2%» Bruce Twp†Lot 7, Con. M. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lawrie. WENDY CREEK STOCK FARM. On August 8th, 1876, Wendy Creek Stock Farm, Lot 7, Concession lo, Bruce Township, consisth of l02 acres, was taken from the Crown by William Knox. At his death, October 25th, 1886, he willed it to his sister, Agnes McDowell of Ireland, who kept it till the following May, and then sold it to Thomas Brooks. In May 1887, the farm changed hands again, and was sold to Matthew Pollock for the sum of wl,800.00. At his death on March 8th, 1.889, it was willed to Elâ€" speth Pollock, who resold it to Thomas Brooks. He owned it until June 190A, and then sold it to Alexander Campbell for 93,500.00. On March 3rd, 1911, George Brown of Kincardine Township purchased the farm for oh,SC0.00. Mr. Brown cleared ll) acres of bush at the back of the farm. On the let or April, l9u3, George Brown sold the farm to Thos. Lawrie for 4A,500.OO, and he took possessior on April 151;, l9LA. Thos. lawrie, son of Mr. and hire. Thus. Lawrie of Bruce Township, married Marjorie Machin on, a daughter of Lir. and Mrs. Clarke Machinnon of Tiverton in 1940. Their family are ~ Bob, Ann, Kenneth and Sheila. In the Fall of 191.5, the west field was ditched and tile laid. In December of 191.6 the staole was remodelled and gravity bowls installed, along with a cement supply tank. In 191.7 hydro was installed and a cement milk house added to the nortn east side of the barn. In was, the rough cast was removed from the house and replaced by red insul brick, new windows put in throughout, and a sun porch added to the east. In 1952 a bathroom was installed, the cellar way changed and built in cupboards added to the kitchen. In 1951., some of the bush land was bulldozed and A more acres of tillable land was available. In June 1955, a concrete barn yard was laid at the south side of the barn, and in 1957 a deep well pressure system was in- stalled ara the gravity bowls replaced by pressure. In 1959 a new roof was put on the barn.