7 Kairshea Institute members meet in Lucknow KINLOSS at the Lucknow KAIRSH‘EA Town Hall nt 1030 INSTITUTE am. for the annual On Ami 21. [3 meeting. members of the The meeting Institute gathered ripened wilh the opening ode lolr lowed bv the Mary Slewarl Collect. Junc Gilchrist opened Wilh a poem 'anen‘r iarishea ladies heading to Blyth Festival Emisbm The Kairshea ladies met for their potluck supe per meeting in the basement of the Lucknow Town Hall on June 23 There was a good turnout and they enjoyed the delicious food. The business meeting followed. The ladies were reminded of the Quilt, Quills and Bears show and sale which will he held at the international Centre “I Mississauga from Sept. 16' is. _ 4-H Ontario will be celebrat- ing its 90th anniversary on July 9 and the institute decided to send a card of congratulations. After a short dis- cussion, the mem- hers decided to send a donation of $50 to the FWIO northern project in Labrador. July 28 is a spe- cial day for the Kairshea ladies as they will he going as a group to the Blyth Theatre tor the matinee Power: and Gloria. This play was written by Keith Roulston. The meeting closed With a gift exchange for our sunshine sisters and the singing of 0 Canada. Wlholds health, family program Kinloss Kairshea WI held their health and family issues program on NnLL'l in [he Lucknow Town Hall. WI grace was sung. A lovely lunch of soup and sandwiches pre- pared hy directors Sharon and Ann MacDougall was enjoya‘l. President June Gilchrist welcomed ll members and one guest and read a motto on life. She led in the opening ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Alice Doelman read the scripture from Luke, chapter 1. Gladys Johnston introduced the guest speaker, Dawn Wolfe. a psychiatric nurse. .She spoke on mental illness, say- ing that there is a stigma attached to people with mental illness. Statistics show that one in ï¬ve peo- ple will have a major menial disor- der that could hair pen to anyone. Most psychiatric hospitals are now closed and many are sent to live in group homes. There have been many important people that have been troubled with mental illness. One example is Winston Churchill who suffered from manic depre. "on. Depression is most treatable. She gave out pamphlets on men, tal illnesses. depres- sion and sehizo~ phrenia, The major chalâ€" lenge in the treat- ment of mental health is to get fund» ing for the treannent required, Alice Doelman Ihanketl Dawn [or a very interesting and informative talk. Marion gave a report of die Lion's dinner catered on Nov. l4, lune Gilchrist was nominated for the District Women’s Institute of Excellence Fair award. Members were reminded of the Cluislmas party to be held at the Anglican Parish Hall in December. Donna McBride gave the cnnrtesies The meeting closed with ’0 Canada ‘, Inxnnnr 'I'rlw' Ruth Lnngcn read the scripture St. Luke (1'43 “:9 Alice Ri ic read the minutes oi the Murch meeting which were approved. The can l‘fSinnanCE and business were dealt with. Thirteen nicrnr hers paid their I'eclot lhe roll call pl'iorlothc lunch The nieinhen look sandwiches and llie Duettnh S h u r u n MacDougnll. Belly Finlnyson and Gladys Johnston scrvcd rcllshc dessert and beverr age. Fnllouing the lunch. the meni- hers held their annual meeting Alice Ritchie was Jppuinled set- rotary and read tl’lt’ minutes lrom this last 'e mECllng. M a l I n n MacKinnon gave the truubulc 5 report Muriel MacKenue read the repon from tht‘ program cururdnu- tor. The volunteer houn for the mem- hers were about HUG mun: Gladys inhmnn installed the nllir ccrs and lit: meet ing closed with ’0 Ctmatlrl‘ Ol'llccrx lur lirUSrZOnh urc president Junt- (illchrlsl: \‘IL‘E- prcsulcnl. lrcnc Mulch:an t inry. AllLL‘ Ruclnc. uwstani \Ccrclun. Anti NluLDuugrlll. lrcaxurcr. Marion .VlucKinnnn. uNle- lunl treasurer. Ruth Lingm. pumit rclaliunx, Bt‘llv Humilltln: dNShldfll pulilit' rclntlims. M n r g u r c t Mowhray dmml tlzrcc'lnr, Junt- (iilclirisl Cilura» iiondl coordinntur. Andrea Fccl : CutJlUr. llL e ll.\ldt‘nh\'.lm1nr Lilli cranium“. Alice Dillll'llilll Karen Allen. branch director. R n t- l ; VanderKIippc. Anilrca Ft‘clc). Mll’hl’lll'li: Lunllilll' ten, Shawn MacDiIugnll. lrcnc Huhlcnhy: pllllll>l. lxa} Mclnlnxh. Ailtnct‘y new nulnc l’or Rcmlnllon