73 . Km :9 '7 v""‘ Audzey epbum) i Cathy Cook visited with Wendy Gatis. Colpoys Bay. Cindy (“ooh spent the weekend' retainers ' _ 7 Gilbert and‘ myself. Ofï¬cer were elected and are as follows: Connie - President (nominated by myself and seconded by Debbie). There is to be a rotating secretary. Decisions were limited ~Rhunda lsbcsier. North Keppel. ‘ as one member was absent (due “.35 glormrqaycd at Cooks for ‘ to failing memory) and another sacral dam | could not attend (due to ailing .Ehewhurc in the Echo is a ‘healthl. Roll call was “What 4-H tmeans to me." We discussed what this project would cover. which is HEAD. HEART. HEALTH. and HANDS. An open discussion was held about our; ï¬eld trip for this club. alsol ‘arliclcs we must bring. plus ai name for the club. At the next meeting. Februaryl I4th we will learn the old art ot'l quilting by hand. I feel certain and I know our other membersi do too. that we are headed for a fantastically good project! ‘ By reporter - Rachel Hepburn. ‘ in Wiarton and helped Crithy Richardson celebrate her birth-. day. pledge card which you may use i it you are interested in keeping Iht‘ hall for our communitv.i After the pledges arc in andl culll’tlL‘d. we will heitcr be able to approach the Grand Orange Lodge about purchasing it. -thhL‘rl Llrbshnli Visited with i Norman Hepburn met the week end Norman tclebraied his tenth birthday on Saturdav.i ‘ i February 5th. A delicious cake bakud and ltud by our good neighbour. Betty Gilbert was iust suilud in El hnckt-y player. :l'lii: top 0| lllL' cake “as a my Andreyï¬ephm) \kallng rink mth the red and blux- Icarus luring off at the ‘ rcdlmv -Connic Cook visited With Sam. '-"m and DU‘L’C†HU‘W' Hirdra Halt in Wiartori ever the north. visticd recently \i'ith “cakend and anendcd the Tim. Slizitun and Cllllord Gilbert. mus _ Lisk wedding recepï¬on‘ rl’uul Burt was home from gram and Tanya Glassford‘ “WM†it" "‘1‘ “9de and tiniedwiih Grandpa and Grand-l WT‘WIPVJ'CG â€â€˜ m“ C‘" '3â€) 3‘ ma Burt. Sauble on Saturday‘ the Groundhog Festival. 4 and Sunday, I r'l'ht: trophy lur the ladies '0" Tucgdéw February 5' 1977 a ‘ hrimmhall tournament held nnlncw ham 'g-"l arrived for Lois‘ ll“: Groundhog Festival Week-land Neil'Hmn. Camp Bordem A l 9â€" “1" “m' l“ m“ Wiam’" new sister tor Jason and Nicole. ‘ Merchants team A number of her name is Kamna Logs the Purple Villit') and area girls Mime"c and she weighed 6 tbs. Pill“ “" 'hi“ “'3'â€- . 8% on. Grandma Josie Coveney I .Noi to be outdone by (hi: ladies m Um) [hm eyewbndy is ï¬ne‘ ihc Purple Vlillcy bush league AB!“ Hepburn and Bi†Cook wok l hncltcy iuarn won the trophy for an in Saturday's mowmwama i that division at the Groundhog and repuned a gmd "in 1 Festival with u scurc of 2-1. Therm and Gary Howe. canhl “my WL‘N‘ Fifli’ing “will†cape hridgu. spent the weekend in l ("'k" George Hoot-5. Sunday visitors 1 -Mr~. Bluinc Ullhert was hostess were (“men Lcnmc and Barb .l llil‘ th‘ Fuhruury mecting of th‘u‘cuudlc. Lionvs Hcad and Perc . Purple Valley Women's Irwin and Juan Howe. Wianon' l‘ “"3 ““mk 5")“ "mes wcrl:i-Jimiind Margaret Urbshott took t “'“L'WVd mm" M'- “"d M†Wm in some uftlie events held at the l C'rmilortl rind Mrs. Eva Gilhcn‘ Lion-S Head Winter carnival (his ‘ lor Christmas huth rcccivcddwm “VCMML Plath were made to host this; Umâ€! and sandâ€. Wayne and imr‘s Bl’UCL' North Dislrictlusa"Thompson and Aaron Far. ‘ Annual which ix in be held in. C“ “shed with Bi“ and t on y Witiriun Baptist Church. ~3‘urda‘ evening. ‘ tllht‘nhh’lnn followed concerningi Burbm‘a Hcpbum was tun-mgl tilt‘ Maple Syrup Fustival and a! gL‘RL‘TEIi. meeting Will he called in ll‘lL‘ neat l'ulutc. flat. l? #177‘ ‘ l‘rom Rycrsnn University. Tor- onto for ll‘lt.‘ weekend. 4-H NEWS Paul Burt was also home from Just like old friends - we Toronto and Visited with his reunited. Monday. Fcbruflr)‘ 7. sister. Judy and Bill Glassford. 1977 at 7:30 for the ï¬rst meeting. of the Purple Valley 4-H club. PURPLE VALLEY 4-H lhi: place was Mrs. Goodale‘s On Monday. February l4. home. arrived tit by a rather |Q77 we met for meeting two at mugh *ki'dU" “'iP~ 50~ “Her Mrs. Goadales, The roll call bandages were afï¬xed to the "what 4.H means to me" was proper places the meeting W35 answered by the three members called to order and the 4vl-i prescm, pledge was recited in the ' ' ‘- prcsencc of Mrs. Eva Goodale. loader; Mrs.‘ Elaine douse. re Codiâ€. Design 'Ylh em and try snowshoeipg for our ï¬rst ï¬eld trip. This will be on bring your ï¬eld glasses and sound, camera and we can watch for ' birds and maybe take some 4-H NEWS pictures. on February 19th. the ï¬ve We three who were present. 4.1-1 girls arrived at Mrs- hegan our samples of quilting House's home at-l p.m. for a snowshoe (snowshoes. ski-duos. foot). and worked on them until the meeting adjourned. The new meeting will be February Zl a Mrs. Rousss for Mrs. Goodal and her husband are headed fl Florida. (We all wanted to i too. but....Don‘t you think t! would make a lovely ï¬eld tri I By Rachel Hepburn. ’. I' ' ‘ I .t.\r§n£*.tiégt’.fd7 -Gail and 5:: y Gilbert were ‘Kittht-ncr visitors on Tuesday of last week, Grenville and Edythe Crawford visited with Mr. and†Mrs. Bill Crawford, Colpoys Bay on the evening of February Iblh, The occasion being Bill and Amy's 28th wedding anniversary. May we send them our belated congratulations. Blaine Gilbert, Cecil. Marvin and Keith McCartney went snowmobiling to the Lake Ait'ï¬ drew Hunt Club for the week. end. Apparently snow conditions are nearly perfccl l'ilr snowmoth travel. This. combined with the sunny days has prompted many people into going on some long rides to parts of the peninsula they have not seen before. Quite a number of horse lovers visited at Gail and Sally Gilberts on Sunday to see the new team hitched up and have a sleigh ride. Present were Bob. Gloria. Milli: and Coleen Thomas. Sandy McCartney. Gordon West. Bill Cameron, Rody Wright. Rag. Lois. and Phillip Williamson. Randy and Sharon Williamson. Leonard McCartney and Gerald Bull. Bill and l visited with Jim and Diircen Howe. Hcpworth on Sunday evening. .Bnb McCartney visited with Bill on Monday evening. -Had a letter from my brother Bob Urbshott. Guelph and ad though he doesn't recommend breaking your hip to get a holiday he says he will soon be I able to start putting some ‘ weight on his leg. -Thank you to my neighbours for phoning and writing me their news. -Connie Cook presented her speech “Canada†at the Lions Club meeting on Monday even- ing and is'to be congratulated on winning ï¬rst prize. Jack Glancey and 'Dave McCoy thorn Owen Snuud's’ndw‘mo dl . ...« no 43989 ecn spending that project. n cares about our environment? and roll ctill was "One thing I would hope to learn on this Field trip." een enjoy the winter With Saturday afternoon. so, come and 9k and Bonnie Glancey. Owen This is one of the field trips will take place in this It was called “Who ‘ - Sn we started out on _our old trust) snowshoes lonhing fog wildlife. which we dISCOVCrE was pretty scnrcc, We saw some rzihbit tracks and“ a ruffled grouse and identilicd :1 fed; lrccs. thn he returned \xgith ‘ ilL‘l'lL‘S here and there and one ‘ complete case of l'nSomnIfl we d a meeting. haWc haven't dccidcd on a club 1 name as yet but will leave n until the next meeting whichiis , February 28th at Mrs._ Rpuse s. t Some girls were ï¬nishing up their quilting samples. while the ‘ abscnleos were informed on what to do to catch up. Our member's pamphlets were scrut- inized and we were told to think ‘ about meetings four and ï¬ve,‘ which are on Citizenship. _ , In Menorinni t RICHARDSON: In loving mem- ' ory at our dear daughter and sister. Annetl. who passed away suddenly. February 29. 1972. ‘ lt's lonely here without you. ‘ clear 1 We miss you more each day. For lite Is not the same to us. Since you were called away. i In our hearts your memory i lingers. » _ ' Sweelly tender, fund and virus, J There is not a day, dear .That we do not think of you. It broke our hearts to lose you. But you dldn't go alone, For part of us went with you, The day God called you home. Too dearly loved. never to be 1 forgotten by Mother, Father. ‘ brothers Sam and Bruce 44-pd I â€",â€"3 Annette. I l