South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 1, [1869] - [1990], p. 11

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la. l naug’ecn annsliip rniihnil held ils iniiuguml meeting nn Miindav January l0ih nnil nliing ii-iih [he Clark. A "Wm M“ ""mh mu or \ ... mirer MuCullnih, in, O,- f ' Shim-n, liiildh ihc ii-and iii township works department superintendent and musk“ uf our \ll’lliin, HQ employees Pastor Cal Sturdy and me press were "alltjdjull lnsl uni-Ii (Frldui’l entertained in lunch h, Reeve Alex Ldnlulll, :4 affix rk‘li’llivtw win in lradition which lie inilialed and his rullowed silicc Cigat‘hmmf "mm a run ..l . ‘ k 'c nilL“, inn - becoming here who, Wu“ hm small In: Members at the new Saugeen Township Council are id: to righl. sealed. (‘onnriilm Lc< Doll, Deputy Reeve Harry Thcde. Reuve Alex Lumonl and extreme ‘rlght scalar] ('uuncillor Russel Pymck. Mid standing ,lhird from me righl, Councillor Dale MtArthui. Also ‘luklng pnrl in ihn innugiimi rustling, n-ni-e l’ailul’ i'nl V Slurdy from Norm Bruce Uniled Brethren Church ‘ islniiding Jeri); snugeen Road \upi‘rlnll‘nflr‘nr (irlirgc Guvcr (sisnifingccnlrel, and Town Clerk Dun Xiuffcri lsculcd scmild friini riglil) JL'COlllpiisilLd iii incl lhn mini-n lullfln'ng n- llII‘L'C Saugeen reev; feted a Warden’s Banquet lhri‘c ii , mp ilii- i ii uml nni~.ii.ilr ’1’v‘4’4c‘ ’ ' Myemlflu‘“ There have heEn some big loads or lugs bruught m ihe mills here this wmler. and during the past wank there has be": a tail of rwulry in ihis cunnei-nnn. Among the big loads last week, Dian Cnnlpbull liud n bouncer wlih 1.500 real or hemlan This was cappul on Salur~ duu last, hv William Jeffrey, ivh'n drew {iii Sandv Bell lrlrec w s lugs which measured 1,936 P. rm nr clm, drawn over iii: 0. , mg hills im lhe 4ih concess- in inn, ulm ihc nionninin, bylane ,» lmm xi:an 775 yenérs ago «From me Advocalefyles for Jun229,1905) The garden party given by Si, Andrew's Churuh. Sangeen. ill Mr. Donald Camel-en's home (in Tuesday of lasl Wadi, realized $150. The chair “a: occupied by the past. Rev H, McQuznric. and short addresses were given by Rev J 0‘.'Eill oi Paisley and Messrs Kidd, Bowman, MPP. and K Shaw of Walkermn Salas vie-re Sung by Miss Brown and Messrs Jus A. Thomson. Alex Brunlpn. Thus Rankin 'I'hns Mather and J H 7 l r" ’ 3 Evans, The Paisley quarieile. composed of ' Messrs. Thompson, Sinchan. McGilllvray “3’ â€"‘ and McClure, sang lively numbers Nuru'l 1 Bruce Brass Band and Pipers Sutherland i I, and McLean also provided sun-mg mimic . d» i. ,, _ ll Jill ',, "', “ lliixllni ii i ’ “ Warden Alex Lmuni and his wife Wilda admin: mc gih an sine, W \ iiill lini'. " ", l““"l wld l‘ . , .i i. .i ,M senior presented to iliem by County Council .1: inc wardgn's Banqufi ..liili l‘l H,“ ‘ I, M W“ iii on Friday Bvenlng in Underwuud. Reevz Lumonl rnmmenlcd ihai ii was :"iyi’il. mi-i ii w R ~li-l'liirn iiiilil th hamm” Mr :1 “dry dppmpnaie glfL coming so soon afier lhclr lv-‘euly fifm Mt‘ddulg ananCrSafy. R:pon Dfihe bunquci appears on page 4A .lrn‘n rii i i\ 5 mi, [0 l1]l)\|' in :i l m Nu mlll‘ , - . Hm x inni [inns ‘â€" .- ’ l Warden Alex Lamnnt . .’ Alex Lamont 9;. honoured at “"i‘ banquet ‘ I Am Liminnl was lhc guest of honor at the Bruce Coilrny Will‘llL'll'N liiiiiquul Ocluber 12 iii the Bruce Township Hall Tiiilnliiiiiilcr Anily Cormack, Reeve of Paisley presided: minim ihn zoo gucsls were Bruce‘Grey MP cinwrord Douglas, Hillllll‘i‘lflxk' MP Murray Gannl and Wardens from Grey. Simone, Dink-rill, Hul'lifl inid Wellington counties, The \L'llilll’ cx-wnrdcn piescni was Justice Campbell Grant, HHICC Luiliili u'illticn in 1933, H: praised the ability and integrity slimll. by Mr. lnnmm during his lcrm oluifiuc. Similariiies were (i'mHl lirlu -> Mm anrinr and his father. Bruce County Wali'llcn Hi I Aliullwl' L\-l\'lll‘(l\.‘l| viliu spoke was William Oswald, 'Brnce Liiiinii iiurili-n lni 1954 Mum» Douglas LIN] ciuni said rhey ruspcuied rile leadership l i‘x'lli4|ll\ilJ[lLi b» Ml, Lamont during the International Plowing Milli ii Hi. “ih \‘uid [U be ii credil in Bruce County and the whole in llllli [ll 'lln \[k’L‘L’lL Alex Lamilnl thanked hfi lamlly. without whom, llu Milli, iic li-nld noi have (lone me job. H1- expruased his inn iiiini-i rm ll": “uni ihny did when hi- hnd io leave ihdi \I‘ill’L‘V. sl‘l'tilllg. lidilmg. ballng and harvesllngl ‘ Llilrlm; ill» my is wardun, Mr. Ldmum cciubrmcd his lwcniy llllli iii-inimi- .ir.mi-r<nr_iv. “You know, 25 yenrs ago last month. iii i ll" lpik. ll‘ullulll lhai [Vin L‘Ullld live cheaper lhnii one. so as a Will. in .i-ii hinpy in Illunduu‘ my falhcl and molhcrdin-law Mr .iiiil Min. willium McArigus \- Lin-ii. ii ii has been a bllby liui gnarl yuiu‘. a year lhnl iii \\I” i..ii livlgl‘l I do no! know hm-i in Ihank cveryoric i-liiiiiull lilr Ill. u'nlldurl‘ul L‘O'hpflffllifll’l and guidance lhal l have iiiiiiiil ilnnnnl. [he yuii Cuunly L'uurll‘il indnihi-ii, I ilinnli you iii-h null ii. in mi are i grew bum-h [0 work iinh to: me iKlli'HHLlH i-I uur iiundurflll munlv." “iii iJii iii-ids iil‘ Ell'pai'lrnrnn and office siall. a gram big ilidil. _\..n l.n ilii in oerJlmfl ind guidamc you have given me. in, ii. nil .in- i umidtrlul gninp iii pcnplr: m in- associated \\llll m I ma i-mlid th‘ DIQRCH nnd hrs! liiii-rimiiuniil illimnm ilii h i iii \lnhinm shim in llhllirj' liir lbc hm lime in uiini mini i 4min. n min h|g rhnni vnii lrnni wililu and minli l . [Ill inmiiiir hum; ,nin minim lnr ilic l'Car ms. \liil i .miilil liii- l-v llnnii IIIL ilcliiin nl Siluui'L‘li Tim'n‘hip for ill,illi_' ll i ii ii .inil l ‘1 iiiiiirin ii lamrc in bu ii-uiiicn " \‘i i \\ inli n. v. iimnniin unh J“ ungrarcd silver llll lamullh hull» lilrcc «iiiiv Li'ld i iluiinhiur .-nd nl hii lurni us li’l h, \li i-i .- ii 1,,iilii iii .iil ltlllAlll iidlllcil uniil ilii “llikl (UllllU \\’iii|lii« iriini Suuchn 'I'iuimliiii hive ii i~i.i in. im, iiininving,. um. A. Mchlncll. l.iliiinll. l‘iSlv dl‘il \l«'\ Limile I‘l’h l‘limi ll in.” i, V) -il

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