r ML Puechman has re- ‘ , sorted to giving the pigs on Plgs on the (armor Harold Pnechrnan, Route 1!, Walk. ednn, “never had It so Harold PaechmanofR R2, Walkerton, has a flock of 3600 pullfls which started laylng eggs about two weeks ago. With a flock thlsslze, Mr. Poechman ls able ta gather about one or two thousand eggs a day‘ Unâ€" able to getarajrprlcerrom the egg: grading statkons, good". When Mr. Poach- man them ragga, feed problems GATHERS ONE TO TWO THOUSAND EGG-S A DAY his farm an egg diet. Mr‘ Poechman said, “one egg grading station wouldn‘t even give me aprice,whlle others altered from one to [our cents adozerLTwenty- EGG DIET resorted tn feeding pose". vanished. The pï¬gsclamnr for the eggs and when Mr. Poechmzn enters their pen five years ago, eggs at three cents a dozen, were considered cheap pigâ€"food, so I've decided to LISe my eggs for the same pur- . Stat! Pho A ? they almost haw] Mmover. ; - Shfl Pholo ‘r