after paying the minister's salary of $50.00. The church officers were: T. Bell, Chas. hatchorn, Geo. Howe, Edward Thompson, John Crawford, James and Robert Crawford and John Pruder. At that time there were 15 families, 80 persons in all as church members. Average attendance was 40. T. E. Higley (1887), Rev. W.F. Brownlee, Rev. J.H. theod (1896) came in succession. Services were held in the Orange Hall as it was more central, and each vestry meeting was held at the home of W. H. Rothwell. Jae. Coveney was secretary at this time. In the year 1905, the congregation decided to move the church from Bells Corner to Purple Valley. hr. Hugh Crawford, Ben Howe and George Howe were appointed a committee for that purpose. At this meeting it was decided to ask hr. Frank Waugh to make an estimate of the cost of putting up the building, closing it in, boarding it inside and out, roofs and floors laid, and windows and doors in. It is believed it was built at the present site in 1907 on the corner of “mi howe's farm. John Schales and Wm. Howe were wardens at that time. Rev. Jabes Grandier followed in the footsteps of Rev. LcLeod. Mr. Grandier came from Pelee Island. He held services here for 13 years. He lived at Lion‘s Head and made the trip by horse and buggy a distance of around 19 or 20 miles. After hr. Grandier came Rev. E. v. James. He came early in 1912 and ministered here for nearly two years. He resided at lion's Head. The first few years, he made the trip by horse and buggy, but in later years by car. He left in l933. Rev. Jack James, Rev. James C. Caley, Rev. Geo. h. Robes (1536), Rev. A. E. Taverner (1940) Mr. Harold Bell, a student (1942), Rev. Mr. Ruck, Rev. Geo. S. Honour (1945) followed in succession. The latter three resided in Wiartcn. At one time there were only five families to keep the church going. At the present time there are 22 members. Services are held every other Sunday evening in the summer months. Dedicated Service preached by Rev. Scoon of Hiarton from church to Women's Institute July 5, 1959. The deed brought up July 13, 1959 in Wiarton 9:40 h.h. by Mr. Downs. The present officers are: Samuel Pruder, PeOples Harden; Ben Howe, minister's Warden, hrs. Herb Gilbert, Vestry Clerk.