’ /{ Tweedsmuir Histogx " Past Conveners" Mrs. J,E. Hudson, Mrs. M.G. Meir, Mrs. H. Ross Campbell,Mrs Alfred Lenser Mrs. Gordon Campbell, Mrs. Stanley Fraser, Mrs. Don. Campbell, and Mrs. Don.Dodd, In I96I this book has been typed and compiled by the Historical Committee Mrs. H. Ross Campbell, Hrs. Ben VanDusen , Mrs. Alfred Lenser, Mrs. Don. Campbell, President, and the Secretary Mrs. Gordon Campbell. The information we received through the fine co-dperation of the members and their friends. Future Historical Research Conveners I962 Mnners- Mrs. D. Van Dunes, Mrs. G. Campbell, Mrs. D. Campbell 1963 " " " " 1 ' Curator " Convener: ' " 'Wâ€" I II II N {g N N 1967 curator Mrs. H. Ross Campbell H W N W u n n u II ll '1 fl 1971 " " " " n V! ll ‘7 n W I! ll u n n N 1' H '7 'l n It W n 1 _85 II II II n 1985 “ Mrs. James Fraser 1986â€"88 " Mrs. H. Ross Campbell 1989 - " Mrs. Ben (Peg) VanDusen