Fag‘ihdad'eu to By SHIRLEY WALKER Chronicle-Guide Staff In the past 31 years, Rev. Leo Hughes and his wife Margaret have become fa- miliar and much loved resi- dents of the Amprior area, ministering to their congre« gations. raising their family and sewing in the commu- nity. "We‘ve had a good rap- port with the folk in all the congregations." said Rev. Hughes. "Through church, we’ve become one flock, one family." Recently the popular 10- cal ï¬gure officially retired from the pulpit. In 1963, Leo Hughes graduated from the Presbyte- rian College of Montreal and with his Scottish born wife went to Kirkhill, in the County of Glengarry to begin his ministry. After his ordination, the Hughes packed up their pos- sessions and their ï¬ve chil» dren and made the move to Arnprior, Their youngest daughter. Catherine, was born three months after they arrived. "When we ï¬rst arrived. we were impressed." said Rev. Hughes. "It was a nice place to live and raise afamily." And Rev. Hughes was put to work right away. He served at the church in De- wars Settlement and in St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Arnprior. When the Dewars Settlement Church closed in 1986, Rev. Hughes added the Lochwin- noch Presbyterian Church to his charge. "People have said to me that it must be dull being a minister." ht: said. "But there are fun times. great memo. “‘35 and wonderful things II on ' - t y 1'51" i"‘U’l" your eyes Throughout his ministry, Rev. Hughes credits his wife and children for their con- stant support and under- standing. "The success of any min- istry has to be built with tre- mendous help from your wife and children," said Rev. Hughes."Margaret has been every bit as much a part of it as I have and the kids were always understanding and supportive. They made it so very much easier." The coâ€"operation of the elders and congregation are also high-points to Rev. Hughes. "They were always supâ€" portive of new ventures, pro- grams and ideas," he said. Over the years Rev. Hughes has served the com- . munity inmarty capacities, as a member of the ADMH board, the recreation board, the Ottawaska Housing board and as a coach for mi- nor hockey. He was an integral mem- ber of the Ministerial Pro- gram in the area, that developed a religious educa- tion program for area chil- dren. Margaret’s ancestry helped to introduce a "Scot- tish elervnent," giving the con- gregation much-enjoyed Scottish night outs. A founding member of the Rotary Club, Rev. Hughes is still very active in the club and plans to stay in- volved during his retirement. "The club is always looking for new members," he said. Rev. Hughes feels the high point of his ministry here was in 1976 when the 102 General Assembly was hosted in Arnprior. More than 350 visitors llooded the town and with the support of the uongrcgntion tlllti C(llllv munity lhe L'VL‘HI was :1 huge suecc Ready to relax: Reverend Leo Hughes and his wife Margaret are taking an extended holiday in Scotland before settling in this area to be close to family and friends and to do a little golï¬ng. The Hughes are taking an extended holiday in Scotland and, upon theirretum. plan to settle in the area to be close to four of their children and ï¬ve of their six grandchil< dren. "I‘ll still be involved in SOH'IC work," said Rev. Hughes. "Next your PM proh- alst chullcnge the high school kids to :i wnlk again. ’I ilL‘I'L‘ will be enough to do." Ru llnplu‘x has M'rt'lztl interests illlL‘Ll up to llll an) spare time he can ï¬nd. His 1,200 piece Coca-Cola col- lection is always waiting for new pieces and the local golf courses are beckoning him. "We‘ll never make the Masters. but Margaret and I like to golf.†hejokcd, "None of the pros will haw‘ any problems with us tlmugh." His people of Arnprioi turned out in shuu' lilt‘ll’ up- prccinllon lilt‘ lillt‘ilt‘\ :11 :m \plil ‘5 Iol .i lllllllt‘l .nul Imxl. llrc m or Honing il.lll at St John Chrysostom’s am- ply demonstrated the special place the couple holds in the hearts of the community. - "When we announced our retirement in January. it seemed like such :1 lougn‘u) oil. I don‘t think it‘s really set in yet.†said Rev Hughes. “ll probnhli \mn‘t lllllli i don‘t llL‘L‘li to go in on l mu; llns is :i new chapter in our il\l‘l‘eoplc \.1\ “You‘ll mun II.‘ .lllti l ttnt'u urn .Ii‘illll to luul that out " iRe‘VErehdI-iuï¬ï¬gs ‘