\ re doys Lucn-W FeaMilli y momlng llre on May 29 resulted In | mllllon ln damages to the Lucknow II! Inc. Lucknow and Distrlct Flre 9;??gemggï¬gggéhiblazekwith assistance evaslallng blow to the new 0‘: '35“ er Departments taken ‘ ' ’ ’ I under the mutual aid agreement. It was a Living:;§n gï¬olzgfmessmon I ‘; szbon cuttmg ceremony Lucknovv'f’g3 SEWE Saga concluégs 2hr). LhC Lreamd Lucknow» «ï¬ver story cum-c to an and on Saturday mm Lhe ofï¬ml nbbon cuumg Ceremuny to mark tompleLion of the St» 02 mflhon pmjecl. The sanitary smug: COHECLNH system md treaunanl facnu; ‘ was built to scrum Lhc enurz‘ developed area of ' 1c Village of Lucknon. The sylcm conxms mainly 01' gram} {Cd semen flowing loacuslom-bmlrscmg pumping station :qunppcd ml“ standby diesel generaung pone: located all the scum end 01‘ Ingll: StrceL In addluon, pn‘wum sewers, fed by 1ndmd.. houxchold grinder pumps, pump into ms main gram-x yslem \‘c that the low areas m th: village can also beneï¬t from munlc [p.11 sewage collecLion .md ucalmcnl. ‘ From the pumping Slulifln, Lhe ylâ€"UM v‘l‘J George Anderson, Eldon Mann, Herb ClarkI sewage xs pumped through .1 Lh-c pump and Russell Whitby. Looklng on from the back 2500m long sewage forccmzun to 10 N M “New: 7A he and at the $6.02 mllllon sewage are Ed Sexsmlm Mlnlstry of Environment "15 Weaml‘mfacflilylwmem‘m Undfl‘Lmdm‘: m works. Reeve Stuart Reavle (tar pmiem coordinator and Bruce potter, of the village, in Ihc Townshlp lnxolu‘d [m shared the honor wlth, tram the left, Emacs; englneer (Pat lelngston photo) of Kmloss‘ dlmisal \Murray Elston, former oouncllIOrs ' Al the sewage mam“! hm“ ‘0 L’“ ““W ' - Ilage ot Lucknow hosted an ofllclal cutting ceremony last Saturday to