South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 1, [1869] - [1990], p. 16

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’7 Earlyrfiislcifybf Communin Is On Microfilm BY SANDY NICHOLSON The Government of Ontario has recently provided excellent new facilities [or the Provincial Arch‘ ives at '17 Grenville StreEt , Toro- nto, The Provincial Archirist, D.F. lvlcQuat and his stu ff look after a great many people every day from all parts of Ontario who . com'e seeking information about the early settlement oi their distrlcrs. Unfortunately, pioneers one hundred years ago paid Little attention to the [act that they were making impoltanl history. As we prepared for our 1967 Centenary. the Women's Institute ' omnrHs- ‘CARSWEL'L: Kelly and Nancy are pleased to announce the birth of l Candice Sh’elby born March 15m, weighing 9 lbs.. 2 02.. at the ISaugeen Memorial Hospital. A wee 'sister to Lindsay. Proud grandparents are Keith and Marg Snyder and Don Chrswell, of Port Elgin, and Naideen Carswall. of Hanover. Proud great-glandme ‘are Dorothy and Mel Pcan'so and Ollie Snydcr‘of Port Elginr A special drank you to Dr. Glass and {the nursing staff of Obs. SNYDER: Grant and Lois (nae jUndcnwood) are proud to announce the arrival of their son. Dylan Keith, born on March 14, 1992. weighing 7 lbs, 15 oz. A little brother for Kayla and Jillihnt Proud grandparents are Bazil and Audrey and other community organizat- ions unlertook to compile a hist- I cry of their respective disrricu. The: Provincial Archivcs agreed to microfilm this material, have the l film available for viewing at the ‘ Archives and to return the origin- at [D the community. It was hop- ed that each district would Can I I _ ruue the records so that by 2057 LAMONT; Rot-ran and Carri; there would he more complete (gingham) are mnllod to announce records than in 1967. the salt: arrival of Luke Alexander The Tweedsmuir material that bum March 12, 1991, at 6:08 p.m.. has been nlicrofilmed is listed by weighing 7 lbs. 8-3/4 oz. Proud Countiesr Flam Bruce they “WE grandparents are Ken and Dranc heard from Ripleyr whitechurch, gingham of Oshawa, and Alex and Teeswater, \valkermn, Purple Wilda Lamont of Saugccn C‘m‘ml 5°“m Saugee" and Wu" Township; also great-grandparents ‘ “W' Alice and Stan Bidnchka of " Huron County has not done as Sudbury' Shirley Bingham or “cw” 3”“ ‘5 6mm” ‘5 m“ Manitoba. and William McAngus or Underwood of Arran Township. Keith and Mars Snyder of Saugocn Township. Great-grandparents are Ollie Snyder, Mel and Dorothy Peariso. all of Port Elgin. A special thank you to Dr. Potvin and Obs. staff at Saung Memorial Hospital. '4 a u ‘ Members or the South Saugeen W. I. met at the home of Mrs. Arthul Schwass on the everllng at June 13m, tor their regular meeting and to celebrate their 25th Anniversary. These prolific: straw/(om left [a right » Mr: John Sutherland Scrretary~fiensrlrer a; [In South ranger" w, 1. Mn Mel Black, In Pr'erldenf of the Era/uh, MI: Clio: Thoma: Ivlm arrival in 7rgam'zmg mg Enmull m 19-17(01de Gear inc - » ridrlrt, Imlo'irlg (he Anniversary cake. g8 and PM Twenty four members and nine guests, one lrorn as far as Souris, Manitoba, answered the roll call, "What Institute lnembershlp has n" it to me." Seventeen charter members were present. who was the flrst Secretary- Two songs, one by Mrs. Mel Treasurer. Black and one by Mrs James McEwing, which have won honors in Provinclal oompetlt~ lons were sung by Mrs. Chas Kelly, Mrs Arley Virtuei Mrs. Austin Clulev and Mrs. James There have been 13 Presidents of whom 9 were present, lnClUd' Inn Mrs. Mel Black, out llrst PrESldent There have also been After the usual opening and cuts 13 Sawtawq-masumsl a of ‘ . ‘ . Bell. \ ~ _ _ 1 me rent b mess was dealt With, whom we” p.252,“ Also re. _ l CONTlM-IED ON PAGE h Port Elgln. Spam! "mks ‘0 a] Mrs. Archie McCulloch. as can 95,“ was Mrs Chang, Waffles Mrs Wes Howe brought the local I third floor nursmg 513” i“ ‘1‘“ venor took the chair and cons h D g, ‘5 . ,' news .r . . cam“ m Rum Annev I , 4 n w oyvas ls It: cure my a - W GBRHC. esp Y , ducted u very ilmnu In Mem- the time South Suugeun was Certificates of Race n t re only am)“ Bwy and Aunt Lanny. Also thanks oriam" to the 22 charter mem- organized‘ prmnwd to mow \Ialrcognz: t . The story about Lucknow which to Dr. Daisleyr bets who nave passer) on m the , . . . mm me he, m- of 25 em 7 was written in 1579mm was round ‘ y 25 years since organization. 5*” “'3” [WW '“m'ms’im ' ‘ m “5 p y ‘ on the founding of South Saugr Earl and 6 other Branches ln the District - G of whom are still acme. _ The evenlng was brought to a close with a social tlme over ten ' and a beautifully decorated in the Archives, lists the turtles of a few of the district pioneers who played an important role in l building a better Cotilllluruty more l than a century ago. ll is a pity I there is so little known about them l Mrs John Sutherland read a synopslzed History of the Bran~ ch, preoared by Mrs A Reochl now. Some of their descendants l are readers of (he Seminal Old l Hunks are bound to Contain early * records which would be of special interest to the Ontario Archives. If you have any records dealing with the surly sutlement ol Huan or times. I am sure the Sentinel l will be glad to heur from you, and l pass along your llzlarmmcn to thc appropriate local conl lnirtee, Bruce Counlv assembled In the auditorium of the Chesley High School at the conclusion of the programme, on Monday even- my, April 2nd. Mrs. Marion Teasdale was Chair» lady tor the evenlnn, as garments made during the wlnter course were modelled South Saugecn W I had la mem- bers In their club. and they can be lushhahly proud at their ac comolrshments The leaders were Mrs J W. Erunron and Mn Russell [by Turners l Mrs. Wm Schtldroth 832 7 Slot) Miss Nancy Slmpson. Home E: onomlst lrom Head Office ln Toronto‘ pronounced Summary nghr tor the course “Knacks of sewing wnh Knits" tho ‘hesl yer' lVlrs Don Suthcrland was rnm» l'lel'llatof as Our ladléfi prCSt-nled “Sprlng Fashion: ‘73", ln Mulch they modelled Pant Sults und Dresses, wllh (he help Cl |unlct She was uuumsmu a crowd or girls, Leanne and Susan Suther approxlmatelv lUD lodics tram land. Sharon Guru-let- swears in tht- new [090-91 Brutc E‘t-utre District Women‘s Institute executive at 'l‘uesdav‘s mcctmg held in Mount Hope. Frrlrn It“ to right are Velmh Thllrnburn. tartun committee; one . nE‘rith. resolutions Convener; Morgurcr Plinle. first \ir-g F a“ Jam-l Muckentie. Presidl mlcan thn). puSl president: lena McCarrt l, pltlllir relations ullicer; llL'rC 5““th TWMSM" fl mr; Anna Murrow. museum representative; I-Ilmnnr MtLellllnd. sacrum.“ “W”

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