Mr. and Mrs. Marian damisaon _ Lot 10 Uoncession was taken from the crown by John Stafford. 421 October 1863. he purch- ased 18 acres of Lot 9 from Jamel fl. Meyer. in March 1876. it was sold to Duncan me- Lean. A year later It was sold to Duncan Mc- Allistsr. in January 1861, it was purchased by Adam Mass. $31.1“; BANK mm ‘ Lot 10, 15011. 2, aaugeen »ln may 1893, Adam Mass sold to Confederation Life Association. an: in October of the same year, it was purchased by James Bolton. On 2113 death in 1924. it was taken over by Ins son. vnarles. in June. 1947. it was pur- chased by Hoffa†uamieaon.