Firsjsiénf ' i Five life members of the Oliphant Women‘s ,XA- War I war eti'ort. On the ï¬rst exgcutu’fe were'; Institute attended a recent meeting Standing .I' I )Prcs.-Mrs. John Walsh. lst Vice-Pres.-Mrs. from the left are Mrs. Wm. McKenzie. Mrs. , 7 1 Wm. Moore: 2nd Vice<Prcs.-Mrs. pecllï¬wdfl John Winskill. and Mrs. Earl Crandon‘ Seared 1/? Scc.~Treas.-Mrs. Murdodr MCKenzIe' Dlrectgrs ,t ‘ ,- are Mrs. .135 Hyatt and Mrs, Clayton Davtdson. »Mrs. Alex Moore. Mrs. John Fox an Mr’s'. W. ‘ : The Oliphant branch was organized on May 17, H. Wright. There was a membership of 25. Wnrtrun Hmwn a mr-rnber of the Bruce County home 1917 in thc Oliphant Methodist Church. Their Mrs. Hyatt and Mrs. Wlnsklll are Charter ‘ Immutth M!) a v ’Il say on \lrsi Kt Grljflths, first member main objective then was to assist in the World members to takt- u]: imm- Hm at havway Havnn 1n Wtarton. The honour wz‘ t 1mm x] upon ‘tl Imifliths at a Curr-many held to present . 14 admin at a ")Vll’tl‘ 1n mining hr‘lpers held last Thursday at [In home. Front Row left to right: Byron Bray Fred Ceasar Wesle Bra Mum. .’\l: \mm, 1mm. Waxdm, 'Mac Caasar,’ Ethel yHayeZ: courtesy omusseu cessat- Clnra! .7: .Ruby Arr-lulr, Laura Slocum. Sm'DnIl How: John Fowltw, Hay Cameron, Albert Bray, Geo. Third Row: Sandy Fowlle, Jack Gillies, Bill Slocum, ArtSlocum, Chumh. r» (Tvflr‘llur) Herman Slocum, Bert Warder, Jean Mcâ€" Mary McMaster, Jessie Kayes , Mary Brown, Pearl Cameron, Ma ,(t 1, [null- \II‘VSSlt‘X‘. Emma Brown.