:y Satuuiny moonlit†ds were also hare. an 1 had! each one pim’o , 1 and :h cup of «him ,nd supper wh'iie Ian mgr y 1228 aii day ‘Sutumiu fl ie time of writing (M ,r Bay is isolatedg exam ,mora hardy folk who wok ( the anowhunvim For nearly .rinonth Drank Nadjiwon'a have ‘oeen snowedv in- with- oheir only con- 4 nection with hhe oui‘side hdngtheir son-inâ€"inw, Giies Keeshig’s, trips through two miles of fieldb on- snowshoes with a handsieighr to haul in suplies. M a baby is emectea in that household, in three weeko. .they are moot anxious to have their «and opened. More snow is inkling here today - and we are praying that the wind‘ doesn’t come up, though most lar- ders are stocked for two weeks. No school in Sidney Bay in two weeks. and> no sign of any. Buil- dozers nre expected- in this week. DOCK REPAIRS An animated $34900 will be spent on dock repairs in Bruce County this year. \, {it GRUB was getting slim at Cape Crokw last week as the Reserve was mowbound' im- a week, some sections for two weeks 011 more. This group was among the residents who walked out to Gilberu’ More M. Purple Valley b0 bring in some staples. Ready to head l 11 me with sleigh‘loads of provisions here. are from‘lzft, Hector Clhrveriey. Clifford‘ Solomon, Bert Ashkewe, lime Maurice Solomon, pushing from behind, and- Cleve Pedoniq-uotte.