3, 30 MRS . DAN CURRIE . The death of Llrs. Dan Currie, life-long resident. of the district, occurred in Saugeen Leaorial Hosp- ! ital, on “lorday, .ecruary 8m, 1960. Deceased, who was the former Sarah ann Ross, was ‘ burn ir. Bruce Township on October Jam, 1872. She was a member of the South Saugeen women‘s lnssitute. Mrs. Currie has a widow, ner Husband predeceasing her 1: August, 1.9M). She is survived by two sons, James 01' For: blgin and H.055 of Saugeen Township; Lwa daughters, Am. of Saugeer, ard Basie, llrs. Angus "lcl‘onald ul‘ Southampl. by UM) bruLhErs, ‘lrilliam J. ard lac of Bruce Tovmsnip, and one sister, JessieJ of Collirgwood. Funeral services, cm fluctea by bus Rev. C. warning, 01' St. undrew's United Churcn, Saugeen, will be held. from tile Lave}; funeral done, this after: our, \1'.e<lresday;, at, 2.30 p.11. \ Pallbearers chosen are Messrs. Alex. liar:- Doupall, James meirg, Dan :cnwing, Charles telly, s‘r., nllisber lcnenzie, arm Azure“ Cacao. Floral tributes will be borne by Robert Thomas, Wallace Hammond, .Aoward Pritctlard and Charles belly, Jr. MRL. JCHN u. BELL. A lifelong resident of baugeen Townshlp. “:5. John J. Eell‘ passed away in Saugeen Memnrlal Hohpltal. Southampton. an aaturday. oeptember 17. 1960. after an illness of six weeks. Mrs. Bell. who was in hFr 78th the youngest daughter or the late Robert Flemmg and Mary Pollock Fleming, Saugeen pioneers. On January 1. 1907. she was marrled to John .J. Hell. also of daugeen. ancl they took up rPsidenre on can. 2, saugran. wwvre they spent Lhelr enLlre lives, with the exception of three years in Port Elgin. yrar. was was a member of l:‘olnne Churrh‘ Fort Elgxn, Lhe lnstltute and the Port Club. The late Mrs. Bell Memorial Presbyterian south Saugeen l'loms-n's Elgin bcnlor Citizens Surv1v1ng besldes her husband are two sons. Robert J. of Port Elgin and Jams-5 of Saugeen Township: also by fcur grandchildren and one great~grandchild. One sister. Mary, Mrs. Davxd McNabb. of Vlctorla. B. C.. also survives. The funeral was held Monday, September 19, with SEI‘VlCE 1L the Davey Funeral Home, Port Elnin, conducted by Rev. Maurice McNabb. Burial took place in Sanctuary Park Cemetery. Port Elgjn. Pallbearers were George Pollock, Elmer Fallocn. A. J. MCArthur. Gilbert McClinton, Frank Dawson and George McGregor. Flower bearers were Joe Fleming, George Fleming. saï¬ll bby‘ J. b. Mchechnle, William Mchechnle and upence McLean.