Bruce The Bvuue cowl, Dam Pm» wllh me Counly Holsleln Club Dance m ma Teeswaler Communlty Cenlra «m Salurdav November 20. 1982 class Cumpellllon was held CU’HU’VCUON l , f on a Ionic ralallnu lo dalrylng In ‘ I Bruce Counly Master 01 ceremonies for the 7 7 â€" ‘ Bvflnlflg was Brenda Trask who ‘ works lor the Onlsrln Mllk Mar- K l . kallng Board and was a lorrnar‘ a v l ‘K Ontario Dalry Prlncass Brenda l I I Inlroduced me slx comeamms: ’ Joanne Bregman‘ Tasswaler l l l l ln‘9r' viewer) by a panel nl ludgea and mam: a shnrl SDGBCh la lhï¬ publlc was (,Ol’lle‘lldfl‘ Joanne Grubb‘ Mllamay Nancy Hannoerler. Teeawaler Anna Hundl. Walkenon Janice Needharm Fllpley Kalhy Weppler. Purl Elgln Judges for the campstlllun were Joanne Weber. Wllllam ‘ Graxlon and Herman Harold I ‘ Mm: halhy Wappler. daughter [ nl Mr and Mrs Harvey Weppler cl Pan Elgin was crowned lhe ‘ 1933 Bruce County Dalry Prlncoas ‘ " Dy Dlanns Clarke. 1962 Bruce ‘ Counly Dairy Prlncesa. Kathy l was also presemad with a sash by I Glenna Hawlay. 1933 Onlarla l Dairy Prlncasa Runner-up was Anne Hundl, Walkanon Miss Joanne Grubb was the wlnnar of the mnqsnlallly} awards Joanne wan plcksd by her‘ laHow contestants Congratula- llons In all the nonlealanls on a lab well done Kalhy will be represenllng the ‘ daIFY larrners of Bruce County for l the man year and wlll compels al' ma CNE m August for me tllle ol ""mlarlo Dalry Drlnceaa |l you m’uld Hire Kathy to attend one of Each l l a - ‘ Wm luncllons 'apreaenllng me ‘ I ‘ A ‘ w Ik I ‘jarv_ varmara ol Bruce Counly, ‘ d R “H'U Anne Hum“ (right) of ‘Na anon] lease a ya I M I l M155 Wepplev an un . p I ‘ gran; :nncacrmnr: Lo 5 “Donald pose followmg the crowning last week Dianne CJark ("am right) was chosen as Ih petition held at Walkenon. Anne Hundt for the crown were (back row, left In light