‘ 1H9“ Histo of Lochwinnoch homens Institute A branch of the Women’s Institute was first 0 ' ‘ . . _rgan d Lochwinnoch Church in 1913 and was amonn the first brnizï¬ OED the W. I. to be organized in Renfrew County. The membership was drawn from Castlefnrd Horton a sh n and LochWinnoch and carried on successfullv until mcmhergiiih. grew too strongly towards Castleford, when it was felt bv the Goshen members that the distance was too far to travel to Castleford to attend the meetings. Travelling in those days was not by automobile, but bv horse and buggy. In fact, many women often vmchd to qttcnn the meetings. When a branch was organized in Hoshen on Septewi>r 17. IUlh the original branch changed the name from Lochwinnnch fo TistlcVer as the majority of members lived in that cwmnnni-v vrnre there is still a very active branch. ' The minutes of that first orvaniratinn meetin» nH\"c' LED following officers: President â€" Hrs. Alex John Inn. ï¬nstlnfnrl: lst Vice Pres, â€" Mrs. Jas. Hiller. Jr., Goshen: -ecretarv- H“n. Wm. Neil. Castleford. Stringer of Rurnstown. The organizinc officer was Yrs. J19. Re-oranization: e present branch of the w. I. was organized on Kay 15th. 1739. in LochWinnoch School Hall with District Officers hrs. Walter Galbraith, presiding and Hrs. John T. Miller assisting as secretary. Mrs. Galbraith explained the aims and objects of the W. I. and installed the following officers: President - Mrs. Lindsay Storie lst Vice Pres. â€" Mrs. Morris Storie 2nd Vice Pres. - Miss Janet HcGregor (new ï¬re. (Rev.) Waétert) re. Sec. Trees. - Mrs. John Normand (now residing in Renfrew) Branch Directors - Mrs. Jas. F. Storie. Hrs. Clifford Philligs Mtes Frances Storie (Mrs. George Levellee Auditors - Miss Phyllis Young (Local teacher. new Mrs. Bond of Mrs. R. J. McGregor Ottewll ""bers who Joined this and are now deceased em: ‘35 Rose Phillips, Mrs. Edward Quest. W ' Jae. Early. are re rend cf the Girls Club? I - t 4‘23 3f the credit is duegfls “313151: leadership the 31. ‘ asset along educat . .