is, school house was built in its present location; and the 1 Orangemen erected an Orange Hall near the site of the present structure. This was in 1888. Mathew Kennedy who lived across the road from where Harry Pruder now lives, his son Dave, James Crawford, and people by the name of Hurst's were a few of the Orange enthusiasts responsible for the first Orange Hall. John Wright, father of Dalton bright, carried the first drum used by the Lodge from mount Forest. Allan and william tough made their own kettle drums from leather which they tanned themselves. All the early settlers, in what was known as the Wntohorn Settlement or Watchorn Valley, were devoted Orangemen. A few of these were the Crawford brothers, "illium, James, and Joeiah and a cousin Robert; and others of the same mettle: the Kennedy's, the Rogues, the Wilson's, the Craig‘s, and the hood‘s. I would like to mention here that Charles hoods, hrs. Harry Pruder's father, was one of the early members of tho sodas. His badge is kept by the Lodge, in trust from hrs. Lruuer, as a symbol of its humble beginnings. q, It was from the Orange Lodge that Purple Valley received its name. When the Post Office Was established, Ale; hCNslll, “.9. at that time, suggested to Charles Latchorn that it be called after him. But Mr. hatchorn would have none of it; the Post Office would have to be called Puryle Valley for Parole Valley L.0.L. 938 was the name written on the banner; and it would not do to march at the twelfth under a banner marked other than the place they came from. do Purple Valley it became. But now I must bring this account to a close. Due to lack of time and neceseary information, a more complete history of the Lodge's beginnings could not be written. I close with the hope that this writing will be corrected if error exists and that if other' facts are omitted, they will be added. I also hope that someone, more capable than I, will in the near future complete the History of the Purple Valley Orange Lodge. (Written by Hector Howe for women's Institute)