ERLAND LEE (1864 - I926) Of United Empire Loyaliat stock, Erland Lee had a reputation as a good farmer, and had a keen interest in the welfare nl' hie fellowman. On the Lee farm, he raised Jersey cattle. was one of the first to grow grapes commerciaHy. and he shipped curloads of RJ. Greenings apples from his orchards to the British market. He was one at the first maple producers in the area to use an evaporator. He served many organizations. accretaty of ni> local Fattnet‘.» Ins-titute for [9 years, Township Clerk for 20 years, first president Hi the Wenlwnrlh Seed Fair. president of (ht: Wentworth Agriculture Board. and Secretarvareasurer of the Saltfleet Agricultural Society. But it was his work with Mrst Adelaide Hunter Hoodlcsx to found the First Women's Institute in the world that gained him most acclaim. The organization was his idea originally; he convtneed Mrs. Huttdless of HS merit and proceeded to develop the Constitution and By-Laws and carried out the necessary negotiations With the MlnHlEl’ 0| Agriculture to secure dtc Charter. The F.rland Lcc (.Vluxenmt Home h now an historic me at Stoney Creek, preserved and I'llullfldltltd by the FCdL‘Hthd Women's [mtitutm of Ontario in memory 0| its eo-l'ttttndcr, [illilnd lee.