Sheila McNeil, Back row left to ï¬ght: Tammy Flarity. Cat y Gibson, Theresa i Ghent, lMac Gibson, Kim West, Donna Fletcher and Donna‘.Urbshotl. Front row left to Brayr nght Thomas, Cali Smyth. Sheila Bray, Carol McCauley, Cathy McLay and Bellyanne Angie Twigger. Cathy Broomball news "Bandiia Sisal the Show and Prolung "Ia Ladioa' Championship Series" "Ci-varinn Raiders Stay Alive wlih Ovarllmo win" The March 15m broombali cham» pionshlp game; results as follows: The ilrsi game saw the Colonel Clarke Bandii’s‘loially dominate the game by our hustling the Peninsula Homecare by a score of 3-0. Scoring for the Bandits were Cin- dy Ceaser unassisted. Sandy Jones assisted by Carrie Cook, Holly Sut- ier unassisted. Omitted from the March 11IBO game - Bandits lone goal was scored by #5 assisted by Tracey Arnold-sorrygirls. The second game of ihe nighi was a real barn burner wiih lhe Ciavering Raiders burning the Oilers (Oliphanli in overtime by a score oi 1-D. Bolh teams and both goalies played and saved some dliflculi shols min me 37, Overall mare"; Smaran me. an Pacer Bill E w .9, (Bonn/ling». Sunday. March 18in Srgombaii Realms Cleveran Raiders Tie Championsmp Serias Peninsula Homecals wins League This with sudden deam lheBanails The his; “n . "cam, oval Eh " teams is . nighl 3i 9 E availatlr: Tm edged ihflr'l‘flri' SuddEP-ï¬ - 12‘ and mm in; Ladies ship TroDhy Scoring iur we Homecare lean were i: cheraSSisied by Sheila Bray unassisled Donna r assisiea {'1 Sheila Maria-ii ir aw?! lime SCQiii'ig i:' Sandy Jones a Cruise MEian Carrie Cool i Peninsula _ Champiohsi‘; same 1 nan-[nan aeninsula nn clei ihé Band is were "an by her i' “9 NEW assisted :' Coma eul - hot Cull ill from ih-Elr ilnd on! .th «we series