A rough and tough Purple Valley team captured the Groundhog Broomball Championship for the 2nd straight year, iPurpIe Valley (by Audrey Hepburn) -Miss Cerrle Cook spent the groundhog weekend visiting with her friend. Miss Lenore Cunn~ Inghem at Ademevllie. -Bruoe Gilbert wee home from ‘Barrle to visit Ciliiord and ti Sharon Gilbert. Trevor. Joan and Tammy. He also took In the broombaii games In Wlerton and visited Mr. and Mre. Art Holey his grandparents. -Frldey evening guests with Paul and Sue Scenion were John and _wendy Downhem. -ï¬aehei Hepburn enloyed the “after the broomball party†at Jan carder'e at Oxenden on Friday evening. -A terrible predicament occurred at Purple Valley on the week- end. A prominent citizen le reported to have run out of mix. -Purple Valley W.i. catered to approx. eeventy eklere who took pert in‘the groundhog weekend ski-enrame on Saturday morning. ~Barb Hepburn was home irorn Toronto tor the weekend. -.i|n1 and Margaret Urbehott and Ken and Verna Urbehutt. Wler- ton, visited on the weekend in Gait. They were guests of Mel and Jerry Meadows. -Two little lambs arrived at Cilii Gilbert eenlor'e and a newborn oelt at Bill Cooke during the cold weather. so aprlng can't be too far away. -By the time you read this week's Echo. one of the quilts lor the Maple Syrup Festival will hlve been completed. Mrs. Eva Gilbert let us put them up at her house because it is nice and warm. -Don't target the Festival meet- Ing Wednesday. February 6th. -Spemllng the weekend at her parente. Jim and Margaret Urblhotte wee Pauline Urbehett oi- London. Mlee. Carol, Puncher. at London was also a weekend gueet et Urbehotte. -A party at Doug and Sandra Thompsone. Hope Bay on Friday evening was enjoyed by Bill and Edna Cook and Cindy and Bill ‘end Audrey Hepburn and Nor~ rnenr slang with a number 01 other guests. Judy Metzger and her neigh- bours have lound a way to break the monotony of the long winter. They get together in the evening and bring their knitting or craite and have e social time while accomplishing lots at work A good idea. Judy entertained the ladies on Thursday evening.