W†Making syrup not Worthl 9? hi i l l ' ma le syrup is wmhkflge troglble. accordm -to Bill Glassford. a farmer £3: Pflrple Valley. is l "n l I - - Ats ’ d “115 year he errng “El-0:112 about 60 gallonsgof 3:51p. which will sell for 316: h. He sells a lot of it alpha “V Etitlcrple Valley Maple Sygtrp I Festival. coming up this wefek- . end and his mother in Orange- villc also sells quite a bit, He savs that even at $16 a blem . he has no pro 1 gm; his entire smelt. zandhg‘ei could sell much more it e ll. he had over 400 trees tapped. and it took him and his wife. and their four-year-old daughter Tanya. well over an hour each ‘ day to collect the sap. . l After collection. the sap is pumped into a holding tank at 1 the syrup shack. Then it must he . boiled until it reaches the l perfect consistency and temper- ‘y ' l attire. During the boiling pro-[ cess. only about one gallon of‘ syrup 15 produced each hour. l Between 35 and 40 gallons of maple sap are necessary tol produce one gallon of maple syrup. This year hasn't been a particularly good one for produc- Ing the syrup. he said. Cold nights and warm days are necessary to make the sap flow welL The Glassfords com leted their collection of sap or the‘. year last Saturday. "I really look forward to making maple syrup each year," ‘ says Mrs. Glassford." but then ‘ you really look forward to ï¬nishing it. when you're almost through."_ _a_â€"l TJnHI (ilaxsl’ord. 4, cnjnys going out into the she collects the sap from one of the more than } hlnlr \‘ullll llcr parents, Mr. and Mrs Bill 400 trees tapped on the Glassford farm neari t‘.l.mlunl, “ht-n ihcv collect maple sapt Here. Purple Valley. linoleum Mr. and Mrs. James Urbsnott i are pleased to announce the ‘ engagement of their daughter Beth to Sta hen Moore. son at i Mr. and rs. Aylm‘er Moore. ‘ The wedding to take place May ‘ 14.1977. 5'2-pd l