\lQ-‘i Secretary-Treasurer: Mrs. Howard Orr Convenors: Agriculture and Canadian Industries: Mrs. George Stewart Home Economics and Health: Mrs. Howard Orr Historical Research and Current Events: Mrs. William Farrell P.R.O. : Mrs. Ray Walden Resolutions: Mrs. Bill Elliott Cultural Activities: Mrs. Walter Farrell Citizenship and Education: Mrs. W.R. Lowry Ofï¬cers for 1972-1973 are as follows: Past President: Mrs. Allan Farrell President: Mrs. Keith Carter Isr Vice President: Mrs. George Stewart SecretaryuTreasurer: Mrs. Howard Orr Convenors: Agriculture and Canadian Industries: Mrs. George Stewart Home Economics and Health: Mrs. Howard Orr Historical Research and Current Events: Mrs. William Farrell P.R.0. : Mrs. Ray Walden Cultural Activities: Mrs. Waiter Farrell Citizenship and Education: Mrs. W.R. Lowry The slate of Ofï¬cers was read for 1972-1973 and installed by Mrs. Howard Harrison. The Ofï¬cers for 19734974 are as follows: Past President: Mrs. Keith Carter President: Mrs. George Stewart Secretary-Treasurer: Mrs. Howard Orr Assistant Secretary: Mrs. Stewart Farrell Convenors: Agriculture and Canadian IndustrieszMrs. George Stewart Citizenship and World Affairs: Mrs. Ray Walden Education and Cultural Activities: Mrs. W.R.Lowry Family and Consumer Affairs: Mrs. Bill Elliott Resolutions: Mrs. Howard Harrison P.R.O. :vacant Tweedsmuir Curator: Mrs. Stewart Farreil The ofï¬cers were installed by Mrs. Allan Farrell. The January 1974 members discussed the disbandiag of the Lisburn W.l. Branch. It was decided that all members he informed of this decision and the District President be invited to the February meeting. The February 1974 meeting was held at the home of Mrs. George Stewart. Guests that day were: Mrs. Frank Maulden, Bruce South W.l Secretary. Mrs. Frances Gemmei , Federation Representative; Mrs. James Kilpatriek, Bruce South W.l. President.