another year and it‘s back to work and hack to school. 1 hope evcrinne's Christmas wishes came true and that you are still keeping your New Year's resolu~ llllllh, Santa Claus must think i'm a gmd \torker. He brought me ion dies and a big scoop shovel. I’m sure he nnly expects me In ust- one at it time and not all ll‘lfs't. zit once > I There has been lots of aCIIVlI) in ntir community for the past tun uceks so here are some of lht particulars i found out and thought you might be interested Ill kituwtng. ‘ Beatrice and Donnie Pruder Spent Christmas day with the Rat (Ei'eigs tl‘l Wiar‘tun. Their dauuhtm‘ Jim and Barry Smith. Titftt. \pL‘itl Sunday With them. Slullct and Kathy Grcig. Hopi: \‘ms. Lnjntcd a ten days llitlltlil}\ ttntl‘Nt-w leiir's guests neru Mr. and Mrs. BBV Grcig .inil l;iniil_\'. Httpe Ness. and Mr. Barri. Hahn .ind Anthony of \NtllllMll’, 7(J\I,T IhL‘ lit-Inlays Bult McCart- llL\ Sr and Bub Jr. visited with Miirtax and Sarah Kirktnn. ()ncn Snuiitl and Jim and Audrey McCartnev. at Dosh-writ. ~l-ret] MLCILTIHC‘. has been spouting Ll lust days “lill his ittth' Bunnie and Jack GIantt-t'. Owen Sound. -ltms and Irene Davidson. Mil- Ll'll'll. \Dt'nl part of the holidays at ll'tl'll' LilliitL’L‘ on the tenth line and hail as guests their daughter Donna and Still-inrlflw Jim and tilt†tun LiltltlFL‘ll 'llltl‘it‘ \llk‘lltllllg a fun days ill (ii-tirgt‘ Hunt's and enjoying \lllllt th'ilttuln‘q were. Mr. and Mn Huh Hinlgiisnn and Robert. Mi BL‘HHLL‘ (llll'h. Tht‘tlll llttttl'. Glen, Gar}. and Brian. all nl (‘.intl1rit|ur Oll'lt'r guests over Iln l!|tlldit\"- \ttru Duhhie and Sshutinll. (.imbridgu. Catlin-n :iinl LL'nUl't' Candle. fiitrll, Sharon and Danny of Lions Head and Mr, and Mrs. Pl'l't\ Howe. Wiarlint. .iii-ttrut' l-lnwt- and Phyllis Mcr (.irInt-v enim‘cd Christmas stip- pt‘l \\l|l'l Port and Jean HIMVL‘ in \‘l Litâ€"Inn. r\ tstttii‘s lll Mr. and Mrs. Barrie lmIn-rtv's who have a new \‘i'lfllL‘l ml: tiniist- an lllt.‘ mild In l‘lltftlt‘ Vallet. nurt- their son (Itt‘is. illl'ttnltl. their daughter Mitticllc and Jerry Granger. Brnnnilm and daughter Kim and Btltin Dale lrum Milton. '(JlL'lhlllC' iintl [:dHllC Crawford , . L . (b Audrey nephrika if as‘ Chri day vgges s. The holiday season is over Fr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Crawford. 1H2 =z. 7» Colpoys Bay. They spent New Years day with Bill and Amy and an enjoyable evening of visiting. None of the other family members were able to be home but they received phone calls from them. -Brucc and Linda Hepburna‘nd Elsie Glendillen enjoyed Christ- max at Lorne and [clean Hepburn's. Lorne‘s mother and dad. Minnie and Andy Hepburn spent New Years Sunday with them -Trztcv Gilbcri celebrated her ï¬fth birthday on December 30th and invited Kim and Kevin Gilbert and Carrie Cook in for a party and blue cake, ' Christmas day. Gordon Gilbert. Blaine and Wilda Gilbert and family. Barry and Brenda Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacKen- zie visited with Gail and Sally Gilbert and family. Gail and Still) were hosts at a New Years Eve party for a number of their neighbours and friends. -Mr. and Mrs, Walter Sunahara. Toronto. spent the holiday week at their cottage at Melvor, rBrucu Gilbert enjoyed a. few days holidays at Grandma and Grandpa Gilberts. -Mr. and Mrs. La‘vernc Metzger and family enjoyed Christmas wool-t visiting with their respec- tive parents and other relatives at Kitchener. »Mrs. Clara Stewart had all of her family home for the Christ» mas holidays. Harold Wright was host to the lunch» family on Christmas day. -Mr and Mrs. Werner Zach who have a new home on the twentieth sideroad and are relatively new residents to our community enjoyed a quiet Christmas at home with their two children. -The Gilbert families had severai family gatherings over the holi- day season. Clifford and Sharon held Christmas at their home and Allan and Barb. Wiartott entertained on New Years Sun< do). Clifford and Sharon. Bruce and Trevor Gilbert also visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haley in Wtarton and with other mem- bers of Sharon's family who were up fur the holidays. -Paul Burt was home from the Iniversity of Waterloo for Christmas week. -Thirt_v.nne members of Lloyd and Olive Burt's family gathered at the home of Judy and Bill Glassl'ord for Christmas day. The niccst part of all was having Grandpa George Burt sitting at the head of the table. Norman Gilbert visited with his sister. Mrs. Vera Zurbeck. Kitchener. for the Christmas festivities. -Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bere spent Christmas quietly at home with Sonja and Chris and enjoyed some ski-doping. Mrs. Bere played the organ for the special New Year‘s service held at the Cape Croker United Church. -Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McLean and baby Lynn visited with» r Marie's parents. Mr ’an "’t E 'm ‘- -Mr. and Mrs: Btain_;cii_eri. Kim and Kevin spent New Years day with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Perry in Wiarton, . »Bill and i had all our family With‘ us for the holidays. on Christmas day my mother Lottie Urbshott and my brother Art and Bill's mother. Elda Hepburn were also gathered around the table with us. New Years for supper we all put our feet under Grandma Hepburn's table in Wianon. -Visiting with Mrs. Helen Mc- Cartney and boys were Emma and Jerry Mosser and son. Wiarton. Coralee and Blaine and Jennifer Harrison and Cecil. Otven Sound. George HOWE and Phyllis. -Santa Claus didn‘t have any trouble ï¬nding Oliver Deleary‘s stocking as he spent Christmas day quietly at home. ~Christmas day guests with Bill and Edna Cook and family were Audrey Crandon and Ralph. Anne and Ron Daykin. Howard Gilbert and Mrs. Eva Gilbert. Other visitors through the week were Darrin McKone and Don Hunsburger. Mitchell and Wendy Gates. Colpoys Bay. Harv and Betty Weir called on them Saturday evening. -William. John and Jean Craw- ford. Lila Cuthbert and Carol Ann. Wiarton called on the Cooks and also visited Mrs. Eva Gilbert and Howard. Joan and Ric Smith and Delanie. Wiarton. enjoyed Christmas day with her mother and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Urbshott and all the other family members. Jim and Margaret spent Sunday and New Years day with Margaret's mother. Mrs. Taylor at Lion's Head. Many of her brothers and sisters were able to be home too. so it was a pleasant time. A phone call to Jack Taylor in Calgary let everyone wish him a happy New Year too. ‘Betty and Clifford Gilbert invit- ed a number of people to their home to see the old year out and help ring in the new. -Art Urbshott visited with Mrs. Lottie Urbshoti on Christmas Sunday. ~Also enjoying a quiet family Christmas at home were Bev and Art King and children Cheryl. Donna. Robbie and Christinaâ€, J - ----- .1 ~- . , A CELEBRATES BiRTl-IDAY .CllffDl'd Gilbert Sr. celebrated his birthday on January 4th.- . When I phoned 'to ï¬ndrout how many candles he had on his cake he wasn't home. He was in fact out celebrating-another occasion. Thirty»three years ago on January 15. 1944, Elizabeth Tildesley and Clifford Gilbert were united in marriage at a quiet ceremony at Ru b . En - land. The new bridegciime' tgo to 'farm with heif' Canada husband on the tenth l e Albemarle Towns ' H ' both ’ l‘f i I! 111i: school éhildlien unexpected holiday on Mo . because of the star-my, weuflge -Mrs. Helen McCartney stï¬yfl)‘ e fr the weekend at V‘i’rights. Hepworth while they attended some snowmobile races. -Snnwmobiling seems to' be the order of the day in this. area, What else can you do With all this snow? A number_of the neighbourhood men_ enjoyed a ski don trip on Friday to the Tower Sand hill and over part of 'the trail. -Barb Hepburn returned to clq‘idgonto on Sunday to attend her second semester at Ryersnn University. -Tuesday. January 4. W77 2 second meeting was held at Berford Lake for the snowmobi- lcrs. The main topic discussed was grooming the trails and how soon the groomer would be available. No date was set for another meeting. -Several members of the Mc- Cartney families attended the reception held after the McCart- ney - Minard wedding at Owen Sound. Ronnie McCartney. is the son of Jim and Audrey McCartney. Desboro. , :2 o-I‘I '7 7 years. Betty ‘dind Cliff have two sons, Clifford Jr. and Allan and two grandsons. Bruce and Trevor. Clifford and Sharon had a quiet family supper to celebrate the occasion. Other family members gathered in the evening for a visit. May we wish Clifford and} Betty many more happy years together. -Gary and Brian Howe. Cam- bridge. spent the weekend with George Howe and enjoyed some snowmobiling. -1n the District Legion contest. (which takes in the area from Tobermory to Kitchener) Rachel Hepburn was again successful in capturing a third prize for grade 7- with her essay 'Canadians?’ â€"Robert Urbshott and Norman Hepburn. along with all the other players from the Wiarton Atom "A" team. participated in the Minor Hockey Tournament held at Stayner over the week- end. Although the Wiarton team was not able to win they played really good hockey in their games against Shelbume his Friday night and Cooksville it Saturday night. The boys .3 ' preciated and enjoyed the has pitahty of the people of Stanye at whose home; they stayed praise is deserved by Mammy. . _ » and their shott