'wnlm- play. was directed by V5413 ‘Walkerlon Juniors [Win Drama Festival ! “ B'IRICMS Slal'Wrim in winning lasl nighl the TEESWATER â€" With theieralkcrton club broke a three, lone-act play, The Incnme Tax,lycar grip Teeswaler had on the Walkerton Junior Farmers \veullrophy. Last year Teeswaler the county drama festival herelwa-‘l the provinmal winner last night and as well look thE‘,‘ '" W" hwards lor best acmr and besll flatness, ‘ Diane Null was named besl' aCll'esS by adjudicwr John Mar~ ‘riolt of the Godarich Little The- atre Group and another Walk- enon club member ï¬ancis: Zelller was judged best actor. Other cast members were Eve- lyn Ahell, Gerald Chesney and Wesley Abellv Mrs. Carl Remust was the direch' of the win»' nim: playi Robert Ireland 01' Teeswater‘ was named best supporting act- or and Annie Gowanlock nl'; Pran Elgin best supporting act-l r055 ['an E]: i n presented Thei BLxhop's Candlaslicks. Other anal members were Donald lF‘onlnn, Wayne LamlL Ruth Ann Hnnm, William Jeffrey, Allan Hem-h and Russ Hilary. '1'th Purl Elgin play was direclml by Mrs. Reginald Carter andl Mrs. Gordon Lewis. John DOVES Mary, the Tees- Mn Sydney Smith. Other cam mumhfl‘S were Sharon EtL wards. Airc Niesen, Brian 1m» lnnrl, Arthur McKague, Donald Slam, Marian Raltan. Julien Smilh. Aim: Verka and Phyl- _lis Donaldson. :VllleNG CAST-Walkenon swept all up «words a! the Brute County iunior farmer ulwul. Shown an (left lo right, standing) Diane Noll, best actress; Francis Zefllev hm actor; Wesley Mall and Gerald Chasnay, and (sealed) Evelyn Ahell. I lLlCLl liter! FMB