â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"_--â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-_â€"â€"-E. . ï¬l‘f‘g r g '5 Through memhershup In your m ~.,i - vou lain wnh women across C v u: Institutes 0|" Canada ‘ lhroughoul [he wnrld‘ workiuu n. finding solutions 19 carnmon (.l is .1 lbdt-rmiun nl' pl‘fll'llll 53' 5‘ Samï¬ a. "w cflnmms a. m W . a .3 ~11: “ "me" ‘ l""‘â€â€œâ€œ"‘ Insti‘lules a! Canada art: The ol)ics‘li\'eh ul- llw l'ulvrnlinn :u'v: Agriculture 0 Canndmn Unr' 1 Child Cam I Educnlum a E l ‘ Equal-iv For Women 0 F 7 Hunllh 0 Human Righti o P-‘u up ‘ i‘l Em‘ Women and Thrllnol u; 0T0 provide a united nalional voice for all Women‘s Institutes of Canada _. . I To initiate nmional programs and prnvida resource mmerial 0 To provide a medium at in(ar~communi- Women‘s Institutes of Canada my cation among the units of mu “amnion opportunities lur persnnnl neweupw. nt »- shnring Elllï¬flfll'lCES wuh Ulhb’r “mm-u .To provide leadership in the promoï¬on of Our mamhwship Is “UH'IHVY' in“ Canadian ugrlcullure and community living non-seclurum and non-mmnl Our purpose Is in inform worm-n 1.x :m» I To develop reuponsibla Citizens through (i may make dumsmns wmch w.“ mm,†7 i “"3 “UdV 0' issues 0' "mum!" Mid a; quill-IV of life lor themselves, their l.m' ‘ - international impunance ‘ [heir cummumllas and mo world awn: ma<on1vrluurvv wan-w. - Ilm Allotmuui Cmmm Wnnmu .a u. .- vi.-