Museum Expansion: A Whole New Start A splendid new home is in the works for the excellent collection reflecting Bruce County’s past. From tiny dressmakers‘ tools tn gigantic l'arm implements. thousands of artilacts at the Bruce County Museum & Archives Show us our heritage Anctcnt in ‘. Firsl Naliuns heuilwurk. gleaming fumilurc. and intricate quilts all tell stancs critic past And now they will huuc an exciting future, as expanded display space showcases more of these treasures than the public has ever seen! Bmce County Museum & Archives is embarking on it maJor reconstruction. Beyond renovations and upgrading. the project is regarded as “a whole new start" for the counlyeuperuled facility. “This will give the Hull exhibitian opportunities not currently available, says Vlark Kraemer. chair of Bruce County Council's museum committee, and Mayor of the Town of Saugeen Shores which encompasses the Museum‘s Southampton location. “It’s very exciting to look forward to providing a great launching pad for creative cxplnration" he says "The whule county is gaining in many areas. a: the Museum becomes more user-friendly." An atLractinn for historians. ï¬lmmakers and family histnry researchers Bruce County Museum & Archives brings Visitors from all over Canada and die wnrld in our area. Why expansion? And why now? The Bruce County Museum was established in l‘) largely at the prompting of Women's Institutes. its iirst quarters, the former Public School in SouLl'mmpton, a two- storey structure built in 1373. have become known as the museum's "largest artifact". It now houses six "permanent" galleries, 2i basement workshop and storage area. All of the present galleries will be dismantled. replaced in the new smicturc by larger, more open gnllcrics. with an clcvalnr [truce county museum at archives , / urn»... in...“ gnu-min...“ A rendering of the new Museum Lobby. for better accessibility lts offAmainstreet neighbourhood includes institutional uses (churches, school. lawnbnwling cliih. hospital) and residences. including homes overlooking picluresque Fairy by Anne Judd The lngsrhnnlhmisc will in- mined In the mith ut tin 1878 building when the preset" Museum is uninuntii-a Lalte. Since 1976. on the itdjtllllll'lg \HC (if old Ctiiitiriiutitin School building. the Km; Wing has provided teptirtitc space fur archives. rcildilig ninin, tiliices. unit a \nnuiut hull tor tempnrury L'Xlliliilitti’h "ll‘ it weren‘t hit tin» Krug iamily. We would nut IV “'1ch tie are today, i (ntliillutlily mliscilm rt‘spcclctl hit in C\illhil\ ill’ld pit rams" my» Museum Directtiri’Ciirutul Bill'lldl’il Ribey. Although m|l\’Ct'nl\ prt‘u‘ric thi‘ pti~i. iiiut t‘JlIlhll remain ' atic, They llllhl rt-xptintl tti Cltml’l'iuriil) lit-uh. accessib issucx. and changing standards. For cuiiipic. the environmental Cl'llll’lllN iiecewary lti L’UHKL‘TH‘ documeflls uiitl iniluth han hccn tipgruued \l:\L‘I'tll titiit-x. but arc hclrm‘ [itcxcnl ~1‘L‘L‘lllt’lllnn5 Municipal ttilialgilliltillllih in tlic lulc luglls l‘liluglll tilt: need to prSK‘l'Vl‘ pttricr rt‘t‘tlrti\ I‘mni lhc (“mint-it‘s i'iiriiiur 31 LUWHA. vill‘ s, and lt|\\'ll~lllll~i. At tint- lllllJ. \ilLll matenai might . t- gotic [(i the Art-hum rii’ llnldrlib. l‘lll recent direction cmpliusi/cs keeping documenlx Ill tht-ir originating intuit: Wherc [tl put the hundrcd\ til hll\|:\ til municipal rut-mile mmuit hnnit. and pupm} in "(101. BIUCC Cilullly Ciiuiicii ugmeu with {L‘tblhlilh studies tiuti mount lili‘ pressing need {or un uthinuuu Museum 8: Aluhiic». Thu liiiii Ol Gulduiiith. Bnigal .tiid Compuny Lid, tlthllt‘Ll», hut tlt‘siy'nct‘l Ihi' nun i’iiuiiiiy They are the designers M such tiutsiulidiiig laiidiiiutlx .h the National Cullen til (‘xiti-titlit {Ottuuti ti Iiii‘ FL‘llti\’.llL‘ll Hurnn Counly Muxutllll {Gtidcrichi Amting then t-rt-tliis are more limit 40 Museum restorations nr I'Clltn‘lllltlll‘. including \(imi: previous wurl; iiI BCM AZ A. Old niingles with new Chrisitiphcr Btirgzil intended a recent intnrniuiitili diiy ill the Museum. and th'Ll hunt the design, "Thu grttw challenge is [lit‘ siic“ hr snitl "Wt- tsunth to “tirlt \yith the levels and shape til the pnipeit ml 110‘: crcutt- u hurricr between the street iintl Ftiiry l .ike' He said the Iicti design is meant to EnhunCU lJic Lln‘illlL'LlIlrJl \‘alucs til lhc ! ' schoolhouse. by picking up lllL‘mcx. hill not by rupiiniiiing an "old" look. "We're mng Cnlllcllllltilttl} ltCililtiltigy. inu we‘re pmserving sonic til the pmcni cirmt-mt‘ ilt- pointed overhead it) the nlflhkivc llL'illlh iii the cxhthiiinn hall: “diose trusses Utln hi; L’lll. flipped vertically. and tl‘xctl in the ncw trinity.“ Keeping unit upgrading the i873 \Ll’ltloiilmht‘ lliL' “CW structure will ctWBl’ J‘).0lli) ~tiit.irt- tcct in uh, uh approuiinuiely flu: sumc “ltititpnnt m the current nimciim That’s H.000 square feet iririrc spur-e than the L'Xlslillg