rB-c \lrs. lack Urbshorr) womrx's lNSl‘lTU’Yr MEET r\lr<. Ex.) Gilbert ha: hosrw to [he Mrrcn meeurlg or me C‘uxplc \‘nler ucrren': lmurure. Mrs. Harm (eve k‘r read 5rer Lure. Tuclw .rrcmrrrsrespor - ed [0 ha Roll cm, \rra: Can l Du L-‘nr ml, Ccm‘n uur} EDDIE l‘r heen recaer Lllar m: shcrr :r (naming and qr ram: , held in u: "u: Le \ llr‘l \ '. Hall .r mew \. (L ,rrd. IEEIERd 3r >3“: 3r r: ‘reucrldv anr vaunted. Clirfore Gllherr renamed Juudall' rmrrrg or H3sz and 511d :Lrncles «prrs- arrr tor me ‘lu Al the or:an v35 \orerl mwards eaur; .AJDH d1 Gaizwa‘, 5‘ J iflv A rum :ll' Lhe Hlsrory 01 Bruce urn LIL-1 on mu re [he arupcrrx rl me women‘s lxsmureV A Lner r from r. uncr presidtnr. r[ lelhr‘ wasread Trlclr .mn a was chosen ern xcver - Dull Meal .r it’ tend meme for a 1m: forum suggesumr. MP. \vlll Cranlord and HIE. gums VALLEY and DISIILIQMM {x Mr an; Mr: Don Pruder. : 6/ Mr and Mrs Arr Haley 3am: girls rr Nillgrove were weekend L')<llnr> with Mr and Mrs Clifford Gilbtri. Sharon and Dianne Helm remamed for a week's \ucauon. \uee d visimr: with Mr and Mrs Searg: MrCarmey were ' xx .4le Mrs Fred Grimwmd and lamin ol Hanover, David Mc- Coy and Bob McCartney of Dur- ham, dud Mr and Mrs Emeraun lvr‘kfly and family or wiarran area. Nis~ Curalie McCartney of Guru Suund is spending a few dars Mrh her parents. rsr Wayne Mckone oz" srrarlord \' Led mm lxlr and Mrs airfare L Aberl, Clllrurrj Gilbert lr., 3M] zap Eva Gilbert and Howard .:.cr rlre ueehcnd. 1r anc Mrs Jack (.oveney and girls cl :cndon and Miss Anne Ccaeney anr. Ln=rrd ul Hamll- rorl are vataria ng rhls week ur lheir manage here. \ :5 Debbie Caudle ul Lion‘s llcarl is spendlng rms week mm he: grandparents, Mr and Mrs Percy Howe. Mr Bah Fidlex of Wondsroch vls‘lrarl Sunday wirh Mr and Mrs FL: Home and George. Mr and Mrs Albert Mchn and szudra cl Leirlr visited Sate -urday wlm Mn James McLean ‘ Mabel h ‘ PURPLE VAL (By Mrs. lJclr L'rbshoul ‘ A number of ladle: from here arrended the Bruce North DIED ricr women's lnsurure Annual meenng n Perl Fay Thundzy. Qungrarulaucrns m l\ l3. Eva Gilbert, 5 lle memner of Fur pl: Valley' w.l. who received her life membershlp carc ar-the meenng. Congrarulmon; also Lo the Purple Vallch 4-H Hams" making Club glrls arm rhelr leaders, h‘rsr Wm. Hepburn and Mrs. George cCarmer, who were mvlred rr ~er Llp lhelr lovely display or harm Suppers 5r [he Dislnr‘r Anrmal ween-nu The Youth GroLp memt‘els erLoL‘Ed a sacral evemruz at Cape Crclzer recenrlv/r du dunked the lnsur ‘ and Ralph. Sundav vjsllors 1cm " Mr and Mrs Rae crelg and l crurdren or Newmarkcr vlsired l Monday wivh ML and Mr: Don Pruder. Miss Joy Fmdcr rerurned ro Toronto Sunday alrer spending a few days wrrh her parenn, Mr and Mrs Don Prmler. Mrs James Mrlean won rhe draw 0“ the homemade qun: on Saturday. Mr and Mrs Manuel Mum! and Mary, Hector Birrolf nnï¬ mus of Willowdale, and Miss Grace Smirh of Torolllu were weekend Vlsimrs will: Mr and Mrs Jack Urhehmr and family. eunday visirnrs were Mr and Mr: Keith Fax and ramuy DfCoDlrsmll: an Mrs Allan llowe nf Culpoy's Mrs, James McLesn and mlyr. ulslrac Sunday wh Mr. and ‘ lrs. Wu McLean and lamrly <1 Leirh. Mr and Mrs -. For and farmly of Cooks‘vllle vislred :Sunday \nrh Mrs Flrla Hepburn. Vlsirorr ("ring the weekend ‘ wlrh Mr and Mrs Wayne Ward ‘ and family were hr and Mrs 1 Doug McLeod and Mark, and \lr :Lrld Mrs rrnk or’ Elllou Lake ' » and Mrs Jack szphell and Joanne or Wiarrorl, and Mr and - Mr: Claymll Mackle and bov: or Hone Ness. ' Mr and Mrs Wm. John Craw» ford or wmrrcn vmred recenrll mm E’éEilben Bay, worrh. Visilurs spending (he weekend at their respecdve corrages were Mr and Mrs Iacll Coveney and gllls or London, Mr and Mrs Grenville Crawford of Waterloo. and Lame Lrawfurd Dl Barrie, Mr and Mr; Clarence llooay of Suarlord, Arr Km}; and Dave Gardlner of Toronm. and M: of Suarfurd. Bill McCaImey and Bill Case- mo visitor: wuh Mr and Mrs George McCarmey. and Mr James Kay ul Chars - and Mrs Dun McKone and Darrin re oi Owen Snllnd were lecem (By Mrsr Jack Urbsl There was a fair art: at me Women's lnsu‘w pancake “upper held E: evening at the home 0 Mrs Lloyd Burr. A qmlt'mg bee was 114 nesday a! me home of James Urbsl‘IULT. Wayne and Alvin wg Jack Urhsho'rl attended Equipment Convenclon Brampton recently. Mr and Mrs Manuel 1 and Mary, Mr Hecror and sons and Mr and IV Wllewall. all 0! Wlllo and Miss Grace Smith unto, Spcfll the week: Mr and Mrs lick Vlrbsl and Mrs llerzlnr Coven Fannly were Sunday vr Mr and Mrs Carman and family or Lion‘s! vislrcu recenrly wirln Mrs Percy Howe and ( Mlss Mary Jo Cavern Owen Sound spent rhe with her parenls. Mrs larrcs Mcl ean \vilh rclanves at Lion dunng Lhe wuckend, The regular church wlll hr; held a! (ha ha Mr and Mr; HHZLDK Ci’ ‘ March 'M". The Chamberlain buy get ‘arcluse‘ Hunk a! ,wapfl'l,‘ holfls‘ wherz‘ the maple sap o ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ raw zklflf which can 0an ed at this Ll- "mg-lo mi: ~ the m2 ‘ es ' J‘gsé'fmni is their :V'se' r ' it ha’Ls- ‘ ‘tw‘ ‘yearnlfl E‘