter, who is a bright businesslike young lady. told the story of the attalr. Miss Stephens stales thal in Sea tember the ladies Dl the Methodist Church held what is called a tradesaie tor the benefit of the organ hind The idea is an American one A salesronm was Procurred, and in order to gel a stuck at goods the lotiowing circular was sent out to the prinripai manulacturers at the province, Dear Sir The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Church are arranging tor sample sales about the first week in Sep ternber, the proceeds to go towards purchasing a pipe organ for the church. We ask ktndly tor samples of your goods. on which WE! can realize, in return tnr whth we will thoroughly ad vcrtise, your signs to be hung on Wat is at the salesrooms and any other advertising matter to be distributed Thanking you in advance, I am yours truiv. islgnedt Mrs. JEl Stephens, President, MISS Stephens in araer ta gal the names and places at the aim-rent manuiaclurers at the province. wrote to the secretary of the Mandiacturers’ Association of Toronto. who kindly senther in book torm a Hat of all the manufacturers. She. as secretary of the Wmmlt‘tee, tank the list and addressed the en- velopes therefrom, and enclosed one of the circular letters that the pamphlet dubs as "the request for whiskey". Miss Stephens claims she did not know who Hiram Walker & Sons. addressed to her mother. the president. which she, as secretary, averted, stating they had sent two cases at small bottles at best brand “Canadian Club” together with a tew attractive signs and some small cards ior disposal at the saiasmam. The girl was at her wits’ and to know th at to do With the undesireahle goods, and conferred with two members of the special committee, and the trio. having a knuwledge that other churches received assistance from the firm, and having a desire to swell the church urgm tund. look upon themselves personally to dispose at the goods, not wishing to insult the donors by returning their gift.

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