After enjoying the delicious pillow to rest your head would be a good idea! Lamlash WJ. litermembers Grace Patterson and Helen Brailhwajte (also w.ll president) welcomed visl» tirst Harvest Tea and Sale last Saturday The ï¬rst at many more no doub tors to the w. baked goods. maybe a Elmwood W.|. talk of concerns A amt mum of wmn rod-y Ivu nu Roll Call maxed by the Etmwand Womw‘s rum: when theygxtltflnlihzuylmtlleAugn mum, nun- kphwflmmndtï¬m pm» 561“ Ind spam with m: an: and Mwsagxc‘am Mammal a M, . .. 4' vam§tn9fmdzvuï¬m5 by flu Lnul u Pnyu. In: Owen: ymmuymrymslckmsuul. tumumdzdmuglm ween vulqu mama's-m mwmvmrume naming mum 0mm 5mm rcpaflzd were the 51mm: Minna: hung nï¬md In rhildxen of Elmwood and "as, a Lnrr mu dumlging pmpmy norm-gal ot Mammal pthxmes sold in um “um mm mm: wedding; lu nu mug: and mu, Linda Mill" mnductzd I ‘Miacelllaneuus Kitctmt llm Cu Mt’ and rent 1 you]: "Excuse n Hausa". lull: Pegaln won Linda's must, Ruth Pegelu raid maul hummqu um; including ‘T‘H'l‘flw’mdlmvnsinnnfe ‘Chmn Lure" A pocm ‘1'an n Nulhin lhD Mum' wm‘ uu um rudby mm imam! cluscd wlrh o Clnidn null Gm: wu: mg A dullcmus lunch was small by me imam. .uul In :nwyable tuli luuu nr Mluwship wns null. September meeting M†h: luld S:pt. 7th at 6 pm Mrs. Bessie lAwwncerllbc gmlspeatmr. S=V=IIJ lliï¬ca fmm our lunch wtll attend m: Caunly Rally hung Mid this month u. Mealmd