V; IL I 1’1 Thursday 10 members of Mar W.l. gath« ered at the hall. Program books. were hand- ed out. Ruth did a. little talk on mothers while the roll call was saying something about the background of our mothers. Doreen took the show by teaching a bit on health and ï¬tness. She ended this with a few simple exerctses of which may become part of our regular meetings. Sharon has taken on the role of treasurer and we thank her very much. May 27 is the date for the hall to be prepared for our ï¬sh dinner on May 30. Start time Will be 4:30 for the fish dinner with Howell‘s great I ï¬sh. veggies. potatoes and homebaked pies. Happy birthday to Betty Weir on May 24. ,7 :43 ' Lï¬wilhl (L414? / , t do: ELI/“MW 1. $251.. . afford 25â€"0 Jhaâ€"Aâ€"f 54-3 xii; / was AWL 7771.7 517 2 :szz;,.4w $.1aacd. y (gleam-C / f7 1Z5 9.49.1244) M W /w A My About 230 dinners served at Mar ï¬sh fry MES 13mean Last week the rain and cold wind had us dressing in layers. The sunshine was nice when we saw it but only the brave wore shorts, Besides the legs are too white to be exposed. Hopefully by this past weekend after watching the horse show in Purple Valley on Saturday we will all be defrosted and onto the baking stage. Just as the dinner bell rang for the Mar ï¬sh dinner. the skies darkened. thunder and light- ning started and down came the rain. We were ï¬ne except the parking turned a bit muddy. John Schmidt. Kim White and Jim parked over 40 cars in an hour. People were from London. Hamilton, New Jersey. Michigan. Brantford. Essex. Florida, Toronto. Lemington. Windsor. Stratford. Kitchener. Waterloo and Campbeltford. Halfway through the rain stopped and the sun came back out. We seemed to have a slow start with the ï¬sh but the people patiently waited There was plenty of room to sit and eat. Around 230 meals were served at the Mar Fish dinner. Thanks to Chris Rankin and to Lorne and Ruth Tuck‘s grandson. Justin. for doing dishes. Jennifer Rankin carâ€" ried the ï¬sh up the stairs. Herr/f Weir cut the grass to make Mar grounds nice for the visitors. Red Bay is ready for summer and its tourists. The beach has been graded, cleared and cleaned. The flower planters are waiting their precious contents for less windy, chilly conditions. June l1 at 7 pin will he the Mar Women's Institute meeting at the hall. Roll call is to something about your long time best friend. Guests are welcome, Gary Weirhas lost his ï¬rsimh to a coyote. I saw a bear front paw print while in the hack bush. Yellow Ladysljppers are now blooming. Blue Eyed grass. look in the Pulpit and choke cherries are all blooming. The Jack in the Pulpit is very hard to notice. as it is a green and brown low to the ground tubular flower. It has three green leaves like a Trillium and is found in wet swampy closed canopy forest cover. They are among my lack patch so I can't miss them. An Elliott gave me his Leek Pesto recipe to use on top of ï¬sh when cooking. Dig up your leeks and you can even use the green leaves. Grind them up with olive oil, a bit of garlic and Pannesarr cheese. Very tasty and spicy! A pair of Bald Headed eagles took over the Osprey nest on Sky Lake. They nest at least a month sooner than the Osprey and already were into the hatching stage When the other pair of birds arrived. So there must be enough ofASkyLake to warrant such a move; Happy birthday to Sharon Wilson on June 7. How did you ever grow up with such a crazy brother such as Howie Weir? You must have some stories to tell! Happy birthday to Rose McAllister on June 8. June Johnson has her. birthday on June 10. ‘ Tents-Caterpillars. are making a mess of the smaller shnilis and' lower branches of trees. Most have moved out of the tent to cre- ' are destruction of the leaves of these trees. Soon they will be in the roadways being squished by ‘ the traflic and that may not be a bad thing. food c‘ontiï¬g‘o’ut ‘ m2