Jay 'e uehre -' Prim ind Mrs. heyr<,yelted with withVAllen and Qolppys Bay on A ‘uisltors with Grenville d Edythe ,Crawl‘qrd were Mrs. Barb Gilbert. Wienun and qun and Jerry Frankls‘h of Goldwater. j-‘Ralph and Marie and ehltdren Lynne and Soot called In on Monday evening. Saturday after- noon Grerwllle visited her mother, Mrs. Amy Crewlord el Goipeys Bey. ~Jlm and Margaret Urbehott entertained their family on Sunday afternoon. The occasion 'wes to mark the birthday of their daughter. Jean Smith. Also present were Hick. Delenle and Scotty Smith. Beth and Steve Moore. Wlarton; Carol and Dave Weir. Mar; Brien and Debbie Urhehott, Kemble; Carol Pouch- er‘and Pauline Urbshott. London and Fred and Robert. Purple Valley 4-H News The first meeting tor the latest 4-H homemakan project "Your Corner oi the World" was held on February 18. 1980 at 7:00;. pm. at the home at Audrey Hepburn. The meetan was opened with the 4-H pledge. Cathy Cook was elected President. Cindy Cook In looking after the club scrapbook, end the club will once again have a roving secretary. As this prolect will teach the members how to rheoreme. it was decided that a suitable club heme would be the "Knotty Know-Howe." The history and materials of mecreme was discussed brlelly. Membere also dlecuesed decorat- Ing ideea and changes they would make In their bedroom: their corner of the world. Members will be beginning a clipping tile 0! furniture. rooms. accessories. etc. that appeal to them. as well as a clipping me at meureme Ideas and lnstrud» tlons. The meetlna was closed with the nlne members reciting the 4-H motto. The next meeting will b February 25. 1950 at th Hepburn Homestead.