leader endeafror Gordon Cayley, who tetlred c. rode In Style In a 1955 Ford convertlble, this month from the Lucknow Central Publlc owned and driven by Emma Sklllen. Actlng as School. mny honors have been bestowed V “body guard" for the oelebrlty were Mlchael upon this man,‘ the last of whlcn took place Clanston (trout) and Todd Thomas In the rear. Friday and Sunday. It wasn't a tlclrer tape Floyd Stanley. LCPS prlnclpal and teacher Bill 7 McKeon lead the student processlon. On Sunday a farewell tea was held at the school. (Pat lelngston photo) ,butlttneantasmuehtostafland smdents at LcPS‘who took pen In the parade down Lupltnow‘s maln street, with members 'ot he Luoknow concert land, under the > *«ar\ . ‘ I r A 24-year cameras a shop teacher and band dlrectlon ot Doug Clark leadan the way. Mr 1 George Anderson, Eldon Mann, Herb Clark, WM Works Reeve Stuart Reavle (tar W won" 1 ,_ - nator and Bruce Potter, all], filmed the honor wnn, tram the left, a oss englneer. (Pat lelngston photo) Elston, lormer oounclllors ' ‘ - . ‘ .V s " "I The Vlllaur . Lucknow hosted an ofllclal ' ceremony last Saturday to andHussellWhnby.Looklngonlromtheback ml the $6.02 mllllon sewage are Ed Sexsmlth, Mlnlstry ol Envlronment