' METColm Women‘s Institute members consider twinning with Alberta branch The Mllmlm Women's institute nut fln “may, Mny 18, 1995, al the Fircltull Twelve :11an hetewere ptwt'lhemuehughegan mmOpeningod-aandmcMnry Stewart chum. sumpmre WI: read mm 2 by Mail] thk ’ Neighhurly News was given by Wanda Tumau, wlln glee md In intereutiug letter on "What are amutlmnthers'r' amt a rtmy called “111-. HzmMAII’s Shirt." The group watehetl part 5! the flw‘ï¬fmf: Blmwom‘l Mg rarntte, as well as t vidco mulled “Cooking Summing Up "This uttleu flames mlll'mon inlmmutimt. mus ht beet and recipe suggestions and Is distrihuteu lhmugh Iht Knechkl entree ‘ The quill to he enteretl tn the Panicipmml tmtge wmpcttumt was dis layert and everyone involved witg themalrtugotthuheauhhllqutlt was mmde The many and ueasurlr's repert were run amt mpterl. Following a delicious lunch the mmimss portion at the meeting was dealt with An invitation was mil/ed irom the Cheney hruneh to “it: ' ' at their plaque at Riverside Neon uttesuthrn,Aswell,en invila‘wn was Kath/a1] hum mt Pan Elgin lunmr Famlus lo the 15th Aumvemry celehmhun nil tune in it Malcolm Women's Institute holds Consumer Aflairs' meeting Fol their ï¬rst guthariug al‘ the tall, utemherr at the Malwlm Wumen's luutirute heltltheirsmtemhertueeungun murmur, theilutatthelalmweudnre Hall. Deiiylzlyd in he the CAmsmllz‘r's Astaire meeting the theme chwsen wns "souls", Simun Incubus and on: visi- trtrauewemd themllmllhyuumingthe 1:" bank which, eaeh had rend Euthusiauue rerpuuscu imitated a wide vmlflnn ht interests IIInt the gtpup. whether trending rur mm or entity- mgt; and whether mums ehueee In re newspapers, mars, tumult: baptism-dis. m or writing in whatever germ, emirumer wdi tut printed material: mane (a quite sigtiï¬e taut big lawman ngnm participants took Innis reviewing a built that cad: had teeenrly lead aull enjoyed. utla Tumtn reviewed a total hiutm-y (book entitled “Experiences M u Baum-tapas Ma") ‘7 mnwitamheeutury Mention» tit-enut'iiwuit t-irler whu maintain: umufï¬pmwn'sï¬ush “mustle m. _ _ V I: H.331“: xitetteu mien sue mun-tum thin-M: when would melt: in lb: "may in 2wmnss ofcurmlt chum: culttue as it relnln m the rulet at Chums: women in tamin lite fllcflnrydntmlsafllinse mmhere daughul reluiuttslttp and their experre hum; as emigruhte tu Amtnm Recummeudeu rendtug hy Barh wages utcluded rt lengthy navel cllllllod “The Glass hke," seven] wukboeh: wmyllud pu hehaltotthe bean powzr's tritium, ether heulth-smm centimetre and the Humumulrer's Magame The Counlxy Woman nguin: was 21w tu y rated. meditation “A Youth Credo" was pnsulted hy Ruth EngeL and tut Neighhutly News .ntmhers eneh rpotre eta summer highllynv During the husinest Sllslou, plans were made har sevetal upcoming fall events Bath Klagts will he dclrgalr to the Grey-Bruce A!“ Convumon m Owen Solmd mt ampher 3m, and Vinln Bluhm 1nd Earh Klzga will attend the lame unmty wt ltuuy ut Belmore tau Gautier 19th, us aelegme, miter m pnwidz delegate wring dmon, time was spent amassing the mitt-inns that will mm: belnre the uren mnvcmjml Ihete will include matters concerning the tun-porting of water In United tmmmmmmmmof‘ the Undflwaud vrnnntumtn r Mere trttprtrtatton rnrt h: hhtnnttt hum Lynthia Haiildxy at 3n:th The new focus ll! Illc Wumtll r lmhltfle for the upcllmmg M “5:52 anel Haitithy Communltlc national twrnntng plug m ht Inflimtei i$ bung ttrtttettntrun tn which hmncltes tram Onittnil will he lwinned with hunches lrl Attmla cur ghup will pnlsuc lhï¬ hmhel At the next mwullg A motion was ninth» and arm to have u Fumt Booth at the stettn show at Bob Luwc't Furl“ tin August 25. We will tllm have u Lina! in the Lilcslvy ttemcmtntng Fertile The next meeting will thtt pine tvrt June 11,1995 at the Scam sthnhl At 8 p 1“. Evelyn": it wtteumt in aumd unuhnngagutrt strategic lu'ratl ldlldmtflks, the manure.» mm urlxtter qhtllty uppcls and the the nfB.S.T. (Bovine litrnnrnteTtettmrntt "the gmttp will mist ut mt Scntmg ot the urea Lth Banquet tn Elmwood on 0cm" 1% unrt tut the timber mri ingflmywfllbehkillgabllstnplolhe Bah area In learn uhuut the artuhemy induslry lemlm branch will hr prc- senttng nn "Evening Of Window Fashions" m the Flmwood Community Ccnlm on nursmy. October 26m and tickets will be nvuilehle ï¬llm any nlenl~ her thmughout the month. On display ut the meeting we r lovely plaque sent it. the gimp m "cognition at their third prime aunt entry in the mng zahun category at (m Chcslrv Homewming Parade up lnly lVL