Maegan \uomEAl' LNSNT ‘T\XÂ¥ a 3 ‘5 D2: Women’s Institutes celebrate by Ann: Fun-aw [Axis Friehmger nr Walkcnnn pmsided rur tlte Furliult Annual Brim: County Rally, In ltur ripen» ing poem she challenged mrmhars to Imus: metr awompttslunmu. thus intrpduciug Ihe flllme “Markating the W1.†At this merr- ing in Batman, out. 19. 1995, a welcome was axtandrd by Betty Stamml rnr rltu Bruce Scu|h District. Warden Pull Eaglmn bmngh! gnelings truru Bruce County Cmtncil, mmmg apple- cialiml tor the anzn's lnshlule u a lap vulnntaar cnnm'humr in "I: courtly, mu ts, mummy Eurrrprua, Wrdnsdzy. Votwlhcr I! IN: 40th annual rally in Mrnmnam was cullduuecl py Viula Chamhexs and nurnnn Wrighlson (If Zinn-Amahel Bunch, Pmsidcnl Fricbuigcl thanked tttc members fur lhexr :uppurl 5n: also manna Ihns: rarpunripla tut Ill: “va5 pt Bruce" proglam fut elunanrury utltnul childrbn A lun- ner prrparad [or this and OH)“ Women‘s Ins|i|ulc [unuicns wus diaplayad, Wanltu Haltday mad a report ,praparad by Audicy Ulldcrwmd (in the Emu: County Museum untl Animus, =mphasizing Hie amt lance unite Mtltlary Gallery "(DIP ttructtnn Mitre ultnm v nctdcd ~t th‘mnluldul mg mlulinp thl: nuntm tif mml» lnm ruprmnung wrrnun , Insllnttc un thc Muimm hmllt u but uternlten. an tlu rellit'mutll ut presant appmllttns. up appuwul A Milkshup ult tru tux mun try Fun Fund], Ami rr _run at nttltnatur. untitled mumhun tn utu rust and inrrnulnu- mclhudn ut rnlurrnututn in rum 7 .nturmutp .HIAI wuulu whitc Through pmgnlmmmg. rr‘ Illuliuns, punlu lLIrluuln, ru. u hull and th tin. pmunut pump and Commumly uuurn tirgdm can b: y'vell u lligltet pmï¬l: in the gulch public, rurrall cxplaulul, Lnuisc Muyar, Area Public Ralarlons omcar, urgad members |a oryrl'izz lhml’ "taught: so that wltan ukcd wit-t w.l tr, they ran luv: a gun! unwer Promote ymtr ilfllflM through oelchnllens, radw intrrvtcws. hulleuu ponds, and any wmmumly :venls.C1nsmglh= wmkshup with u skit and argunih mg the audiauca into a pep rally, Funcll lrtt rlrr membevs with arceltaru idnna and tnurlt antnutu aarn. Margaret Mclnnrs {or the Bruce Cnuuty Tzrun Camille: nullrnaa lltctr worlr in the past ycai‘ announcing a lug: purclus: nfllv- tin mateml. Three 44-! mambars tppltcd tor the Bruce County Schuluship, rapannd Judy McKinnnlI. m wtn- llcl’ WIS Tar: Thank“, a seMmd year student at in: Univarnuy of Gualplt A [hulk you card was rrczived rrnrn Thank" tur tltn mnmury awurd and tlta punk “A l-ltstu ulEmm". Emily Buillzll, Twzedsmuir Htrtory Curator, tapurtett on nar wurtr tu update tug history nf ma rully, Wan Farrell lzporled lur 1h: "Rants 11‘ Emu" and thanked the uranium nu lllmr wppon cluhling them to previdc no In In!) rnuul. daily to the vatunturr: during lite event, Next year a stnutar pru, gnmmt: Wlll be held un All"! 9, in Ind tl. Kaun Km leprtscnhng OMAFRA irpurlni nn HIE Envimnrnemal l-unat Phil. u inrtrtar tart, runner driven prngrammr identifying risks in gmund water (mu Izrmtng praatrcas He urged the anm‘s Institutes it. truly. try suppomllg a wllrkshny lo thnalm turn lunilm wiIh the plan nutu Thomas conducted tit» eluctrrtu or nfï¬mm, PaMClllurpcmn Mn [1)Lm5 Fnchuvger, Wulkcrtun, Chuirpersnn M15 (1,] KM: Mctlhauscn, Lton': Ham, VlCl'r Chlilpusan' Mra (Rt Murluu Ulwry, Krncardinc; Second vtw Chtrpcriun' Mn (D! Malgarel pluyle, Tara, Third Viu‘r Chnrpcrson. Mt» (R t L pa Fnapurgar, Walkman; Secvctlttyr Trnwrm Mrs, (0) Hanna Stewart, Smkcs Bakes; Puhlm Ralatruus 0mm, Mrs (Kt Elaaupr McLellznd, Allanlurrl, Assisnnt PRO Mrs. (6.) Anna Farruw. Allanfmd‘, Twcndsmuu Hmury Curator Mrt, [1.] Emtly Bushell, Kincalfllnz. EntyrE rivalry Ut’v t‘nt" LtMmEN 'o t