‘Iï¬e ‘Fezferatecf Women '5 Institutes ofOntan'o congratuflztus t/Ec past and i present @mnc/i Tweezï¬muz'r Curators on Eez'ng awarde tï¬c Suddd'z'ngJ-uurd' ry‘flceflénce 5y tï¬e Ontario Historical' Society. ‘Iï¬e Scafï¬ngflwanquï¬gefï¬nce recognizes :1 ï¬stton’mfsocicty or fian'wdu group tï¬at fias mad}: an outstanding contn'Eution to tï¬cï¬ulli'qf/Eutom ,1 copy qftï¬e certificate presented’at t/ie @row'ncmeonflrcnc-c 300-4 and accepteJ 5}) (Peggy McLeocf, (ProvinciafTwecrfsmuir Cum tor on (io/ialffof TWIO (Brandi Curators is attacï¬eci 'Iï¬e tasliqf preserving Hie ï¬istory of your community ennc/ies tï¬e [ions of current antfï¬ttunz generatiom‘ {F’WIO appllzwf: tï¬e (Brancï¬ Curator: on winning tï¬zls prestzgzoux award: _‘..--,.- 1,- n- q- ._.- n- .L- .A- n- u- -1._ or. o - .v n. ,‘ (angraï¬tézï¬bns‘z é Tine Stepï¬enson CF’WIO @reslifent v- (I. y- D